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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Stimulus "Compromise": Read It and Weep

Brace yourself, and then read Paul Krugman's latest piece, aptly entitled, "What the Centrists Have Wrought." Bottom line: "The real question now is whether Obama will be able to come back for more once it’s clear that the plan is way inadequate. My guess is no. This is really, really bad."

Addendum: I had to add this New York Times op-ed by Frank Rich. It's called "Slumdogs Unite!" Shall we?

February 7, 2009 at 03:56 PM in Economy, Populism | Permalink


This is where I must separate from my big-D Democratic friends. Elections are important, but governing is more important. I don't think html tags work on these comments, so to emphasize I'll just say it again...governing is more important.

This "stimulus" package is as close to a slam dunk as President Obama is ever likely to get. And while I don't know as much about it as I'd like, if/when Paul Krugman says it's inadequate I to believe him. Not to mention the "concessions" I've already seen that make me, as an educator, want to throw my framed Level III teaching license through a window.

So why the separation with Big-D Democrats here? Because I'm not seeing nearly enough outrage, persistence and clarification. Just as many feared, I'm seeing a watered-down, lobbyist-infused Bill that doesn't do enough and gives the right things to the wrong people.

Frankly, it's not the "post-partisan" aspect that bothers me. I don't mind Republican participation in the Plan at all. What I do mind is a willingness to bend far too easily on things like helping States, education, etc., and unwillingness to even TOUCH programs such as Defense. In fact, from what I read, the Plan seems to "stimulate" the DoD as much as anything. If anything doesn't need stimulation it's the Defense Department.

And yeah, Big-D Democratic friends...I'm looking at you here. And I'm not liking what I'm seeing. Just as I feared.

I welcome the opportunity to hear what's wrong with my thinking, and clarification on mistakes in what I think I've read regarding this whole....uh, um...a compound word starting with the word "cluster" is about all that comes to mind right now.

Posted by: scot | Feb 7, 2009 8:46:38 PM

I've been a Big-D Democrat all my life, but this bill and how it was arrived at bothers me a lot. Most Democratic administrations I've witnessed have been flawed indeed, or worse. It's always a fight when so many monied power blocs weigh in when the governing starts. To stave that off a president has to be an extraordinary leader. I thought Obama had it, but I'm not seeing it now.

To get something better, Obama would need to be more demanding, tougher and specific about how the failed economic philosophy of the right got us to this point. If I were him I'd hold up the bill until it was big enough and as effective as it could be and keep going on TV to blame the Rs for refusing to vote for it. Put them on the spot. Call their bluff. But Obama clings to the fantasy that compromises will gain conservative support. Crazy.

Who knows, maybe he agrees with the trickle-downers on some things. His choices for his econ team certainly seem to suggest that, unfortunately.

As for Party politics, I believe that if you're not inside there pushing at some level, you're sitting on the sidelines and merely kvetching to the wind. Many people I know don't agree and see Parties as useless. I wish they'd come inside and push with me and others. Of course, when push comes to shove, we're all probably just kvetching to the wind for the most part!

Money talks and it talks loudly and powerfully. And humans are oddly wretched creatures in so many ways, not up to the task of the kind of massive change we need. It certainly will be an interesting few years. I think we'll get to see if there are enough ready to rise to the tasks at hand, be truly creative and endure in the chaos.

Posted by: barb | Feb 7, 2009 9:07:43 PM

I can understand Obama extending his hand across the isle, what I don't understand is why he doesn't get that he and the Dem's will be doing all the compromising and will still not have the support of the Republicans. The House vote should have given all the Dem's a clue, if there was any doubt, that "country first" is only a slogan or talking point to the Republicans.

Posted by: VP | Feb 7, 2009 9:40:29 PM

We can't absolve Obama from these horrible cuts. It was his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel who pushed them. I highly doubt Emanuel is working on his own, without the president's approval. I knew naming Emanuel as chief of staff was bad news and this proves it. Read what Jane Hamsher at FDL says:


Posted by: Down with Rahm | Feb 8, 2009 12:43:30 PM

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