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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

(Updated) Vote Today on Santa Fe's Affordable Housing Initiative

Update: At 8:57 PM the vote tally was 3,845 for the initiative and 4,557 against. Unfortunately it appears that voters rejected the proposed tax. Power to the rich elites!
The polls are open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM today, March 10, 2009, for the special municipal election that will decide the fate of the Santa Fe Affordable Housing Initiative. Click to find your polling place and election info. Check out the website of the Santa Fe Living Wage Network for facts about the benefits of the initiative. The question to be decided is as follows:

Shall the City of Santa Fe impose on purchasers an excise tax on the use by purchasers of transfer services to effectuate and facilitate the transfer of certain real property in the amount of one percent (1%) of the portion of the purchase price in excess of $750,000 to be used exclusively for affordable workforce housing?

March 10, 2009 at 11:21 AM in Candidates & Races, Economy, Populism, Santa Fe Politics | Permalink


As a native NM, seeing what has happened to Santa Fe makes me nauseous. The solution to the middle class squeeze there is to sprawl cheap cracker box dense housing. The rich will not want to be contaminated by actually having the "help" become visible. Anybody that has to actually work for a living can't live in Santa Fe. Santa Fe has become a mere ghost of what attracted the rich in the first place. Santa Fe can not attract actual economic growth because if people want to live tight like the Japanese in Tokyo, then people would rather go live in a real city.

Posted by: qofdisks | Mar 10, 2009 3:13:51 PM

Could someone explain to me the seemingly low percentage of voters that turned out to vote in this election? I'm surprised such a contentious issue didn't draw out more public participation.

Posted by: western native | Mar 11, 2009 3:10:24 AM

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