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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sierra Club to Host Week-Long Environmental Training for NM-TX Youth

From the Sierra Club: The Sierra Club and Sierra Student Coalition are hosting a week-long environmental training program, known as “Sprog,” with youth from all over New Mexico and Texas. The program takes place at the Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu NM from June 28th thru July 5th. More than 25 students from around the region will convene to participate in an intensive, educational and energizing week-long residential program, designed to provide participants with grassroots advocacy and organizing training. Students will also take part in challenging and rewarding outdoor activities and hear from environmental leaders from across New Mexico.

“The Environmental Youth Leadership Training will help create future environmental and community leaders by introducing, inspiring and educating young people, especially underrepresented minorities,” said Kristina Ortez, the Southwest Representative for Building Bridges to the Outdoors, Sierra Club’s National Youth program. “The students will build on their knowledge about environmental issues facing their local communities and will learn how to become actively involved in the providing solutions.”

“There is no opportunity quite like Sprog,” said David Bronstein, the New Mexico Environmental Youth Leadership Program’s director and a student at St. John’s College in Santa Fe. “It takes students that want to confront the climate crisis we are in right now, and gives them the skills to do so effectively, the mindset to do it strategically, and the supportive community to do it with."

The New Mexico program is one of eight youth leadership summer programs happening around the country. The training will provide students a context and tools to combat issues like climate change and environmental justice in their own communities.

About Sierra Club: The Sierra Club's members and supporters are more than 1.3 million of your friends and neighbors. Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet. The Club is America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. Our mission is to explore, enjoy and protect the planet. You can find out more about Sierra Club activities in New Mexico at the Rio Grande Chapter webpage.

June 27, 2009 at 10:14 AM in Energy, Environment, Events, Youth | Permalink


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