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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I Don't Care About ...

And you?

April 7, 2009 at 09:00 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


I care about Twitter...

Posted by: Matt | Apr 7, 2009 9:49:18 AM

I believe in music. And I believe in love.

Posted by: swt | Apr 7, 2009 9:58:02 AM

I don't care about basketball brackets and which teams Obama picked.

I don't care about Yes We Can. I care about what the heck is Obama doing with a financial team that created the problem.

I don't care about the state cowboy song.

I do care about this blog!

Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 7, 2009 10:33:34 AM

I don't care about Gary King's political future. He's toast after siding with the crooks to go after NM non profits.

Posted by: JJ | Apr 7, 2009 11:10:44 AM

I noticed many things in that list that I agree with. I also saw some very important issues and I really do care about them. I care about health care for all. I care about equal rights for all - that means domestic partnership or even marriage. I care about Democrats supporting the people who elected them and I am refering primarily the "established" democrats in both the state and national scene.

Posted by: Terry Riley | Apr 7, 2009 1:33:53 PM

I don't care about treating politicians like celebrities. I care about pressuring them to act on behalf of the people-not churches or corporations that give them money.

The Wall Street vultures should be indicted not given places in the Obama administration.

Oh, I believe in music and love too!

Posted by: rio rancho guy | Apr 7, 2009 2:41:54 PM

I do not believe in music. I really do not believe music exists. Love, that's debatable.

I kid. I do believe in both music and love, but especially long lists...I'm a total sucker for long lists. Thanks.

Posted by: scot | Apr 7, 2009 5:17:07 PM

There just might be some good reasons for White to be pushing a rea; of the death penalty repea; bill.

The real reasons for death penalty repeal: New Mexico and New Jersey

New Mexico

The Democratic election propelled death penalty vote, New Mexico lawmakers say

"Friday's decisive state Senate vote to repeal the death penalty in New Mexico was a direct result of November's election of several new lawmakers." The repeal bill's sponsor, Rep. Gail Chase said she was able to get the bill through because the 2008 election added three more senators to the Democratic majority" "District Attorney Lem Martinez, who spoken against the repeal bill, said "the Senate vote was the result of (President Barack) Obama's coattails." "Senate backs death-penalty repeal", Steve Terrell, The (Santa Fe) New Mexican, 3/13/09)

The anti death penalty folks invent a new reason to repeal ever few years, because nothing seems to work. Recently, it is that the death penalty costs too much.

That was used by anti death penalty folks in New Mexico. How bad was that deception? Fairly representative of anti death penalty standards.

The New Mexico Legislative Finance Committee totally blew the cost evaluations in their bill analysis, a fact which I pointed out to both the NM legislature and media. The study the LFC used actually finds the death penalty to be less expensive than a true life sentence.

In a wealth of understatement, New Mexico Gov. Richardson conceded that some of the arguments he used, as his basis for signing the repeal, may have been inaccurate.

In reality, all of them were inaccurate.

"Rebuttal to Governor Richardson - Repeal of the Death Penalty in New Mexico"


"Why did Gov. Richardson repeal the death penalty? His legacy"


New Jersey

Instead of the national Democratic vote, it was a solid state Democratic majority, led by a staunchly anti death penalty Governor which led to repeal in New Jersey. The same false reasons were given in New Jersey for the repeal. As is standard, their reasons for opposing the death penalty were, easily, rebutted.

Like New Mexico's repeal and Maryland's recent death penalty limitations, the effort was really only successful because of the liberal agenda folks. Quite simply, there was a majority coalition of anti death penalty legislators.

"DEAD WRONG: NJ Death Penalty Study Commission"

Response, at bottom. One of four response to New Jersey Assembly Speaker Roberts.


In addition, if you make a responsible death penalty protocol, you will timely execute those whom the judges or jurors find deserve death.

For example.

Virginia executes in 5-7 years. 65% of those sentenced to death have been executed. Only 15% of their death penalty cases are overturned. The national averages are 11 years, 14% and 36%, respectively.

In addition, with the high costs of long term imprisonment, a true life sentence will be more expensive than such a death penalty protocol.

Posted by: Dudley Sharp | Apr 8, 2009 5:08:50 AM

Dudley Sharp, whoever you are, are wrong on just about everything you state. You claim the reasons given by advocates for the repeal can easily be rebutted but you don't do that in any real way. You beat the dead horse about a liberal conspiracy. In reality there is no conspiracy. Lawmakers are using their heads instead of responding to the constant fear-mongering of death penalty fans.

Civilized nations do not murder those who murder as revenge. The U.S. is the only developed nation that does so. We need to move into the 21st century not go back to the days of the wild west.

Posted by: Robert B. | Apr 8, 2009 8:41:52 AM

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