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Thursday, May 07, 2009

Southern Rail Runner Extension? Teague Bill to Study Public Transit Options for Southern New Mexico

Call it being proactive. Today Congressman Harry Teague (NM-02) released a statement announcing his introduction of the Southwestern Transit Corridor Planning and Fuel Use Reduction Act. The legislation is aimed at easing congestion and conserving energy for commuters in southern New Mexico.

“Residents of Las Cruces and El Paso deserve a first-rate transit option like commuter rail. This study will determine whether or not that’s feasible,” said Congressman Harry Teague in a written statement. “With funding from the Recovery Act we are already adding more lanes to I-10 between Las Cruces and El Paso, which is great. But adding more lanes can’t always be the solution. We need public transportation to ease congestion and save energy.”

The legislation provides for a feasibility study to look into additional public transportation options between Las Cruces and El Paso as a study to extend the Rail Runner south from Belen, New Mexico to El Paso, Texas and to stops in between. El Paso Congressman, Silvestre Reyes is a cosponsor of the legislation.

The bill was referred to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee of which Congressman Harry Teague is a member. The Committee will soon be taking up a reauthorization of the Surface Transportation Program which includes commuter rail.

The highly successful and popular Rail Runner currently runs between Belen and Santa Fe. Apparently Las Cruces isn't the only community in the state with a yen for Rail Runner service. New Mexico FBIHOP that Gov. Richardson stated on his Twitter account that folks in both Taos and Raton expressed strong interest in Rail Runner service on his recent visits there.

May 7, 2009 at 03:27 PM in Energy, NM Congressional Delegation, Rep. Harry Teague (NM-02), Transportation | Permalink


I hope this passes. We need new and better trains all over the nation. Let's hope Obama and the Democratic Congress understand that fully.

Posted by: Greenie | May 7, 2009 4:26:10 PM

I sure hope they get the Railrunner extended from Las Cruces to Albuquerque. I am really tired of that drive (from Cloudcroft).

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | May 8, 2009 7:08:10 AM

"meilizh", that's an old joke everyone has heard that one already. I think extending Rail Runner to El Paso is a good idea. If it were my choice that line would run from El Paso to Denver.

Posted by: VP | May 8, 2009 7:13:36 AM

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