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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Richard Romero for Mayor: Events this Friday and Saturday

From Richard Romero for Mayor:

JOIN US FOR AN OPEN HOUSE THIS FRIDAY: Our office is open! Join us on Friday, February 27, from 5:30-7:00 PM. Come by after work for light hor'dourves, music and friends.

Location: Richard Romero for Mayor
4605 4th St NW, Suite A
(South of Griegos, on west side of the street)
Click for map

COME TO OUR NEXT ORGANIZING TRAINING: Sat. Feb. 28, 10 AM-2 PM: Please join us for next organizer training on Saturday, February 28 from 10 AM-2 PM at our office. Lunch will be served. My campaign is committed to investing in our volunteers -- and in each other -- around a common vision for change for Albuquerque. We are eager to bring the organizing principles we learned from the national Obama Campaign to our local Albuquerque mayoral race.

Zack Mikelson, former Obama Field Organizer and Teresa Brito-Asenap, former Obama Neighborhood Team Leader, will be leading this training to discuss our campaign's organizing philosophy.

Please RSVP to let us know if you will be attending. For more information call the campaign at 573-5649 or email Zach Mikelson at

Campaign Office Hours
8:30 AM-7 PM (M-Thursday)
8:30 AM-5 PM (Friday)
10 AM-5 PM (Saturday)
12 PM-7 PM (Sunday)

February 26, 2009 at 01:09 PM in 2009 Albuquerque Mayoral Race, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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