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Monday, February 23, 2009

Heads Up: Vote on Same Day Voter Registration Legislation at HVEC Tuesday

Critical action on two same day voter registration bills -- SB 52, sponsored by Rep. Trujillo, and HB 395, sponsored by Rep. Cervantes -- are expected tomorrow, Tuesday, February 24. The bills are scheduled to be heard starting at 8:00 AM in the House Voters and Elections Committee meeting in Room 305 at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe.

The two measures will likely be combined into one bill that will provide for same day registration at early voting sites, but not on election day itself. If a bill passes tomorrow, it will go next to the House Floor. It's important to call the following legislators and urge them to support the anticipated combined measure:

Common Cause NM has put together a set of helpful talking points you can use when you contact legislators on this issue.

Supporters are also being urged to attend tomorrow's Committee meeting to counteract the pressure being exerted by right wingers. The opposition has gone so far as to run TV ads with false claims about possible voter fraud against the bill. Just another in a long line of GOP disinformation about the allegedly huge threat of voter fraud around every corner. Funny, they've never been able to document or prove any such thing, but they keep on keepin' on.

February 23, 2009 at 02:50 PM in Election Reform & Voting, NM Legislature 2009 | Permalink


Well, that is why I started calling them republicants. They make all kinds of accusations and use fear tactics. I am sure their ads are full of lies. And you are right there has never been any voter fraud. Only the kind the republicants make-up out of whole cloth. They are very scared and they should be. Getting their power back ,I hope will take a very long time.

Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Feb 23, 2009 5:14:20 PM

I want same-day registration at the polls, too. They'd be treated as provisional ballots, so "fraud" concerns should be minimized, and the process would be easy for presiding judges.

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Feb 23, 2009 5:18:45 PM

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