Monday, December 31, 2007

By Midnight: Last Chance to Support Candidates in 2007

The final campaign fundraising quarter of 2007 ends tonight at Midnight. Good numbers at this point in the election cycle can create buzz, mojo and and edge for candidates, especially those who might not be getting the full-throttle praise routine from the conventional, politics as usual crowd. If you support a candidate who's an underdog of sorts, or who's a particular favorite of yours, now's the time to kick in a few more bucks to top off the year. Donate the cost of a couple of bottles of champagne and you won't have a headache in the morning.

Here are the candidates I'm personally supporting with donations as 2007 edges towards the New Year:

NM-01: Martin Heinrich
Heinrich's environmental credentials are impeccable. He's smart, reasonable, honest and a very hard worker. He fought for working people, ethics reform, and green innovations on the Albuquerque City Council and I know he'll do the same in Washington. He's been working his you know what off since he entered the race, and his common sense, progressive views are top of the line. Added bonus: if you donate between now and Midnight, you get a chance at a free dinner with Martin at Scalo (or a NM goodie package if you live outside the area or can't make it in person). Donate to the Heinrich campaign.

NM-02: Bill McCamley
If you heard Dona Ana County Commissioner McCamley speak at this Fall's Dem Party SCC meeting or at another gathering this year, you know what I mean about his energy, commitment to Democratic principles and enthusiasm. He's been driving the district for months, racking up thousands of miles on his car and gaining coverts wherever he goes. He's running a creative, truly grassroots campaign and has attracted more than $200,000 in donations so far, most of them small. His campaign office in Las Cruces opens next month. According to some of the powers that be, Democrats in the 2nd District are all supposed to fall in line and support old-line oilman Harry Teague now that Rep. Joe Cervantes is out of the race. Does that sound like a wise choice at a time when development issues and a critical transformation to a renewable energy economy are the hot topics?

NM-03: Don Wiviott
I strongly supported Wiviott's courageous jump into the U.S. Senate race when everyone else was afraid to confront incumbent Sen. Pete Domenici. When Rep. Tom Udall decided to run for Senate, Don bowed out and endorsed him because they share so many of the same values. They are a lot alike. Wiviott is now running for Congress in the Third District and I'm still supporting him as a candidate. His progressive positions are on the mark, he's a fighter through and through and he's passionately committed to the big changes we need to meet the unique challenges of this turbulent era. Donate to the Wiviott campaign. 

State Senate District 15: John Blair
I got to know Blair via Dem Party activities and he's definitely one of the good guys. He's going up against an incumbent Republican who pretends to be "moderate" but votes like she's owned by all the wrong campaign donors. We need a real Democrat in this seat and Blair is that in spades. This race is expected to be a long, fierce battle and Blair needs resources now to start things off with an edge. Donate to the Blair campaign.

Of course there are many other excellent Dem candidates who'll need our support in the coming year, but I believe these four will benefit most from a strong fundraising showing this quarter. If you agree with my choices, I hope you'll give a few bucks to each. If not, I hope you'll decide to contribute to your own slate of candidates who need it most right now. And I mean now.

To read our previous coverage on these races, visit our archives:

December 31, 2007 at 03:17 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Reminder: Fundraiser Tonight for Rep. Mimi Stewart, 5:30-7:30 PM


Click on image for larger version.

Have some fun and help re-elect one of our best, most hard-working New Mexico legislators!

December 11, 2007 at 12:30 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

REMINDER: Fundraiser Tonight for John Blair for State Senate

At Zinc Wine Bar & Bistro in Nob Hill, 5:30-7:30 PM. Click for invitation (pdf).

December 5, 2007 at 03:15 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Packed House for John Blair Campaign's Kickoff for District 15 Senate Run

Deanna Archuleta (R) introduces John Blair at fundraiser

We went to Saturday's campaign fundraiser in Albuquerque for Democrat John Blair, who's running for State Senate in District 15. The district is currently represented by two-term incumbent Repub Diane Snyder. The kickoff was hosted by Bernalillo County Commissioner Deanna Archuleta, Patrick Hart, Leslie Kelly, Judy Pratt and Nasha and Raul Torrez. The event was packed and attendees were excited about Blair's chances in the race.

It's a difficult challenge to take on any incumbent candidate, and Snyder is no exception. But it's also clear that momentum has been building for months to try and replace Snyder with someone who would represent the district more energetically and wisely. There seems to be strong widespread support for John Blair being that candidate. Blair is hosting three separate fundraisers this week and has already amassed a list of some 200 volunteers ready to pound the pavement. 


Blair is a graduate of UNM Law School who has served as Legislative Aide to Senator Jeff Bingaman and Chief of Staff to State Auditor Hector Balderas. He's also been active in organizations like the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the Democratic Party, and he has served in several campaigns.

Blair decided to run for office himself because he believes strongly that change is needed at every level of American government if we want to regain our footing and use the power of ethical government to help us solve the serious problems we face. He says it's time to confront the myth that government is the problem, as put forth by Republicans for the last several decades, and show that government can be an effective catalyst for positive accomplishments in areas like health care, renewable energy and environmental sustainability. He'll also work for meaningful ethics and campaign finance reform to help turn government around.

BlairheadYou can sign up for campaign updates at his website at, where you can also make a contribution to his campaign via ActBlue. Blair is also hosting another fundraiser (click for FLYER) on Wednesday, December 5 at Zinc Wine Bar & Bistro, 3009 Central Ave. NE (in Nob Hill) if you would like to make a contribution in person.

If we want to be successful in getting a progressive agenda passed in the legislature, we need to elect more voices for change like Blair. And to elect candidates like Blair we need to donate to counteract the impact of the corporate donors who give to entrenched Republicans like Diane Snyder. Anyone can make a donation or volunteer to help the campaign, even if you don't live in Blair's district. I did.

December 4, 2007 at 09:05 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (2)

Friday, November 30, 2007

Campaign Fundraiser for State Rep. Mimi Stewart Set for 12.11.07


Click on image for larger version.

November 30, 2007 at 09:48 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tonight: Fundraiser to Re-Elect Rep. Moe Maestas

Ricardo Barros, Ed Mahr, Vanessa Alarid, Dan Weaks
Marla Shoats, Paul Mondragon, Javier Benavidez
Rep. Kiki Saavedra, Mike Puelle, T.J. Trujillo
Ousama M. Rasheed, Miguel Maestas & Robert Rivera


Thursday, November 29, 2007, 5:30 PM – 7 PM
@ The Q-Bar (Wine Room), 800 Rio Grande Blvd. NW

Contributions accepted. Checks payable to: The Moe Family, P.O. Box 188 , Albuquerque, New Mexico  87103. Printed in house. Paid for by The Moe Family, Chris Catechis, Treasurer

November 29, 2007 at 06:30 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Reception Supporting John Blair for State Senate District 15 Set for 12.1.07

From Leslie Kelly:

Dear Friends:
John Blair is running for state Senate District 15 against a Republican incumbent. John can win, but not without our help.

Please join me and our host committee of Commissioner Deanna Archuleta, Judy Pratt, Nasha & Raul Torrez, and Patrick Hart for an informal reception supporting John Blair (suggested contribution $25) on Saturday, December 1, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM.

Easy directions are: Head west on Indian School from the intersection of Indian School and Carlisle in Albuquerque. Turn north on Harvard. Turn west on Morrow. We are the third house on the left -- 2316 Morrow NE, tel. 268-0565. Click for FLYER (pdf).

November 20, 2007 at 08:55 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sunday 11/18/07: Eric Griego's State Senate Campaign Kick-Off

EgriegoFrom the Commitee to Elect Eric Griego to the State Senate in District 14:

Join us for Eric Griego's State Senate Campaign Kick-Off!

  • Date: Sunday, November 18, 2007
  • Time: 2:00 to 4:00 PM
  • Place: At the home of Ron Romero, 1106 Santa Fe SW (Barelas), Albuquerque (south of the Rio Grande Zoo) - Map

Please Join Our Host Committee: Dely Alcantara, Henry Chavez, Dorothy Chavez, Zoe Economou, Freddie & Kathleen Esquivel, Rita Goff, Jose Griego, Ted Jojola, Chuck Lopez, Alan Marks, Steve & Virginia Meyer, Marla Painter, Adam Rodriguez, Ron Romero, Mark Rudd, Frank Ruiz, Arturo Sandoval, Kata Sandoval, Louie Sanz, Robert Vigil, Orglando & Lydia Vigil, County Commissioner Deanna Archuleta, Albuquerque City Councilor-Elect Rey Garduno

Phone: 907-7752; Email Suggested Donation: $25. All contributions welcome.

November 14, 2007 at 09:17 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (19)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Musical Chairs for Santa Fe Statehouse Seats

We've been witnessing a complicated game of musical chairs (or is that 3D chess?) being played among Dems interested in running for U.S. House and Senate slots in New Mexico ever since Sen. Pete Domenici announced he'll retire. Now the action has spread to Dem candidates for Statehouse seats in Santa Fe.

Peter_wirthRecently, current State Senator John Grubesic announced he wouldn't be running for reelection in 2008 in Senate District 25 in Santa Fe because he needed to build up his law practice and earn some money. First-time candidate Brian Egolf had earlier announced he'd be running for that State Senate seat. Next, the highly respected State Rep. Peter Wirth (left) of Santa Fe's House District 47 announced he would also be running for Grubesic's old Senate seat. Exit Egolf, who announced yesterday he'll run instead for the House seat Wirth will be vacating in House District 47. Phew.

MilesmainBut wait, there may be more. A rumor is now making the rounds that Miles Nelson, M.D. (right), may be contemplating entering the House District 47 primary to challenge Egolf. Nelson, you may recall, was a Dem primary candidate for U.S. Congress in NM-01 in 2004 who got strong support from the grassroots. He ended up losing the primary to former State Senate President Pro-Tem Richard Romero, who had the backing of many Dem power politicos, including Gov. Bill Richardson. Romero went on to lose to incumbent Repub Rep. Heather Wilson in the general election 54% to 46%. Romero had also been defeated by Wilson in the 2002 race, by about the same margin.

A couple years back, Dr. Nelson moved to Santa Fe and just happens to reside in State House District 47. The word is he's being urged to make a return to election politics and run for what was Wirth's seat against the more moderate Dem, Brian Egolf. We'll see. Personally, I'd love to see Nelson back in the political action. He'd make an exciting State House candidate and would be an excellent replacement for progressive Rep. Wirth in that seat.

Other announced Dem candidates for the New Mexico Legislature include Eric Griego, who will be a primary challenger of current Dem State Senator James G. Taylor in Senate District 14 and John Blair, who is running for State Senate in District 15, a seat currently held by Repub Diane Snyder.

New Mexico's Dem primary elections, except for the caucus for presidential candidates, will take place in June of 2008. Read our previous posts on 2008 State Legislature races in our archive.

October 15, 2007 at 10:30 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (2)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Eric Griego to Run for NM State Senate in District 14

GriegoI'm very pleased to learn that former Albuquerque City Council member Eric Griego, who last ran for office in 2005 against current Mayor Marty Chavez, has decided to run for a State Senate slot in District 14. Griego, a Democrat, was born and raised in the District and resides there now. The seat is currently held by Democrat James G. Taylor.

Griego spent the last two years working on community economic development issues for the State of New Mexico. Recently, he accepted a position as Executive Director of the non-profit advocacy group New Mexico Voices for Children.

Griego says he's increasingly convinced that real progressive reform can only happen at the state level because of the current political logjam in Washington that makes it difficult for Congress to pass meaningful legislation. One of his major focuses will be campaign and ethics reform. As an City Councilor, Griego sponsored a referendum that voters approved by a hefty margin that made Albuquerque the second city in the nation to publicly finance local elections. He wants to champion similar reforms at the state level so that candidates with the most special interest money will no longer have the advantage.

Griego said health care reform is another important issue he hopes to tackle as a State Senator. New Mexico has the second highest number of uninsured people in the country, and Griego believes we can't wait for Washington to solve the problem.  "New Mexico must lead the country in implementing universal, comprehensive, affordable health care for all of its citizens," said Griego.

Stay tuned. The official kick-off of Eric's campaign is expected next month. 

October 6, 2007 at 01:32 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (5)