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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rep. Luján Discusses Hispanic Role in Clean Energy Economy in Speech to Hispanic Tech Group

Rep. Ben Ray Luján is becoming a go-to guy in Washington on both the green economy and Hispanic issues. He delivered a speech yesterday that covered both of these topics at the Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association’s (LISTA) second annual legislative technology forum. Rep. Luján discussed the role of Hispanics in an emerging clean energy economy and the opportunities for students and businesses to participate in a clean energy economy.

“We all know that as the Latino community continues to increase in numbers and influence, the success of a clean energy economy is dependent, in part, on involving the growing Hispanic community,” said Rep. Luján in a statement released today. “If our community is not a part of this movement, it will not only mean less opportunity for Hispanics but also a less successful green economy overall. We must ensure that our workforce is trained and ready for clean energy economy, and we must help Latino-owned small businesses prepare for a clean energy economy.”

“We have great challenges in front of us, but by engaging the entire country—from low-income families to small business owners, from at-risk youth to veterans—we can train workers for clean energy industries and help get our economy back on track.”

Rep. Luján is the Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’ Task Force on Green Economy and Renewable Energy. The Task Force explores ways to involve Latinos in a clean energy economy. In addition to chairing this CHC Task Force, Rep. Luján is a member of the Committee on Science and Technology, which works on research and development issues regarding new clean energy technology.

LISTA’s goal is to empower Latino technological and scientific engagement, broaden awareness of the current Latino impact on these sectors, and highlight areas of interest within the digital information age.

June 10, 2009 at 03:19 PM in Energy, Green Economy, Minority Issues, NM Congressional Delegation, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan | Permalink


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