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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rep. Luján to Address Climate Change Conference with Speaker Pelosi

BRLujanHouseCRThis is very cool. Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D, NM-03) will join Speaker Pelosi, Congressman Ed Markey and Congressman Jay Inslee to speak at the 2009 Power Shift Conference Rally on Monday, March 2, in front of the Capitol in Washington DC. Power Shift is a youth-based grassroots movement focused on fighting climate change and promoting clean energy. More than 11,000 young people are creating the largest ever youth climate event in history, where they will lobby US political leaders to enact bold climate and energy policies that will rebuild our economy and halt global warming.

You can read more about Power Shift '09 and here.

Rep. Luján is a member of the Committee on Science and Technology and a Vice Chair of the Technology and Innovation Subcommittee. As a member of the Committee, Rep. Luján will work to make New Mexico a leader in renewable energy development and to address climate change through research and development.

Before joining Congress, Rep. Luján worked in New Mexico on climate change and renewable energy as a New Mexico Public Regulation Commissioner. Rep. Luján developed and signed the Joint Action Framework on Climate Change with his colleagues in California, Oregon and Washington. The Framework established regional solutions to global warming. Rep. Luján has long been an advocate for increasing renewable energy generation. He worked with the Governor and the state legislature to implement energy efficiency standards, net-metering rules, and a Renewable Portfolio Standard – one of the strongest in the nation. The Renewable Portfolio Standard will require utility companies to draw 20 percent of their energy from renewable sources by 2020.

February 28, 2009 at 11:41 AM in Energy, Environment, NM Congressional Delegation, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, Youth | Permalink


this is great! i would love to be there. Go Ben Ray Go. Turn the young people on!

Posted by: mary ellen | Feb 28, 2009 4:33:34 PM

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