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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Rep. Luján and Lt. Gov. Denish to Host Rural Recovery Forum in Tucumcari

It's hard to keep up with all the events of our already much-traveled freshmen Congressmen -- as well as our always on-the-go Lt. Governor -- during the Congressional recess that started on Monday and will run for two weeks. One hot topic, of course, is the economic recovery and how we can best take advantage of the funds available locally via the federal Recovery Act.

In that vein, Rep. Ben Ray Luján will join Lt. Governor Diane Denish at a Rural Recovery Forum in Tucumcari on Thursday, April 9, at the Tucumcari Senior Center, 532 South 3rd Street, from 9:00 to 10:30 AM. The forum is part of Lt. Governor Denish’s Rural Recovery Tour, and Rep. Luján is visiting Tucumcari as part of his two-week “Congress in Your Community Tour.” Rep. Luján and Lt. Governor Denish are reaching out to the people of New Mexico and talking to them about the opportunities for individuals and rural communities in the Recovery Act.

The event is a continuation of Lt. Governor Denish's . The Rural Economic Recovery Initiative will identify local and tribal governments, universities, and non-profit organizations interested in applying for grants on behalf of their communities and provide them information about grant opportunities, guidelines, and processes.

Rep. Luján’s “Congress in Your Community Tour” will make over 22 stops in communities throughout New Mexico’s Third Congressional District. During the tour, Rep. Luján will reach out to constituents across the district to talk about issues that matter to them. Rep. Luján will also discuss Congress’ achievements in the first three months and how those achievements will help the people of New Mexico.

April 8, 2009 at 10:40 AM in Events, NM Congressional Delegation, Obama Administration, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan | Permalink


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