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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Diverse NM Groups Discuss Clean Energy & Climate Change Solutions (with Video)

Rep. Martin Heinrich: green achievements and opportunities

Environmental and business groups, as well as elected state and Congressional leaders, including NM-01's Rep. Martin Heinrich (above video), joined together yesterday at CNM in Albuquerque to discuss solutions to the triple threat facing America in terms of the economy, energy and climate. Panelists and the event’s keynoter, State Sen. Eric Griego (video below), also highlighted the opportunities available to New Mexicans from having a vibrant clean energy economy in New Mexico and nationwide.

The event, which attracted more than 100 people, began with break-out sessions, during which representatives from a coalition of community, faith-based, and pro-environment groups discussed the benefits that would accrue to New Mexicans from passage of comprehensive climate legislation and other measures to bolster a new, clean energy economy. Underscoring the need for such legislation and other smart energy solutions, the groups also discussed the multiple threats to New Mexico posed by global warming and a destabilized climate.



“The urgent problems facing our economy, environment, and energy future are inter-related, and we can only solve them if we address them together,” Molly Brook, Program Associate with Conservation Voters NM Education Fund said. “We need to repower, refuel and rebuild America with clean energy to speed our economic recovery, cut our dependence on oil, and meet the climate crisis head-on.

NM Youth Organized's Juan Reynosa leads breakout on green jobs

A panel of speakers, including Congressman Martin Heinrich and representatives of local and state government as well as renewable energy industries and the pro-environment community then highlighted efforts to advance clean energy and protect the climate.

“New Mexico’s delegation is sending one very loud and clear message: The time is now to promote clean energy and commit our country to the renewable technologies of the future”, Senator Tom Udall said in a statement for the event.

Meanwhile, the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department is busy developing a statewide clean energy and clean technology economic development plan to ensure that citizens and businesses receive the maximum benefit from these opportunities. To create a successful plan will require the input, contributions and participation of businesses, colleges, universities and school, unions, non-profits, utilities, tribes, investors, researchers, consumers and citizens.

Brendan Miller, Green Economy Manager at the NM Department of Economic Development, urged people to sign up to be a part of the new Green Energy Cabinet at www.tinyurl.com/NMGEI. Those who register will be contacted when there is new information or opportunities to get involved. For more information, contact Brendan at Brendan.Miller@state.nm.us or 505-827-0288.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global warming fueled by man-made carbon emissions is already driving up temperatures and leading to stronger storms, deeper droughts, and rising sea levels. To avoid the worst effects of climate change, scientists recommend cutting global warming pollution right now and getting on a path to cut emissions at least 80 percent by 2050. Congress is considering legislation this year to create a cap-and-invest system that would limit emissions and promote clean energy, develop efficient technologies, and protect our natural resources.

Clean energy technologies, like wind and solar, will reduce global warming pollution while creating millions of new jobs at home,” Shrayas Jatkar, Conservation Organizer with the Sierra Club said. “We need Congress to take strong action on the climate legislation in 2009 to strengthen our country today and protect our planet for future generations.”

Matt of New Mexico FBIHOP was also at this event. Go check out his , too.

All photos and video by M.E. Broderick.

May 10, 2009 at 06:05 PM in Business, Energy, Environment, Events, Green Economy, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink


A conference like this should be held quarterly so people can network. It was great.

Posted by: Greenie | May 11, 2009 5:14:55 PM

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