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Thursday, June 11, 2009

NM House Delegation Encourages New Mexicans to Prepare for DTV Transition

DigitalTV_smallOn Friday, June 12, all TV stations will make a transition from analog signals to digital signals, requiring consumers who have televisions receiving signals from antennas to acquire a digital converter box. Once consumers have the converter box they will be able to continue to have free access to broadcast television channels. According to Nielson, as of April 26, among the 56 metered markets -- which represent approximately 70% of all U.S TV households -- Albuquerque-Santa Fe remains the least ready market with 8.77% completely unprepared. Representatives Martin Heinrich, Harry Teague and Ben Ray Luján have made information about the digital transition available on their Web sites (click names to view).

“Television is going digital on June 12, 2009, opening the door to new wireless services for consumers,” said Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-1) in a written statement. “To prepare the first congressional district for the transition, I’ve launched a Web site with key information, including how to request a converter box coupon.”

“We need to make sure every New Mexican has the information and resources they need to be prepared for the transition so they are not left in the dark on June 12th,” said Congressman Harry Teague. “If people have questions they can call the DTV Helpline at 1-888-388-2009 to get more information about installation, coupons, and any other questions they might have.”

“I urge all New Mexicans to prepare themselves for the digital television transition,” said Rep. Luján. “Any families that own televisions that use an antenna should get a digital converter box before June 12 in order to receive continual service.”

To assist consumers with the national transition to digital television (DTV), the U.S. Government has provided coupons to defray the cost of the converter boxes necessary for analog televisions to work in the new digital system. Coupons are still available and can be obtained by calling 1-888-388-2009 (voice) or 1-877-530-2634 (TTY) or visiting the DTV website at www.dtv.gov.

The FCC is also providing technical assistance to help consumers who experience installation problems. For technical assistance, including names of local DTV assistance organizations, call 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322) or go to www.dtv.gov.

Those affected by the changeover are TV consumers who receive television by antenna or “rabbit ears” or do not have a digital tuner in their television. Subscribers to satellite or cable television will not be affected at all -- everything will be handled by their service provider.

June 11, 2009 at 09:34 AM in Government, NM Congressional Delegation, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, Rep. Harry Teague (NM-02), Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink


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