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Friday, January 09, 2009

1/19/09: Commemorate Inauguration with National Day of Service Sponsored by DPNM

From the Democratic Party of New Mexico:

Commemorate Our Historic Inauguration
National Day of Service Event sponsored by DPNM
Ronald McDonald House and Casa Esperanza
1011 Yale NE ABQ, NM 87106
Monday, January 19, 2009, 9 AM-6 PM

DPNM is sponsoring a Day of Service at the Ronald McDonald House and Casa Esperanza in Albuquerque in conjunction with the Presidential Inaugural Committee's National Day of Service on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. We will be cleaning, painting, landscaping and anything else they can think of! (Lunch will be provided.) If manual labor isn't for you, come by and donate anything from their wish list. Help us improve the lives of those in need and usher in our new administration.

SIGN UP here. Contact DPNM Field Director Marisa Trujillo DeMull, 505-830-3650, marisa@nmdemocrats.org for more information or to confirm.

To learn more about service opportunities on January 19 and beyond, in communities here and around the nation, visit the Renew America Together website. You can also organize your own event on the site.

January 9, 2009 at 02:32 PM in Democratic Party, Events, Obama Transition | Permalink


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