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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Rep. Luján Outlines Energy Provisions in U.S. House Budget

Rep. Luján speaks at U.S. House press conference on the budget. Click for text of Rep. Luján's remarks (pdf).

Yesterday, Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D, NM-03) joined US House leaders, including Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt and Education and Labor Chairman George Miller, to outline the House budget resolution. Rep. Luján discussed energy provisions in the House Budget Resolution that make a commitment to a clean energy future, creating jobs in America and ending our dependence on foreign oil.

Although the audio on the C-SPAN video above isn't the best, it's well worth a viewing. I found Rep. Luján's short speech before the national press corps to be impressive, passionate and down to earth, and I think you will too. It's quite an honor for a freshman Congressman to be invited by the House leadership to participate in a press briefing on such a vital issue. Well done, Rep. Luján.

“The House budget will help us take significant steps toward ending our dependence on foreign oil and creating jobs in a clean energy economy,” said Rep. Luján in his remarks. “The House budget increases our investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency by 18 percent over last year’s level. We must move forward with investments that support green collar jobs in New Mexico and across the United States, ensuring a stronger economy and a better future for all.“

According to a statement released by Luján's office, the House budget builds on funding and tax incentives in the Recovery Act by increasing critical investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency by approximately 18 percent for 2010. These investments will encourage renewable production in New Mexico and across the country, creating new green jobs for American workers through programs in energy efficiency, research and technological development.

The critical energy investments in the House budget also put the United States on a path toward long-term energy independence. The House budget includes a reserve fund that accommodates fiscally responsible legislation to promote energy independence by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The House budget helps us reduce our dependence on foreign oil, promote energy security, and create clean energy jobs while promoting fiscal responsibility. The House Budget:

The U.S. House is expected to vote on its budget resolution as early as today. All signs point to easy passage, even though Republicans are signaling they'll withhold support.

April 2, 2009 at 10:37 AM in Economy, Populism, Energy, Environment, NM Congressional Delegation, Obama Administration, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan | Permalink


Really good speech Congressman!

Posted by: El Norte | Apr 2, 2009 1:40:35 PM

I think we have a leader on our hands. Go Ben Ray.

Posted by: JJ | Apr 2, 2009 2:07:48 PM

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