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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

More Events Added to Historic June 6 GLBT Summit Day in Albuquerque


On Saturday, June 6, 2009 New Mexicans from across the state will gather at the University of New Mexico Law School for a Summit to discuss, promote, and strengthen the movement for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender equality in New Mexico. (See my previous post.) According to organizers, more than 100 participants have so far signed up to participate in the Summit from 25 communities throughout New Mexico. The Summit will take place from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM in Room 2402 at the Law School, located at 1117 Stanford, NE in Albuquerque (map).

“I’m proud that people from all communities in New Mexico will be here for this historic event,” said Robert Adams, one of the organizers for the Summit. “This summit will be made up of students, families, friends, and neighbors, all of whom believe that all New Mexicans deserve equal treatment under the law.”

ADDITIONAL EVENTS: Press Conference, Protest Prop 8 Rally and Champions of Equality Reception

More events have now been added to the June 6 schedule to make it a day-long affair. Even if you won't be participating in the Summit meeting itself, come on down and attend the events taking place right after the meeting. The new schedule:

10:00 AM - 4:30 PM: Summit, UNM Law School (details below)

5:00 PM: Press Conference to report on outcomes of Summit, Civic Plaza, Downtown Albuquerque

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Rally to protest California Prop 8 Supreme Court ruling, Civic Plaza, Downtown Albuquerque

5:30 PM to 7:30 PM: Equal Rights Champions Reception, 4th Street Nightclub, 109 4th Street NW (about a block south of Civic Plaza). Suggested Donation $20. Invited guests include Sen. Cisco McSorley, Rep. Mimi Stewart, Rep. Gail Chasey and many more. (All summit registrants will receive one complimentary ticket.)

SUMMIT INFO: All New Mexico Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Allied Organizations are encouraged to participate by sending a representative. Individual activists are also encouraged to attend. A facilitated community discussion will take place in order to build support around the next steps towards equality that should be taken by the New Mexico's GLBT community.

Learn about current and future efforts in regards to LGBT Equality:

The Summit on LGBT Rights in New Mexico is being hosted by an ad-hoc steering committee of activists who wish to engage the larger LGBTA community in a conversation about our future.

A discounted room rate has been secured at the Sandia Courtyard Hotel and Convention Center starting at $54/night plus tax. Contact the hotel directly at (505) 296-4852 and reference code LNOP. For more information or to RSVP, please contact summitlgbtNM@gmail.com or call (505) 266-3578. You can also sign up at the Summit FaceBook page and/or the Reception FaceBook page.

Recent events like the defeat of the Domestic Partnership Rights and Responsibilities Act (SB 12) during the 2009 New Mexico Legislative Session, passage of a marriage equality resolution by the State Central Committee of the Democratic Party of New Mexico and major marriage equality victories in several other states have prompted much soul searching on the part of the GLBT community and its allies regarding the best way to proceed in the new environment of change. I mean, even former VP Dick Cheney now supports same-sex marriage! The goal of the Summit is to use grassroots input to come up with an effective plan we can all rally around.

If you want to help shape the strategy going forward in the fight for equal civil rights for GLBT citizens, now's the time to RSVP and get active.

June 2, 2009 at 03:22 PM in Civil Liberties, Events, GLBT Rights, Local Politics | Permalink


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