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Friday, June 12, 2009

GLBT Community Weighs in on Obama Betrayal in DOMA Brief

Irony: Balloons for DPBC float for tomorrow's ABQ Pridefest parade

John Aravosis of Americablog put together a collection of quotes from others in the GLBT community who are writing in disbelief and anger about the brief on the Defense of Marriage Act issued today by the Obama administration. Do check it out. If you haven't already read it, please see my previous post on this.

June 12, 2009 at 08:30 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, Obama Administration | Permalink


There is only ONE question. What will Sotomayor rule on this issue?

Posted by: qofdisks | Jun 12, 2009 9:53:17 PM

I notice the press isn't interested in asking her anything about her views on GLBT civil rights.

Posted by: indigo | Jun 13, 2009 8:15:10 AM

I think Sotomayor is a liberal and will rule in the same manner as her replacement David Souter.

I don't think it is in the best interests of the GLBT community to pursue judicial review just yet. The court is divided with 4 conservatives(Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia) and with 4 potential liberals(Stevens, Ginsburg, Breyer, and Sotomayor). The key moderate is Justice Kennedy. This I don't think judicial review with this court is beneficial to the goals of the LGBT crowd.

I think it is still in the best interests of the LBGT to go the legislative course as diffiuclt and time consuming as that may be. Quite a number of states have constitutional amendments against gay marriage passed during the Bush election cycle. However I am sure there are many other states that don't have a specific law on the books just yet. I think the straegy of getting states to allow gay marriage one-by-one is the most effective way. Granted it won't be easy. The South and Bible-belt of the midwest is a long-shot of getting legislative support.(Iowa was based on judicial review).

I think the GBLT cause would be viewed favorably in the Pacific states(Washington, Oregon, Hawaii). And perhaps in the upper midwest such as Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Since the New England states have already broke the barrier. It is possible to have as much as 15 states in the foreseeable future with progressive laws.

On a federal basis....DOMA is a tricky boat of worms. I think the Democratic majority needs to address this. However, I can also see the perceive risks. Alot of these Democrats are from conservative districts/states. Perhaps Congress is waiting for the sky to clear. Given the economy, foreign issues, and healthcare. Perhaps Congress wants to take care of first-order business first while they still have the mandate and power.

Posted by: Dan | Jun 13, 2009 12:42:54 PM

Good analysis and one point of view. Remember that David Bois and that Ted Olson are pursuing a case to take to the Supreme Court on their own.

What needs to happen is pressure on Dems to speak out on this issue as a civil rights movement kind of thing. It is long past the time they could hide out without going on the record with their views or saying they support gay rights but doing nothing to advocate for it. That movement needs the straight community to join in large numbers.

It's one thing for Obama to take his time. It's another for him to allow such a bigoted brief full of wingnut talking points to go on the public record. Right wingers will be quoting that brief from here on out.

Posted by: Old Dem | Jun 13, 2009 12:55:21 PM

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