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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

SB 12 Domestic Partnership Bill Passes Senate Public Affairs Committee

SB 12, Sen. Cisco McSorley's Domestic Partnership Rights and Responsibilities Act received a Do Pass today by the NM Senate Public Affairs Committee, after hours of testimony pro and con. The bill passed by a margin of 5-4. Voting Yes were Senators Mary Jane Garcia (D, 36-Dona Ana), Eric Griego (D, 14-Albuquerque), Cynthia Nava (D, 31-Las Cruces), Tim Eichenberg (D, 15-Albuquerque) and Dede Feldman (D, 13-Albuquerque) -- all Dems. Voting No were Senators Mark Boitano (R, 18-Albuquerque), Gay Kernan (R, 42-Hobbs), George Munoz (D, 4-Gallup) and Vernon Asbill (R, 34-Carlbad) -- all Repubs EXCEPT for Munoz, who is a Democrat from Gallup who also voted with Repubs to reelect Sen. Tim Jennings as Pro-Tem.

The bill was heard in a joint committee meeting with the Senate Judiciary Committee, but the SJC will not vote on it until its next meeting. The bill will go to the Senate Floor to have the committee report entered, and then it will move to SJC.

Sen. William Sharer's alternate bill, SB 144, was tabled in the SPAC by a vote of 6-3, pretty much killing it in the Senate this year. Voting to table were Democratic Senators Mary Jane Garcia, Eric Griego, Cynthia Nava, Tim Eichenberg, George Munoz and Dede Feldman. Voting against tabling the bill were Republican Senators Mark Boitano, Gay Kernan and Vernon Asbill.

January 28, 2009 at 05:59 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2009 | Permalink


Great result! Note however that Munoz is a Dem.

Posted by: luis | Jan 28, 2009 6:09:32 PM

I also wanted to comment about Senator George Munoz being a Democrat, not a Republican. He is also a member of 8 Democrats who sided with Republicans to keep Conservative Senator Tim Jennings as PPT.

Posted by: Leo Cuevas | Jan 28, 2009 6:55:46 PM

Barb, help me out here.

The bill was heard by Judiciary as well. So it will be referred back to the floor and then to Judiciary for a vote, that much is procedural.

Is the intent to shorten the process by referring to Judiciary for a vote and Cisco just won't call for further debate?

Seems like that could be as soon as Friday.

Also, what were the amendments? Those of us who came in after they were moved don't know, and the legislature's web site won't show them tonight.

I know, I know, a reporter's work is never done. But at least no one compared us to livestock this time!

Posted by: PhoenixRising | Jan 28, 2009 7:20:33 PM

We now need to work on Sen.Bernadette Sanchez (D) to support the bill in Judiciary. She is a dem and should support the Dem platform.

Posted by: lmartino | Jan 28, 2009 11:50:44 PM

With respect to Senator Sanchez supporting the Dem platform ... she has a brain, she isn't a sheep ... she'll do what she believes is right for her constituents.

Posted by: John | Jan 29, 2009 2:21:26 AM

Sorry, I know Sen. Munoz is a Dem but blew it as I rushed to post this after spending most of the afternoon listening to the hearing. My dinner was waiting and getting cold! I made the correction.

I'm not sure whether debate will be allowed at the Senate Justice Committee, but I think it saved time either way to have both committees hear the people who testified at one session instead of two.

Amendments: I missed that too so I hope someone at NMI caught it and reports on it. By the way, I'm no reporter, I'm a partisan advocate who blogs my opinions mixed in with facts. I wouldn't have it any other way!

Posted by: barb | Jan 29, 2009 8:48:05 AM

I really do not think we need to give recognition to those who are trying to destroy marriage by voting for this bill. It is wrong, it has nothing to do with rights but everthing to do with the church. We need God and the Bible more than ever and we are moving further away from Him. How sad.

Posted by: Joseph | Feb 17, 2009 8:20:50 AM

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