Marty Chavez

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

HVEC Passes Rep. Trujillo's Same Day Voter Registration Bill 6-5

HTRUJRep. Jim Trujillo's Same Day Voter Registration bill, HB 52, received a Do Pass today by a 6 to 5 vote of the House Voters and Elections Committee. HB 52 provides for same day voter registration at polling places during early voting, but not on election day. The bill is endorsed by the NM AFL-CIO, Conservation Voters of New Mexico, Common Cause, NM County Clerks Affiliate and New Mexico League of Women Voters.

“I’m pleased that the Committee supported this bill to include more New Mexicans in the electoral process,” stated Trujillo. “By providing same day voter registration during early voting, there will be no added costs to counties statewide and we will take a very important step towards greater ballot access for all New Mexicans.”

HB 52 now moves to the New Mexico House floor for a vote on Thursday.

February 24, 2009 at 12:26 PM in Election Reform & Voting, NM Legislature 2009 | Permalink


What happened to HB 395, the better bill? Is it now DOA?

HB 52 is certainly a step forward, but HB 395 would have allowed true same-day registration on election day.

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Feb 24, 2009 4:49:41 PM

To answer my own question, HB 395 is dead. It appears that the House Voters and Elections committee used the form of HB 395, but it included the substance of HB 52 in the committee substitute. The bill is quite well-written, IMHO. It will do what it is supposed to do.

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Feb 24, 2009 5:53:59 PM



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