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Monday, April 06, 2009

Santa Fe to Host Earth Day Celebration and Sustainability Awards 4/25/09

SustainableSFLogoWebGreen From the City of Santa Fe: and the City of Santa Fe have partnered with Santa Fe County and the Santa Fe Watershed Association to host an Earth Day event on Saturday, April 25, 2009.

11 AM to 2 PM, Santa Fe Railyard Park: The event will kickoff at the Santa Fe Railyard Park with music from the Santa Fe Concert Band and Mariachi Estrella, a youth open mic event with poetry and other performance art by local youth, presentations by local dignitaries, tables with information and fun activities from local environmental and youth groups and the announcement of the winners of the first annual Sustainability Awards from the Sustainable Santa Fe Commission.

2:30 to 5 PM, Tree Planting with Santa Fe Watershed Association and Santa Fe County: At 2:30 the festivities will continue with a tree planting event at the San Ysidro Park in the village of Agua Fria. Be part of this river restoration project by helping to stabilize the river banks with native plants. San Ysidro Park is located along the Santa Fe River from San Ysidro Crossing to Caja del Oro Grant Road.

6 to 8 PM, Evening Workshop on Sustainable Santa Fe Plan Implementation at the Clear Light Book Store: The day will finish with a discussion on sustainability including development of implementation strategies for the Sustainable Santa Fe Plan. The Clear Light Book Store is located at 851 W. San Mateo Street where Open Hands used to be.

Sustainable Santa Fe Commission Sustainability Awards: If you would like to submit a nomination for the Sustainability Awards that will be given out during this event, please visit the City of Santa Fe website at www.santafenm.gov/ and click on the button that says “Sustainability.”

April 6, 2009 at 10:55 AM in Environment, Events, Green Economy, Water Issues | Permalink


I'm sorry to report Earth Day is pathetic. It's an excuse for inaction. Show up one day a year, pretend to care about the environment, and then go home and fall into the same old routine of wastefulness and unchecked consumerism all over again. Sigh.

Posted by: Jack | Apr 6, 2009 9:50:47 PM

Wow Jack, so sorry to read that you have such a jaded view. The HOPE I have is that everyone attending takes away information on ONE thing they can do themselves...

What do YOU think is the best way to get information out to the community one one thing, anything they can do to improve sustainability in the year to come? What do YOU plan on doing personally?

Posted by: dan baker | Apr 8, 2009 3:19:45 PM

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