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Friday, April 03, 2009

Rep. Luján Schedules Two-Week 'Congress in Your Community' Tour

Rep. Luján at Committee on Science and Technology hearing

Rep. Ben Ray Luján is bringing it all back home during the Spring recess. He's beginning a two-week long, 22-event tour of New Mexico's Third Congressional District on Monday, April 6 to reach out to constituents and talk about issues that matter to them. He'll even be meeting with folks while riding the Railrunner. (See below the break for the schedule.)

Rep. Luján will also discuss Congress’ achievements in the first three months and how those achievements will help the people of New Mexico. Congress has taken bold action to expand health care coverage for children; create and save jobs through historic investments in energy, health care, education and infrastructure; and put forward a plan for long term economic prosperity.

“During my Congress in Your Community Tour, I will continue to talk directly to the people of New Mexico in their communities,” said Rep. Luján in an announcement released today. “Families across New Mexico have unique concerns and needs, and it’s important to make sure their voices are heard. This tour will be an opportunity to talk with people throughout the District about fighting for them in Congress and hearing about issues that matter to them.”

Rep. Ben Ray Luján
Congress in Your Community Tour Schedule

Monday April 6, 2009: Not yet confirmed.

Tuesday April 7, 2009

Wednesday April 8, 2009

Thursday April 9, 2009

Monday April 13, 2009

Tuesday April 14, 2009

Wednesday April 15, 2009

Thursday April 16, 2009

Friday April 17, 2009

Additional events will be added to the schedule. All events are tentative and subject to change.

April 3, 2009 at 03:39 PM in Events, NM Congressional Delegation, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan | Permalink


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