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Thursday, February 26, 2009

(Updates) Today: Liveblog and Webcasts of NM Senate Debate on Domestic Partnership Bill

Update 4:35 PM: Here's a pdf of the substitute bill they're gonna vote on any minute.

Update: 3:45 PM: The debate on SB 12 is now starting at last!

Update 3:00 PM: They're still debating TIDDs. We're still waiting for SB 12, which is supposed to come next.

Update 2:00 PM: Domestic Partnership up next on Senate Floor.

Pro-DP lobbyist Linda Siegle just quoted by Dave Maas: "Vote is close to a tie" says activist Linda Siegle, whom I have just cornered here in the press room. "We have changed the bill to try to accomodate the concerns of the religious organizations. So there are no references to spouse, to marriage, all that language is gone and we're just referencing statues now."
The New Mexico Independent, which has provided stellar coverage of legislative hearings and bills this year, is set to provide live blogging and a video webcast of today's debate in the New Mexico Senate on SB 12, the Domestic Partnership Rights and Responsibilities Act. Join reporters from the New Mexico Independent, Dave Maass of the Santa Fe Reporter and a panel of guests (including me) in tracking the action on the Senate Floor on one of the most discussed and debated bills in the Legislature this session.

Senators come onto the floor at 10 AM, but nobody really knows when the bill will come up for discussion. Click here to get in on the action, starting at 10 AM.

SFreeper, the blog of the Santa Fe Reporter, is also offering the video webcast, an unmoderated chat room and a link to audio. Click here.

You can also follow the Senate's activities today via an audio webcast on KUNM's website. KUNM has also been providing top notch coverage of the 60-day legislative session.

You can see our previous coverage of the domestic partnership bill by visiting our archive.

February 26, 2009 at 10:04 AM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2009, Web/Tech | Permalink


talk about a kick in the gut.

Posted by: mary ellen | Feb 26, 2009 4:52:25 PM

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