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Monday, February 09, 2009

Tell County Commissioners Your Thoughts on Development in Santa Fe County

From the New Mexico Environmental Law Center: The Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at their meeting on Tuesday, February 10th, will vote on the Interim Development Ordinance (IDO) proposed for Santa Fe County to establish a moratorium on new development for six months, with a six month extension option.

This moratorium is critical in order to allow communities the opportunity for input on an updated Santa Fe County General Plan. The General Plan update "will address affordable housing, economic development, sustainable development, alternative energy, natural and cultural resource protection, public facilities and services."

PLEASE ATTEND and LEND YOUR SUPPORT: The Meeting starts at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, February 10th; however, we were told by County Staff that the IDO matter would come up around 6:00 PM:

102 Grant Ave
Santa Fe, NM 87501-2061
(505) 986-6200
. Please note Agenda Item X.B. - a Resolution To Support an Act Recognizing the Inherent Authority of Municipalities and Counties To Regulate Oil and Gas Operations within their Jurisdictions

The Plan and The Galisteo Basin Oil & Gas Ordinance: This Plan is the broader framework for the Galisteo Basin Oil and Gas Ordinance, and essentially becomes the "constitution" for all future development activities:

Please Participate! Public input meetings are scheduled near you. See below for schedule or visit the project calendar. For more information, contact Robert Griego at (505) 986-6215, or visit the County website.

NOTE: El Norte meetings occurred last week.

El Centro Charrette
February 9-12, 2009
Santa Fe Community College Jemez Room
6401 Richards Avenue

Public Kick-Off Meeting
Monday, February 9; 6:00-8:00 PM

Public Open House
Tuesday, February 10; 9:00am-8:00 PM

Public Community Workshop
Wednesday, February 11; 6:00-8:00 PM

Galisteo Charrette
February 23-26, 2009
Galisteo Community Center
35 Avenida Vieja

Public Kick-Off Meeting
Monday, February 23; 6:00-8:00 PM

Public Open House
Tuesday, February 24; 9:00am-8:00 PM

Public Community Workshop
Wednesday, February 25; 6:00-8:00 PM

Estancia GMA Charrette
March 2-5, 2009
Edgewood Senior Center

Public Kick-Off Meeting
Monday, March 2; 6:00-8:00 PM

Public Open House
Tuesday, March 3; 9:00am-8:00 PM

Public Community Workshop
Wednesday, March 4; 6:00-8:00 PM

It is important for all citizens of Santa Fe County to participate in this General Plan Update process which is already underway. Please forward to friends and neighbors!

The New Mexico Environmental Law Center: nmelc@nmelc.org

February 9, 2009 at 05:05 PM in Energy, Environment, Events, Local Politics, Public Policy, Rural Issues, Santa Fe Politics, Sprawl Development | Permalink


We don't have the water.
We need to take care of our present population. I do not think that more growth is a priority in this economy. We need to put our own people to work. Contraction is coming in spades in this economic climate. We could try to have an intelligent contraction that benefits the citizens the most.
Let's concentrate on new ideas and stop building MORE and start building smarter. No more residential development, more retro-fitting, refurbishing and restoring.
Stop the sprawl.
Don't ruin Santa Fe anymore than it is.

Posted by: qofdisks | Feb 9, 2009 6:54:11 PM

Create jobs by hiring more snowplowers in the winter. When I was up there for two months in 2007, the road to my rental was a disaster. They finally did some plowing in March.

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Feb 9, 2009 8:25:25 PM

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