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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Guest Blog: Senate Pro Tem Jennings Casts Deciding Vote to Kill Request for FDA to Ban Aspartame

This is a guest blog by Stephen Fox of Santa Fe, who edits the New Mexico Sun News.

It saddens me to inform your readers that Wednesday morning Senator Tim Jennings cast the vote that killed a vital consumer protection measure in Senate Rules Committee. That was Senate Memorial 9 of Gerald Ortiz y Pino which asked the FDA to take this carcinogenic and neurotoxic artificial sweetener off the market, since it is still found in 6000 products, from food to pharmaceuticals.

This chemical was patented by G.D. Searle, which back in 1966 was investigating peptic ulcer drugs; the story from Searle is that the chemist licked his finger, and discovered that it was 200 times as sweet as sugar, profit lights went off in the chandelier in the corporate board's cerebelum, but the FDA turned them down for approval for 15 years because of concerns over the methyl ester in aspartame becoming methanol then formaldehyde, and causing harm to the consumer. Jennings mentioned in the committee that he had had problems with acid reflux and would vote against the Memorial which he did (as if it still had something to do with peptic ulcer drugs!); I wonder if that was apparently all he had read of the Memorial, the first sentence: but I pointed out as politely as I could muster, that it had been considered as a peptic ulcer drug 46 years ago, but that was kind of like talking with Rip Van Winkel after his 300 year nap.

[Try to picture a Roswell rancher, a little overweight, impeccably dressed, with a dry scratchy voice, kind of populist appeal, like a New Mexico version of Will Rogers, homespun, witty, with a long background in Senate Finance, given the position as Pro Tem after the last one died suddenly, then elected in a fierce struggle between progressive/liberals and Republicans/Conservative Democrats. (Guess who won?)]

With all due respect to the Senate Pro Tem, Jennings ought to have been somewhat alarmed when the word "carcinogen" comes up in any serious legislative context, having just lost his wife at the age of 53 to a long ordeal with cancer. If he were genuinely concerned for the health of New Mexicans rather than just capitulating to the phalanx of corporate lobbyists speaking against it, he would have helped to pass it.

This is truly New Mexico's deep and avoidable loss, as California is moving forward with consideration of aspartame as a carcinogen under Proposition 65, which allows them to label it as "a chemical known by the state of California to cause cancer," and to even sue the manufacturers and corporate users, like Coca Cola, Pepsi, and Wrigley's Gum. The California Attorney General, Edmund Gerald Brown, Jr., is already doing this in suits against Whole Foods for knowingly including a different carcinogen (1-4-5 Dioxane) in their 365 lines of Organic Soaps and Body Products, and then basically concealing it. Mark my word, these suits will come for aspartame and they will resemble the Tobacco Suits of the 1990's, which resulted in judgments of $235 Billion.

The legislators love to spend that money now, but back in the early 1990's, as then-Attorney General now-U.S. Senator Tom Udall told me many years ago, the Legislature would not contribute 50 cents to help fund the lawsuits, because of corporate lobbyists opposing such allocations by the Legislature. Similarly, these legislators who would not ask the FDA to take it off the market, will want to spend the proceeds of the aspartame suits. Ludicrous!

The Ministry of Education in British Columbia Canada recently agreed to remove ALL artificial sweeteners from the elementary and middle schools, as a result of parents' demands, in spite of Health Canada, the equivalent of our FDA, still parroting the corporate line that aspartame/methanol/formaldehyde/diketopiperazine was somehow acceptable,especially for diabetic children and overweight children.

This is the real world regarding aspartame. Tim Jennings' vote was not part of the real world. He asked after voting "do not pass," for more copies of the studies proving it causes cancer, and I should have said then (but didn't out of deference to the committee) that "I have been bringing you those same studies since 2004, like the Ramazzini report, when I first talked with you, Senator, about the dangers of this artificial sweetener, and it looks like you never read them!" Three years ago, I brought Jennings (and most of the legislature) at my expense an outstanding DVD, SWEET MISERY, on Aspartame's proven medical effects, but he must never have watched it. [You can see it now free, on-line, and I recommend it strongly. Just google SWEET MISERY].

Truly I always liked Tim Jennings until today's performance in Senate Rules. There was a group of Senior Senators who guzzle the stuff still, even though one of them died, one resigned because of "old age," (what could make you age faster than consuming formaldehyde?), and two got clobbered in the 2008 elections and they are I hope permanently gone (they were the worst obstructionists of them all). Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez is trying to quit, he says. The bottling companies bring dollies full of cases to the legislature in order to ingratiate the legislators and legitimize their products.

I really don't know if Tim Jennings is among the diet soda guzzlers still. If he has quit, he did so out of concern for his own health. If he DIDN'T quit consuming aspartame, he certainly is in no real position to be deciding such things for the rest of the state, especially since it was only a Memorial REQUESTING the FDA to taken it off the market, and to vote from a position of such a total lack of accurate medical information is absolutely shocking to me.

The world's largest Aspartame maker, Ajinomoto of Japan, hired slick and powerful lobbyists as well as the state's largest lawfirm, the Rodey Firm; in 2005 and in 2006 they knocked down and prevented both the Board of Pharmacy and the Environmental Improvement Board from considering getting rid of aspartame in medicines and food products, respectively, by threatening them with lawsuits.

Ajinomoto manipulated the Governor by hiring two of his good friends (one of these was Michael Stratton, who has subsequently been tied to the pay-for-play Federal Grand Jury investigation that unfortunately caused Richardson to choose to step down from being Obama's first choice for Commerce Secretary---I still think he would have excelled at that job!) as lobbyists to influence him to renege on his prior strong support for the EIB hearings, and those EIB hearings, without the Governor's support and the assurance from Patsy Madrid that they didn't have to worry about such threats, crumbled.

Thus, now Ajinomoto has manipulated the Legislative Branch into obsequious acquiescence. Quite a score, eh? 3 out of 3! What's next? Put a pro-aspartame lobbyist on the New Mexico Supreme Court? After all, another aspartame maker from back in the 80's and 90's, Monsanto, got their own former corporate lawyers appointed as Supreme Court Justice (Clarence Thomas) and as US Attorney General, John Ashcroft.

Fortunately, the Rules Committee Chair, Senator Linda Lopez, and Rules Member/Senate Public Affairs Chair, Dede Feldman, had the sense to vote for the Memorial. The three Republicans voted against it, I think, just because both Ortiz y Pino and I mentioned the unavoidable historic fact that Donald Rumsfeld forced the approval for aspartame in 1981, even thought the FDA had turned them down for the prior 15 years! Maybe Rules member Stuart Ingle gave them "marching orders" to vote against it; he is the Minority Leader in the Senate.

But you might say, "But wait! Rummy's gone, out of the picture," but those Republicans apparently see some residual partisan pride in drinking formaldehyde, and for you and your children to do so, and never question the miserable ethics of Rumsfeld for his role in that matter! He made $12-15 million on the deal, and what was good for his bank account must still be good for America!?

It is sickening when you really examine the corporate manipulation and control of government at all levels, especially in the regulatory branches. I am sad to conclude today that Tim Jennings is part of that mess, rather than part of the real solution. Roswell's other Senator, Republican Rod Adair, always sided with activists on this issue, and even cosigned as cosponsor some earlier related measures introduced in 2006, truly "reaching across the aisle," as they are so fond of saying.

This really is not what a Senate President Pro Tem should be doing, siding with every Tom, Dick, and Harry corporate lobbyist who comes along. He should be helping to educate the vast lot of New Mexicans who still naively believe the FDA is there to protect them.

If you drink Diet Sodas or chew sugarless gum or consume Equal, and if you come down with migraine headaches, epilepsy, brain tumors, blindness, or any of the other 92 symptoms recognized by the FDA as caused by aspartame, remember Tim Jennings' vote today in Senate Rules to deny a request of the FDA to take this proven poison off the market.

In the USA, products like asbestos, Thalidomide, leaded gasoline, cigarettes with horrible additives, Vioxx, Celebrex...(the list goes on and on), stay on the market because of the efforts of corporate lobbyists and obstructionist corporate lawyers. The USA only responds when one of two things happens:

  1. the bodies of victims pile up
  2. the lawsuits from the dead bodies and their heirs pile up.

Otherwise, you will see legislatures and regulatory boards and Governors and lobbyists from Ajinomoto, Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Monsanto, Equal, etc., sweep the dead bodies and the maimed and the impaired youth under the rug, until there is so much death and suffering under the rug, some nation will simply throw out the rug, and the health of that nation's citizens will be the better for it.

Could that Nation ever be the United States? Doubtful, but if enough people communicated to Obama, to HHS Secretary Sebelius and to the next, as yet unappointed FDA Commissioner and Surgeon General, it could very well be the USA that takes aspartame off the market first.

After all, California took a mighty step in that direction just last Friday, regarding aspartame and Proposition 65. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that there is here an equation at work:

Lung Cancer and Emphysema/Tobacco suits in the 1990's = Neurodegenerative Illnesses/Aspartame suits in the 2010's!

This is a guest blog by Stephen Fox, Editor of the New Mexico Sun News in Santa Fe. Guest blogs provide our readers with an opportunity to express their views, which may or may not be representative of DFNM's views. To submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

March 15, 2009 at 10:03 AM in Corporatism, Food and Drink, Guest Blogger, NM Legislature 2009 | Permalink


If health is a meaningful value for any member of the New Mexico legislature, it may not be valued by Tim Jennings.
Aspartame has always been known as a toxin, and this is the very reason it was blocked initially from human consumption.
Things seem to be a little different now because people seem not to matter, neither does
What seems to be important is self-absorption and what do I get out of this first.
Little effort to tie all the facts together exists.
Lobbyists and their money lead the way.
Sadly, elected legislators like Senator Jennings, seems to have forgotten not only his oath of office but his purpose.
How many more people will suffer from aspartame? What are the costs to the state for care?
I guess these are not Jenning's concerns.

Posted by: Gayle Eversole | Mar 15, 2009 2:34:39 PM

In my profession, people always ask me "what are the best ways to have energy & stay healthy?"

I tell them to eat nutrient-rich, low calorie foods that are easy to digest and taste great.

But, I also tell everyone to be an INFORMED consumer - vote with your dollars and help others do the same.

Our government representatives need our help...they are poorly educated on the values of nutrition and consumer protection issues.

It's simple...every state and federal representative of the people MUST see the movie "Sweet Misery".

A big thank you to Stephen Fox for all your efforts!

Posted by: Jonathan Landsman | Mar 15, 2009 2:49:50 PM

You may be right, Gayle. What is both sad and baffling is that his wife, Patty, died at 53 after a long battle with cancer and lots of trips to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, so you would probably think he would be really tuned in to cancer prevention, carcinogen avoidance, etc. The lobbyists may have twisted his arm badly also.

Others have found Dr. Andrew Von Eschenbach's tenure as FDA Commissioner equally problematic. Here was a cancer survivor, a urologist by training, and yet he was almost totally oblivious as Bush's FDA Commissioner to the questions raised in two letters signed by 21 New Mexico Legislators, asking him to take it off the market.

I am so disappointed by Tim Jennings. New Mexico should have a new Senate President Pro Tempore, clearly. This was a pathetic and gross departure from any of even just the talk by legislators that "we are doing this to help the children." Blah, Blah, Blah. Just talk: no more!

Posted by: Stephen Fox, Editor, New Mexico Sun News | Mar 15, 2009 3:01:56 PM

Thank you Mr. Fox for your article on Aspartame.. I applaud you for your willingness to write on such a controversial subject. (Please note... it is not controversial to me... it is controversial to those who get paid to be controversial. And once again we are confronted with those who are the taint of the politician. This is why we call them politicians.)

My thanks also to Mr Pino for his willingness to be controversial... there is the apparent possibility that Mr Pino has children or grandchildren or just happens to realize that in his older age, todays children will be taking care of him.

What is truly amazing is that the senate president must be sterile or has no memory of being a child, nor does he remember the experience of hospital hospitality, with things like chemotherapy, organ removal... etc. And so the (God knows) tens of thousands of dollars that must be used to grease his wallet also alters his conscience... He does have a conscience??

It is a pathetic position to be paid to have a stand (I cannot prove this, of course) and have no conscience. How does one or many live with themselves after selling out for fine living now, only to have it taken away by the guilt, blame, shame, and other suppressed emotions that ultimately leads to various hospital stays in ICU, and the like?

We are emotional beings and what we eat or drink only adds to the emotional garbage we suppress. I am amazed (again) at how little we think we feel. And that by "not feeling" we will avoid the payment/retribution required by our bodies to try and fix how badly we have treated ourselves and others. Greed is such a monster and the denial of it only makes it more inappropriate. So much for the easy way out. Of course there are always licit and illicit drugs. They have always made us feel better about everything.

Thanks again and please do pass this on to Mr. Pino and others.

Posted by: Kelley Elkins | Mar 15, 2009 3:14:10 PM

I cannot believe any thinking human would drink this poison. I have been trying to educate people re:the harm that aspertame causes for decades. We all know President Obama needs help with health care reform. If people would quit putting carcinogins in their bodies, less would require cancer treatment, and health care in general, would go down. Seems simple to me.

Shame on you Senator Jennings. I don't live in your State, but I'd be glad to campaign for anyone who runs against you come your next election cycle. You see, Senator Jennings, President Obama and the basics of his campaign, gave us lowly citizens something that can't be bought. We have found our power/voice in working together and on the Internet for the interest of everyday Americans. Your dirty tricks will not work any more. People will remember what you did on this vote. I personally will work 24/7 like I did for Obama to get you out of office. I, one person, registered 1,000+ people last summer...all but 5 were Democrats. Take off the blindfold and see the people who will defeat you!

Regina Dobson
"YES WE ARE...making a difference!"

Posted by: Regina Dobson | Mar 15, 2009 3:18:34 PM

Thank you, Jonathan, Kelley, and Regina. I believe Kelley lives in Southern New Mexico, and I am certain that Regina echoes the sentiments of thousands of New Mexicans. Do enough of them live in Roswell for Tim Jennings to pay any attention to? Probably not.

I am not saying he was too incoherent and unobservant to be a State Senator, although he was totally oblivious to the issues at stake, surprising for a Senate President Pro Tem to be so timorous about asking a federal agency to do something; in hundreds of cases in his own legislative career, New Mexico has challenged federal authority in so many realms.

I am saying that Tim Jennings was oblivious to the issues herein that I really see the merit in those who oppose him for President Pro Tempore. Mind you, I knew Senator Altamirano before he passed away, quite well, the past Pro Tem, and before him, Richard Romero, who resigned to run for Congress, and is likely to be the next Mayor of Albuquerque. Jennings, compared to them, is no statesman at all. I don't think he had even read the Memorial he was voting on at all, anything past the first sentence, or else he would have not mentioned the peptic ulcer drug. I don't think many Senators read very much of anything that is sent to them or certainly not during the session, when they have a good excuse not to read, but yet they make decisions on the flimsiest and dumbest of criteria, almost always derived from a conversation with a lobbyist! One, newly elected
George Munoz of Gallup, who replaced Lidio Rainaldi, even voted against having a New Mexico Nutrition Council because, ostensibly, or so he said, because he didn't know what a GMO was! Unbelievable! and the term "GMO" wasn't even in the bill, so clearly some lobbyist pumped him full of misinformation, and without even asking me, or his secretary, or the janitor, or particularly his colleague, the sponsor, Gerald Ortiz y Pino, what it was, he voted against New Mexico creating its own Nutrition Council, to stand up to the FDA when it screws up, which is all the time.

California citizens, I believe through Proposition 65, a kind of referendum, created a CARCINOGEN IDENTIFICATION COMMITTEE, to deal with these things all the time.

New Mexico has an Environmental Improvement Board which by statute deals with food quality and poisonous additives, but my case a few years ago re: aspartame was the first case ever brought forward to them in 28 years, and the same Ajinomoto lawyer, Richard Minzner, threatened both them and the Board of Pharmacy into obsequious submission, and they under the advice of Patsy Madrid, caved in right away and declined to have the hearings required by law, regarding aspartame.

Pathetic, isn't it? So New Mexico will just wait for the FDA to miraculously remove it from the market, as it did when Richard Nixon ordered the FDA to do so with the FDA approval for another proven carcinogen Cyclamates, and that was with a much skinnier file of evidence. In aspartame's case, it is not just a file of evidence: it is a mountain of evidence of neurodegenerative and carcinogenic effects.

Stephen Fox

Posted by: Stephen Fox, Editor, New Mexico Sun News | Mar 15, 2009 3:58:26 PM

I have had Stephen Fox come on my radio show in Alamogordo many times to educate us on the dangers of aspartame. He has done some wonderful and important research on this "artificial sweetner" Does anyone remember back, I believe in either the late 60's or early 70's when doctors were giving women the drug (and i am not sure of the spelling, i am sorry) "Thalydimyde". It was used to prevent miscarriages.Well it was given to many, many women and obviuosly had some kind of approval. But guess what babies were born with no arms or legs and many other malformities. As long as we the public allow big companies like Searle and ajinomoto to influence the people we ELECTED we will always have legislators who do not receive a salary voting with the companies and not us. As a friend of mine always says, " Money talks and BS walks" maybe that's why we don't ever get any real ethics reform.

Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Mar 15, 2009 4:22:34 PM

Thalidomide, asbestos, leaded gasoline, Vioxx, Celebrex, Aspartame, MSG: they all had way longer lives than they should have had, especially with a decent FDA most of them would have had no life at all, but they kept on, long past when the lies of the lobbyists and the corporate lawyers were screamingly obvious, only when the bodies piled up in the morgues and the lawsuits attendant upon those bodies and their families of the victims piled up did anyone in authority ever move to remove the danger. Am glad Stephanie DuBois of Alamogordo spoke up on this issue; her state senator from down there, Dianne Duran, voted to kill the memorial. Do people in Alamogordo and Tularosa and Lincoln County care? Probably not very much, even if the brightest ones do who read this blog and listen to Stephanie's radio program or have half of the sufficient number of brain cells to read about aspartame on the internet, or even if they notice sometimes or all of the times it makes them sick.

I wish I cared more, as I used to care about people, and their children, and their health, so passionately. As the Romans used to say: "Illegitimi non carborundum," and sadly, the bastards have worn me down.

Posted by: Stephen Fox, Editor, New Mexico Sun News | Mar 15, 2009 4:35:12 PM

Thanks Steve. On another subject we have the highest incidence of breast and prostate cancer in our county of Otero. Does anyone think it might have something to do with exploding the atomic bomb at white Sands? what is the long life of an atomic bomb. Surely it is in the ground water.No one questions it here and we also cannot get any real data telling us how many women and men suffer from either of these cancers.probably because the government exploded the bomb,you think? Our state elected officials here in this county don't care about anything except getting re-elected at all costs and making sure we don't take away their guns. I must confess I still do care about people and especially our future generations, if there will be any. Senator jennings enjoys a great deal of support in Chaves county on both sides of the aisle and for that reason he has run totally unopposed. I have nothing against the Senator personally but I am disappointed that he didn't even consider the effect caricinogens would have and do have. Well at least you tried.

Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Mar 15, 2009 4:52:55 PM

On April 23, 2007, I drove to New York City to the Mount Sinai School of Medicine to watch Philip J. Landrigan, M.D. confer the third Irving J. Selikoff Award on Morando Soffritti, MD for “his outstanding contributions to the identification of environmental and industrial carcinogens and his promotion of independent scientific research.” I also attended to hear Dr. Soffritti speak on “The carcinogenicity of aspartame: the lessons we still must learn.”

Dr. Soffritti thoroughly discussed a second study on aspartame conducted by the European Ramazzini Foundation (ERF) that confirms the carcinogenicity of aspartame.

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener consumed by people worldwide. It is used in diet products including soft drinks, chewing gum, candy, desserts, yogurt as well as in pharmaceuticals, in particular, syrups and antibiotics for children.

In 2005, the European Ramazzini Foundation published important experimental data demonstrating the carcinogenicity of aspartame. These data clearly demonstrated that aspartame is a carcinogenic agent.

As soon as carcinogenic effects were perceived during this first study, the ERF began a second long term experiment.

I met Dr. Philip Landrigan, a pediatrician, who heads up the Department of Community and Preventive Medicine at Mount Sinai and who directs Mount Sinai’s Center for Children’s Health and the Enviroment and Dr. Myron Mehlman, whose specialty is Medical Neurology & Toxicology. These men are leading the effort to identify and prevent chemical toxicity in children and adults. They are visionaries.

If a child drinks two cans of diet soda a day, the child is putting into his body 400 mg of aspartame. Just two cans of drink are already exposing the child to a biologically significant dose. Parents of young children should think very, very carefully about giving drinks and other foods to their children that are sweetened with aspartame and for that matter other artificial sweeteners.”

Dr. Soffritti’s new study suggests a danger to unborn babies and especially to children, including the newly identified risk of breast cancer as the child ages. He also believes that aspartame causes leukemia, lymphoma, and pelvis and kidney tumors. He said that his study should be a WAKE UP call to the FDA to seriously reconsider the use of aspartame.

More than 20 years ago, when my daughter was in her early 20's and studying for a Master's Degree, she noticed that she was experiencing bizarre symptoms that were quite alarming.

This truly bright girl, whose college tuition was entirely funded by scholarships and who won a Telluride Association Scholarship in competition with more than one million students from the entire US, realized that she was becoming very confused. In addition to her intellectual deterioration and drastic personality change, she developed epileptic-type seizures, and she began to lose her vision in both eyes.

She also began having severe headaches, panic attacks, tremors, profound exhaustion, insomnia, suicidal thoughts and numerous other problems including joint pains.

My daughter consulted a neurologist, and he told her that she had temporal lobe epilepsy. He began treating her with medication, but the medication didn't work, because the doctor was wrong in his diagnosis and he was treating her for a condition she didn't have! What she really had was ASPARTAME -- POISONING/TOXICITY!

I had heard about Dr. H. J. Roberts (Florida), so I contacted him and he
confirmed what I suspected - that she was suffering from a reaction to the artificial sweetener in diet soda, even though she drank only 1 or 2 cans a day. My daughter owes her life to Dr. Roberts, because thanks to him, she stopped drinking diet soda, and gradually, every one of her problems disappeared. Today, she is a successful computer programmer and financial analyst. Dr. Roberts is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in Science and Technology, Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, and The Best Doctors in the U.S.

To follow up, my daughter went to Boston for special studies on her brain, and the doctors at the Clinical Research Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology confirmed that it was the aspartame that had made her so sick. They said that she had been totally misdiagnosed by the neurologist and that she did not have temporal lobe epilepsy at all. She also saw a highly-respected ophthalmologist who explained why her vision loss was due to aspartame.

She was fine for 12 years. Then, she began drinking diet soda again and had the same severe reaction. Luckily, I realized what was happening to her and was able to convince her to stop using aspartame. Why did she start again? It's addictive!

By approving aspartame, the FDA caused many problems for many innocent people, and not just cancer. Even the FDA admits to many serious problems caused by aspartame. And, most doctors don't understand the dangers and therefore treat people for problems that could be helped by not using aspartame.

Senator Tim Jennings should be ashamed of himself. He could have been a shining light helping people had he not cast the vote that kept aspartame on the market. I would guess that he crumbled under lobbyist pressure paid for by the manufacturers of aspartame. Please tell Tim Jennings that he should hide his head in shame.

Posted by: Barbara Metzler | Mar 15, 2009 5:02:56 PM

What is there for people to not understand? Aspartame is dangerous! Why would anyone allow their loved ones or themselves to consume this poison?

Senator Jennings, have you truly read the data? If so, do you still drink diet products? Do your loved ones? My guess is no. But, you'll allow it to be available...hum, was money involved in that descion? You should be ashamed.
A few smart lawyers will get very rich when the court cases surrounding this product are judged. So sad so many had to die before they could see justice.

Regina Dobson
Portland, Oregon
"YES WE ARE...making a difference!"

Posted by: Regina Dobson | Mar 15, 2009 5:02:58 PM

Thanks, Barbara. You know how much of a personal and real tragedy can come from this ghastly chemical; it is a form of genocide that Rumsfeld visited upon his own nation. I am very optimistic that the machinery has been set in motion in California to nail this chemical at least, if not the miscreants who forced it and continue to force it down the throats of hundreds of millions in 200 nations.

Posted by: Stephen Fox, Editor, New Mexico Sun News | Mar 15, 2009 5:21:27 PM

Thank you for this informative piese Stephen Fox.
President Obama pledged in his Saturday address to make food safety a priority in his administration.
I woud suggest that people write to him at the www.chamge.gov website or by postal mail and urge him to include restrictions of Aspartame in the new food safety standards.
Your good advice here is very much appreciated, and I thank you for it, my friend.
-Tommy News

Posted by: Tommy News | Mar 15, 2009 6:12:35 PM

Two years after aspartame was introduced onto the market I first became aware of the negative impact of this artificial sweetener on the central nervous system. I had been treating a then 54 year old woman with imipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant, because of recurrent major depressive episodes. Previous psychoanalytically based therapy had proven ineffective, but she responded dramatically to 150mg of imipramine per day. She had done well for 11 years on this medication, but was then suddenly hospitalized with a grand-mal seizure and subsequent manic episode. One could postulate that she was bipolar, and the antidepressant had triggered the mania - but she had been on the same medication for a total of 11 years, and for the previous 5 years at the same 150mg per day dose. Neither the seizure nor her mania were consistent with what we know about the clinical course of bipolar disorder or epilepsy. Careful history revealed that the only change in her life was a recent decision to switch from the sugar which she had always used to sweeten her iced tea to a newly marketed product with aspartame. Since aspartame can alter the balance of certain neurotransmitters which we believe are involved in mood disorders and can, in my opinion, alter the seizure threshold, I advised my patient to avoid all aspartame products. She did so, and had no further seizures, no further manic or depressive episodes. I discontinued the lithium carbonate which I had started when I mistakenly concluded that she had a bipolar disorder, reinstated her imipramine and she has continued to do well.
After this case report was published in the medical literature, many patients with unexplained seizures or treatment resistant psychiatric problems were referred to me. I became increasingly convinced that aspartame could both trigger seizure activity and mimic or exacerbate a variety of psychiatric disorders. I presented a paper based on those patients at a 1987 MIT sponsored conference on Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function. Industry sponsored criticism was made however that my conclusions regarding aspartame’s toxicity could not be accepted as valid because my case reports were “merely anecdotal” and not based on double blind research. Unfortunately case reports do not currently have the respect in the mainstream medical literature which they deserve (historically much of medical progress has been based on careful observation of individual patients). Nevertheless, I was so convinced of aspartame’s toxicity, and the need to have it’s hazards more widely appreciated in the medical community, that I did undertake a double blind study. That study -“Adverse Reactions to Aspartame: Double- Blind Challenge in Patients from a Vulnerable Population” was published in Biological Psychiatry in 1993. It demonstrated that individuals with mood disorders are particularly sensitive to aspartame and experie nced an accentuation of depression and multiple physical symptoms. I had expected that the difficulties experienced by patients receiving aspartame would be fairly subtle (the dose of 30mg/kg/day was well below the level of 50mg/kg/day which the FDA considered “safe”). I was not prepared for the severity of the reactions, and for obvious ethical reasons cannot perform any further human studies with aspartame.
Over the ensuing years I have continued to see the multiple neurologic and psychiatric consequences of aspartame use. It can lower the seizure threshold and lead to an incorrect diagnosis of epilepsy, with subsequent inappropriate prescription of anticonvulsants. It can mimic or exacerbate symptoms of MS, it can paradoxically produce carbohydrate craving and weight gain. The world-wide epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes obviously has multiple causes, but I am convinced aspartame is a major factor.
In a variety of psychiatric disorders there is a disturbance in the balance of certain neurotransmitters. Specifically, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine and acetylcholine are all major players. Aspartame can affect the levels and balance of all these transmitters. It impairs the absorption of L-tryptophan, the major precursor in the synthesis of serotonin. The phenylalanine from the dipeptide component of the aspartame molecule, is a major precursor in the norepinephrine-dopamine synthetic pathway. Recent research demonstrated that aspartame reduces acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme which breaks down acetylcholi ne - a key player in the central nervous system, with an important role in cognition and memory, and with a reciprocal, inhibitory relationship with dopamine. We certainly are not sophisticated enough at this point in time to fully understand all the implications of the neurochemical changes induced by aspartame, but as a busy clinician I see the profound impact on patients’ lives on a daily basis. It can both produce and aggravate depression, in certain patients it can trigger manic episodes, it can produce or aggravate panic attacks. Some of my patients have experienced a complete cessation of panic attacks and needed no further treatment after they completely eliminated aspartame from their diet. Certain schizophrenic patients have experienced fewer auditory hallucinations or needed less antipsychotic medication after the elimination of aspartame.
It is essential that this hazardous substance be removed from the market.

Thank you for your attention to this most urgent issue.

Ralph G. Walton MD
Currently semiretired and in practice with the Center for Personal and Family Growth in Erie, Pa
Former Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above

Posted by: Ralph G. Walton M.D. | Mar 15, 2009 6:26:28 PM

Tommy: you are most welcome. I also encourage those readers who feel concerned to write to Dr. Hamburg directly:


Posted by: Stephen Fox, Editor, New Mexico Sun News | Mar 15, 2009 6:30:14 PM

Thank you, Dr. Walton. I am indeed honored that you have shared this letter with the readers. Dr. Walton sent the same letter to the Senate Rules Committee as testimony. To learn more of his work, google his name and aspartame. He is also one of the key physicians interviewed in Cori Brackett's movie, SWEET MISERY, 90 minutes, which you can also google and watch for free!!!!

Again, what Dr. Walton just posted is what he emailed to the members of the New Mexico Senate Rules Committee. Did they read it? I bet Linda Lopez and Dede Feldman read it, because they voted for the measure, and I am sure Peter Wirth read it, because he is that kind of conscientious person, although he had to miss the vote because of a press conference on a very important bill of his own. Did Tim Jennings, Michael Sanchez, and the 3 Republicans read it? Maybe you should ask them directly if they read Dr. Walton's letter, and they are all at 505 986-4300; Jennings is there too....

Want legislative and legal relief from Aspartame? Look to the West, to California and Hawaii, next. Hawaii's Senate and House both had a bill TO BAN ASPARTAME OUTRIGHT, not just a little request like just got shot down by Ajinomoto in New Mexico!!!!!

Posted by: Stephen Fox, Editor, New Mexico Sun News | Mar 15, 2009 7:04:40 PM

The proof is there, all you have to do is look for it. In January of 1976 Senator Edward Kennedy, chairman of the health committee said the fact that some of Searle's research data were false was of greater concern than whether the falsity was intentional or accidental.
' Inaccurate science, sloppy science, fraudulent science-these are the greatest threats to the health and safety of the American people. Whether the science is wrong because of clerical error, or because of poor technique, or because of incompetence or because of criminal negligence, is less important than the fact that it is wrong.
How much longer do people have to suffer from this poison

Posted by: Lane | Mar 15, 2009 7:16:30 PM

Stephen Fox is a joke and how dare him bring up the tragic death of the Pro Tem's wife in order to make a political statement. Mr. Fox should stick to writing ridiculous commentaries that have no importance or relevance to anything that matters.

Posted by: John Dem | Mar 15, 2009 7:34:13 PM

I was talking to Tim Jennings 5 years before his wife passed away about these carcinogens.

It is shocking to me that he would indifferent to cancer in so many hundreds of thousands of New Mexicans.

How dare I? I most certainly will, and I will continue to bring it up. No one in the New Mexico Department of Health ever brought it up, as problematic that the people's diet sodas were absorbed as formaldehyde.

What 70% of the people of New Mexico and 60% of its children ingest everyday seems irrelevant to John Dem? Perhaps you should take a freshman course in Biology over again.

John, are you a lobbyist or a Democratic party official? Your feigned indignation is well done.

Posted by: Stephen Fox, Editor, New Mexico Sun News | Mar 15, 2009 8:24:48 PM

I would like to tell John Dem that Stephen Fox is definitely not a joke. He spends many hours every day trying to help those suffering from serious problems caused by aspartame. He does so because he is a great man who sincerely cares for others -- even those he does not know at all. Few people are as smart and interested in helping others as Stephen Fox. Obviously, John Dem, you are interested only in yourself.

Posted by: Barbara Metzler | Mar 15, 2009 9:07:22 PM

His was a contrived comment, but I have seen the same warped logic before in those who represent Ajinomoto and the unholy handmaidens among the American corporations which dump their Neurotoxins into food and pharmaceutical products, including even children's vitamins!

It is possible the lobbyists "got" to Tim Jennings. As a matter of fact, I declined to approach him on this matter before the vote, as a courtesy towards a grieving man. I thought he would do the right thing and vote for it. I was wrong.

We can only turn to California, Hawaii, and the new FDA commissioner herself. Of course, Obama could rescind it by Executive Order, as did Richard Nixon in 1969 with cyclamates!

[Good lawyers love precedents, don't they?]

Posted by: Stephen Fox, Editor, New Mexico Sun News | Mar 15, 2009 10:13:40 PM

Speaking of dumping Neurotoxins into pharmaceutical products.....
An aspartame-induced headache generally improves or ceases within several days after abstaining from aspartame. And, the headache tends to recur shortly after resuming aspartame. When Merck decided to make Maxalt(a migraine medicine) into an orally disintegrating product by adding aspartame, I told Merck that it wasn't a good idea. Sometime later, I actually found an article by researchers in New York who explained that aspartame-triggered attacks were definitely worsened in people using an aspartame-containing acute migraine medication called Maxalt-MLT.

Posted by: Barbara Metzler | Mar 16, 2009 6:16:15 AM

Thanks for this article. A few years ago, I was suffering from debilitating migraines - I mean, I had them all day, every day, they woke me up from sleep at night, I could barely work, barely function. Understandably, I was depressed; I was about to lose my job, and my husband was at the end of his rope. My doctor seriously thought I had a brain tumor, or at least an aneurysm, and tried to prepare me for the worst as he scheduled a head CT for me. As a last-ditch effort before the CT, he recommended I go on an "elimination diet" to see if it would help the migraines. The first thing he recommended dropping was aspartame - at the time, I was a huge Diet Coke drinker, plus I used Nutrasweet in coffee and ate yogurt with Nutrasweet every day.

Within four days of cutting out Nutrasweet, the migraines stopped. Almost completely. I went from daily migraines to only having a mild one monthly with my period, as had been happening for many years anyway. I honestly felt like a new person. I had been in such bad shape that my skin was peeling and my hair was falling out, due to stress from the migraines - that all stopped too.
After this experience, I started talking to people about Nutrasweet and found out that about 70 percent of the people I knew had problems with it. One person told me he had had an episode of mild SEIZURES and after a head CT, multiple tests, etc. he cut out Nutrasweet, and they stopped. Another friend had also gone through screening for a brain tumor after severe headaches where she developed aphasia, or an inability to speak - all stopped after she quit aspartame. I started doing research and read what many people have already stated here - that Nutrasweet is a powerful neurotoxin that should never have received FDA approval in the first place.

It sounds melodramatic to say that Nutrasweet nearly ruined my life, but I ask you to imagine living every day for nearly 6 months with a nausea-inducing, light-sensitive, sound-sensitive, pounding, ripping, pain in your head. By the end, I was suicidal and I had been on every kind of migraine medication and even two different kinds of antidepressant, along with an antiepileptic and Ativan, which is usually used as a sedative for mental patients. I no longer consume ANYTHING with aspartame - it is not even allowed in our house. It wasn't until I cut it out that I realized how many products have it - everything from baby food to gum to cereal. Never again.

Thanks for bringing attention to this issue and I hope at some point, we are successful in banning this extremely harmful chemical, so more people don't have to suffer. And for anyone who is suffering from severe headaches - please, cut out aspartame first before undergoing a head scan, which increases your risk of developing cancer later in your life.

Posted by: A.L. | Mar 16, 2009 7:30:50 AM

A.L.: Your comments are most illuminating, especially for those who have those "unattributed" migraine headaches, which so often stump physicians unable to diagnose their causes.

I hope readers will take the time to google and watch Cori Brackett's Sweet Misery documentary. It is 90 minutes long, but in the first six minutes you will see the top 3 physicians in the world on this subject, one of whom has graced this blog with his detailed comment, Dr. Ralph Walton, M.D., Psychiatry, and I encourage readers to take the time to carefully read what he has to say above in his long post. The NM Legislators on the Rules Committee had the same testimony emailed to them at least a month ago. Did they read it? Did they ignore it? Ask them, especially Tim Jennings at (505) 986-4733.

Unless New Mexicans of all hues, persuasions, ideologies, and locales talk to their Senator, Jennings may be the Pro Tem again in 2010. That will be a short session, under the Governor's control, and folks could also ask the governor to bring forth by statute or by Executive Order a real Nutrition Council, with some serious powers to challenge and question FDA monstrosities like Aspartame, and there a lot more. Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde just happens to be THE WORST ONE!

Posted by: Stephen Fox, Editor, New Mexico Sun News | Mar 16, 2009 8:24:57 AM

I am retired now, but when I was a young woman working her way through college at GW I spent three years as a legal secretary at a big DC law firm in the early 70's. One of the partners spent all of his billable time on one client: Flavoring and Extract Manufacturers Association. The sole purpose of this group was to debunk scientific studies which proved that aspartame was a carcinogen. The studies were expensive, the bills were huge and the tab was mainly paid by soft drink manufacturers, but there were dozens of big companies who were active members of this group and they all ponied up. One of the things that stands out in my memory after all these years is the biggest PR point they were trying to make was that a child would have to consume hundreds of soft drinks each day to equal the aspartame levels in the mice who developed cancer. A few years after I finished my education and entered journalism I saw that the FDA was in the process of approving aspartame. It wasn't my beat, but I was very surprised at the approval. That was an early lesson for me, a front row seat on just how money well spent with dedication and determination will finally get government agencies to do almost anything.

Posted by: Constance Holt | Mar 16, 2009 10:25:39 AM

New Mexico has really had a wonderful opportunity: to go down in history as a health conscious and aware state that is ahead of the pack on an issue that is really reaching critical mass in this country. Since completing my documentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World on the subject of aspartame, I have seen countless doctors and health care practitioners come to a scientific understanding of and belief in aspartame's toxicity.

As others have noted in this blog, substances are often introduced to the food supply, pharmacopeia or environment and then later recalled when more information comes to light about them. The public increasingly understands aspartame and is choosing to avoid it. The outcry to ban this substance is getting louder and cannot be silenced and avoided for much longer. The health of our nation and the State of New Mexico depend on it.


Cori Brackett

PS It has been seven years since my own health battles which were deemed by my physician to be degenerative and chronic in nature. I no longer ingest any aspartame at all, and I am not on medication - medication two doctors told me I HAD to be on. Today, I still feel great, I'm in fantastic health...and I walk four miles a day.

Posted by: Cori Brackett | Mar 16, 2009 10:41:48 AM

Thank you, Constance, and I surely thank you, Cori! The prime sponsor of the legislation re: aspartame in NM, Senator Ortiz y Pino has told me many times that your video is the most convincing and most useful tool for winning Senators to our point of view, so I want to take a minute to ask readers to watch it free on line. Just google SWEET MISERY, and you are there. I was on a radio program this morning in Alamogordo, and mentioned it along with a blast at the Senator from Otero County, Dianna Duran, who I don't believe ever watched your video that I gave her, and never even read Dr. Walton's testimony posted above. I guess the Republicans are so outnumbered they try to vote as a bloc, and someone is giving them "marching orders," as they put it in legislative circles....

Posted by: Stephen Fox, Editor, New Mexico Sun News | Mar 16, 2009 11:04:53 AM

What Jennings did was irresponsible and he should hang his head in shame and resign. He has no business being there for the people if he is against what is good for the people.

I testified before the Senate and House in New Mexico on the last bill to ban aspartame with Dr. Ken Stoller. Half the Senate was sipping Diet Coke and they voted for their addiction rather than for the people. Dr. Stoller said, “I don’t think we will get anywhere with you drinking Diet Coke but at least have mercy on the children.” They didn’t. Nobody took into consideration that this is a killer and without having the courage to stand for the life of the people more would die, and I’m sure they have.

We’re not talking about something that may not be good for you, but a deadly addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that interacts with virtually all drugs and vaccines because of damage to the mitochondria. We’re talking about a chemical poison whose medical text is as large as the New York phone directory. Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, www.sunsentpress.com by H. J. Roberts, M.D. It wasn’t that the Senate and the House didn’t know about it – I brought it with me and showed it. It was actually 40% large but cut down to be able to be published.

Jennings didn’t care, and politicians that don’t care should be removed just like the rest of the aspartame addicts in the Senate. Aspartame triggers birth defects and mental retardation and there is not even a warning for pregnant women. It causes sudden cardiac death, the reason so many athletes are dropping dead. The formaldehyde converted from the free methyl alcohol embalms living tissue and damages DNA. When you damage DNA you can destroy humanity. I flew to Barcelona to talk to the researcher who did this study (Trocho) and he said, “Betty, aspartame will kill 200 million people.” I said, “Doctor, it already has.” Aspartame triggers neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, birth defects, and sudden death; it can precipitate diabetes and has caused the greatest epidemic of obesity in human history. A new study shows it causes the metabolic syndrome. It causes hypertension, triggers seizures and makes you blind from the free methyl alcohol.

We’re talking about something that has been on the market a quarter of a century. There are millions of hits if you google aspartame. There is no excuse for anyone in a decision making position not to know what is going on.
There are aspartame detoxification clinics, an Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame and even support groups like the Aspartame Information list on www.mpwhi.com (scroll down to banners). It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know something needs to be done immediately. The experts have many times mentioned that the mental hospitals are full of patients who are only aspartame victims.

Some years ago an organic vegetable market published a brochure killed “Killer Kola”. It contained some of the worst reports on aspartame and was given out by the thousands free everyday, in every bag. Eventually people came in and got them by the handfuls. An unusual thing happened in about 60 days. The owner called and said, “You’re not going to believe what is going on down here. People are coming in by the thousands, they are faxing and calling. The blind can see, the crippled from fibromyalgia can walk, and people who have gone to doctors for years when doctors could not make a diagnosis have suddenly woken up well off aspartame. You would think you were in the resurrection.” I said, “You don’t have to tell me, I opened the door this morning and a woman fell in my arms crying, ‘I was blind and I can see again.’ You see the late Dr. Morgan Raiford, opthahlmologist said in a report if you can warn aspartame victims in time, and vision is in the “wet stage” it will return.” The free methyl alcohol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde and formic acid in the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve. Millions of blind people could see again if aspartame was removed from the market.

Because of the Killer Kola brochure and its results the Idaho Observer publishes the Artificially Sweetened Times, www.idaho-observer.com , 24 page booklets for distribution on aspartame. They say they will keep doing it until aspartame is removed.

See the aspartame documentary, and how Donald Rumsfeld got aspartame marketed through political chicanery after the FDA had revoked the petition for approval. Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, www.soundandfury.tv

A message to Jennings: “Hang your head, and resign in disgrace”.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com, www.wnho.net

Posted by: Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum | Mar 16, 2009 12:30:26 PM

Why would any person, man or woman, kill a vital consumer protection measure moving through the legislature -- any legislature? Why would a person vote against consumer protection?

I don’t know Senator Tim Jennings or any of the other New Mexico senators who voted to kill the bill that would have asked the FDA to take a known cancer-causing endocrine disrupter off the market. But I do know the company that makes million (maybe billions) of dollars yearly from sale of that cancer-causing endocrine disrupting product.

Their name is Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Their products include glutamic acid, aspartic acid, other individual amino acids, monosodium glutamate, and aspartame. In 1969, when monosodium glutamate and aspartic acid (subsequently used in aspartame) were found to kill brain cells and cause neuroendocrine disorders in laboratory animals, Ajinomoto, with Andrew G. Ebert, Ph.D. named as founder and chairman, formed the International Glutamate Technical Committee (IGTC) to promote the sale of monosodium glutamate. Once established, the IGTC assembled a cadre of scientists to conduct research for them and/or speak publicly about the safety of MSG; began providing research grants to individual physicians, researchers, universities, and medical schools; and hired public relations firms.

Influence of the IGTC can be felt at every level. Chairman Ebert has served on the FDA Food Advisory Committee; the Grocery Manufacturers of America (Technical Committee on Food Protection, the Codex Subcommittee on Food Additives and the GRAS-FASEB Monograph Committee); the National Food Processors Association; the Institute of Food Technology (Technology Toxicology and Safety Evaluation Division, and Scientific Lecturer); the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences Assembly of Life Sciences (Food and Nutrition Board: the Committee on Food Protection, and the GRAS List Survey); the American Medical Association (Industry Liaison Panel); the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Food Standards Program as an Industry Observer; and the International Food Additives Council as Executive Director. Glutamate industry representatives and friends sit on boards of "independent" organizations. Monsanto's Robert Shapiro, for example, sat on the board of the Tufts University School of Nutrition. The article “The toxicity/safety of processed free glutamic acid (MSG): a study in suppression of information” published in 1999 in Accountability in Research, provides detail (www.truthinlabeling.org/l-manuscript.html)

More recently, Ajinomoto took over aspartame. I have been watching Ajinomoto operate since 1989. I may be wrong, but I would assume that their aspartame enterprise is operated similarly to their monosodium glutamate enterprise. I know for a fact that many of the researchers who have done monosodium glutamate safety studies have also done aspartame safety studies. So I guess they got to Senator Jennings and the other three who voted against banning aspartame directly or through professional lobbying. Maybe they sent out players to play golf with the senators. Or, since aspartame is supposed to be addictive, maybe the senators were aspartame drinkers and were threatened with cutting off their supply. Maybe Donald Rumsfeld himself appealed to the senators on the basis of party loyalty. Rumsfeld did play a significant role in getting aspartame approved over the objections of a lot of independent scientists. I just can’t imagine what kind of suggestion or pressure would be great enough to cause an elected official to refuse to ban a cancer-causing, endocrine-disrupting chemical from food. You’ll have to ask the senators who served the interests of Ajinomoto.

Adrienne Samuels, Ph.D.
Truth in Labeling Campaign
Chicago, Illinois USA

Posted by: Adrienne Samuels | Mar 16, 2009 2:25:51 PM

Just a reminder that it was satanic emanation and unwelcome Taos resident Donald Rumsfeld that strong-armed the FDA into approving this toxic substance for mass consumption while he was CEO of Searle Laboratories. Yes, that Donald Rumsfeld. A talented purveyor of poisons of all kinds.

Posted by: DN Palacios | Mar 17, 2009 5:43:50 AM

Thank you, DN Palacios. Most people find that incredible, about Rummy, but there is a well known video in which he says he will "call in his markers," and get it approved through political mean rather than scientific or medical, which, to that date, had failed.

This matter will never be unraveled and corrected until the proper authorities recognize the problem, the cause of the problem, the medical and neurodegenerative implications of this problem, and some potential solutions. They will never get to that point as long as lobbyists and corporate lawyers continue to precipitate the legislative and regulatory debacles described in the above article. As a matter of fact, 5000 New Mexicans have signed a petition in 2004 and 2005 asking Richardson to get aspartame out of our food supply, and he hasn't responded yet, nor written so much as a letter to the FDA.

Bingaman has done more, but his letters were too polite, and the FDA responded with industry gobbledegook, no doubt written in one of the companies that uses aspartame in their products.

Time to renew these efforts with Bingaman, Udall, and the 3 Freshmen House members. I am quite serious.

Family and friends in other states should be asking their Senators and Congressman to do the same, to write to the new FDA Commissioner and the new Health Secretary.

Otherwise, nothing will happen except more people will continue to get really sick from aspartame.

Speaking of Rumsfeld, please google and read a brilliant article that describes his role in perfect detail:


Posted by: Stephen Fox, Editor, New Mexico Sun News | Mar 17, 2009 7:20:30 AM