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Thursday, May 14, 2009
Also Today: Robert Redford, Gov. Richardson and Sundance in NM
I love that this is getting a jumpstart. See the video clip of the press conference this afternoon in Santa Fe with Robert Redford and Gov. Bill Richardson. Here's the issed by the Guv. The New Mexico Business Weekly reports. Excerpt:
Sundance will partner with the Department of Cultural Affairs and the New Mexico Film Office to create and expand upon training programs in film, the arts and the environment. The programs will target American Indian and Hispanic filmmakers.
Sundance New Mexico will be based at Los Luceros, a 148-acre ranch complex north of EspaƱola. The Department of Cultural Affairs bought Los Luceros last year from the family of Frank and Ann Cabot, relatives of Mary Cabot Wheelwright, who founded the Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian in Santa Fe.
May 14, 2009 at 06:42 PM in Education, Film, Government | Permalink