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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Action Alert: NM Campaign Contribution Cap Set for Senate Judiciary Vote on Wednesday

The word is that SB 116, the Senate Rules Committee substitute campaign contribution caps bill sponsored by Sen. Peter Wirth, is set to be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee tomorrow, Wednesday, March 11, 2009. The current bill is a substitute for Senate Bills 116, 262, 346 and 521. It's limits don't kick in until January 1, 2011 and then sunset on January 1, 2013, but it is still worth enacting. We have to start somewhere given the Senate leadership's continuing opposition to the push for ethics and campaign finance reform.

Please contact members of the SJC, especially if your Senator serves on the Committee or you have an established relationship with the lawmaker. New Mexico is one of only five states with no campaign donation limits.

March 10, 2009 at 11:01 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, NM Legislature 2009 | Permalink


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