Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New TV Ad: Tell Pete Domenici to End the War

Just released: Here's the new TV ad by Americans United for Change aking that citizens call Pete Domenici and urge him to vote to end the Iraq occupation. Do It Now:  202-224-6621. Here's the text of the ad along with documentation on the points it makes. See my previous post for more info.

August 22, 2007 at 02:30 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Iraq War, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (0)

(Updated) Today, 2 PM, ABQ Peace & Justice Center: TV Ad Release Calling on Domenici to Vote to End Iraq War

Pete2UPDATE: Here's the TV ad that was released today. Dial away.
Isn't it time for Sen. Pete Domenici to see things as they are at last and vote to bring the war in Iraq to an end? Domenici has tried to get a lot of political mileage out of making a few public statements admitting Bush's Iraq strategy is on the wrong track, but he's still rubberstamping Bush's policies whenever push comes to shove. Americans United for Change, part of the coalition supporting the Iraq Summer Campaign folks, will unveil a new TV ad today that calls him on his lack of real action to end the war and bring our troops home. The ad is part of an ongoing effort to turn up the heat on Domenici in advance of "Take a Stand Day" on August 28th:

“With the war in Iraq now well into its 5th year and as U.S. forces continue to suffer tragic consequences there policing an endless religious civil war, Americans United for Change will unveil a TV ad campaign on Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 2:00 PM at the Albuquerque Peace and Justice Center calling on Pete Domenici to vote to bring the war in Iraq to a safe and responsible end and criticizing him for continuing to stand with President Bush and his failed strategy in Iraq. You're invited to attend."

  • WHO: Americans United for Change, Iraq Summer Campaign, Veterans and Iraq Servicemen Family Members
  • WHAT: Unveiling new TV ad blitz calling on Senator Pete Domenici to "Take a Stand" and vote to bring war in Iraq to safe and responsible end
  • WHERE: Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, 202 Harvard SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 (Map)
  • WHEN: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 2:00 PM

Handshake"The ad comes in advance of a forthcoming White House written report to Congress on the status of the war in September and as part of the Iraq Summer Campaign sponsored by the coalition Americans Against Escalation in Iraq, of which Americans United for Change is a leading partner. The ads are also running in advance of the coalition's national "Take a Stand Day" on August 28th during which thousands of citizens will attend hundreds of town hall meetings and vigils calling on Republicans in Congress to Take a Stand and vote to safely and responsibly end the war in Iraq."

Show Your Support for Ending the War at Albuquerque's "Take a Stand Day" Event: In Albuquerque, the August 28th "Take a Stand Day" event will be held at the UNM Continuing Education Auditorium at 1634 University NE at 7:00 PM (). Both Sen. Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson have been invited to attend and respond to constituent calls for an end to the Iraq occupation. Neither one has so far accepted the invitation. For one thing, Domenici will probably be completely pooped from attending that private, big dollar fundraiser in Los Ranchos the night before, where George Bush is scheduled to appear for expensive photo ops and backslapping on behalf of Pete's reelection campaign. You know how tedious and draining it can be to witness The Decider's sophomoric antics!

Martin Heinrich, running for Congress in NM-01, Wilson's district, has indicated he'll attend the "Take a Stand Day" event on 8/28, and anyone who wants to see our troops come home as soon as possible is also urged to attend.

Click to sign up for updates.

August 22, 2007 at 09:53 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Events, Iraq War, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Iraq Summer: Cheney in Albuquerque

Here's the latest video from the Iraq Summer campaign showing demonstrators confronting Dick Cheney's motorcade as he arrives for his speech on August 6th at the Albuquerque Marriott to the Marine Corps League. Cheney stuck with the same tired Republican talking points on why we must "stay the course" and keep our troops in Iraq despite the evident failure of Bush's "surge" to improve chances for a needed political settlement or regional strategic policy initiative.

Despite Sen. Pete Domenici's alleged "break" from the Bush administration's failed war tactics, he continues to parrot the right-wing party line on the war, as his words in the video make clear. At a July 21st fundraiser in Albuquerque attended by an Iraq Summer activist, Domenici stated unequivocably that "we don't intend to leave the area" and that he fully supports a long-term occupation of Iraq and the region "for many years."

We need to push Sen. Pete Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson to make a REAL break with Bush and take a stand to end this failed war based on lies and incompetence. To make your voice heard, we hope you'll participate in the coming Take A Stand Day on August 28th at 7 PM at the University of New Mexico's Continuing Education Auditorium at 1634 University Blvd NE in Albuquerque. More details soon. Send an email to to get on their email list and stay current on upcoming actions.

August 17, 2007 at 10:37 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Iraq War, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Domenici & Wilson: Do You Support a Draft to Sustain Bush's Endless War?

From Americans Against Escalation in Iraq: Just 14 days before ‘Take a Stand Day’ –- the town hall event in which New Mexicans will ask Senator Pete Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson to explain their war stance –- the Bush administration raised the stakes of the Iraq war even higher. Last week Lt. Gen. Doug Lute, President Bush’s “War Czar,” said he is considering reinstating a military draft. This bombshell announcement followed recent statements by General David Petraeus that U.S. forces should stay in Iraq for another 9 or 10 years

In the wake of these startling revelations, New Mexicans are asking Domenici and Wilson -– both of whom have obediently supported Bush’s reckless policy of endless war –- since you support Bush’s endless war, do you also support the draft needed to sustain it?

“Senator Domenici and Congresswoman Wilson make no apologies for their continued support of the President’s costly and reckless policy of endless war in Iraq, despite the fact that the vast majority of their constituents are adamantly opposed to keeping our troops stuck in the crosshairs of a religious civil war,” said Greg Richardson, Field Director for the New Mexico chapter of the Iraq Summer Campaign.  “The people of New Mexico deserve to know:  Do Senator Domenici and Rep. Wilson agree with General Petraeus’ assessment that the US will need to keep fighting in Iraq for the next 10 years?  If so, are they then willing to support a draft to maintain troop levels to support the Petraeus plan to stay in Iraq for another 10 years?”

“The Bush Administration’s reckless use of our military, National Guard and Reserves has strained our armed forces to the breaking point and has left us vulnerable here at home,” continued Richardson. “Senator Domenici and Rep. Wilson can no longer ignore the 800-pound gorilla in the room: Without a plan to get the US troops safely out of Iraq we could end up in situation where there is no choice but a draft.”

“If Domenici and Wilson don’t support the draft, then they must finally represent the majority of New Mexicans by voting to bring the war in Iraq to a safe and responsible end.  They have a choice to make: either stand with the people of New Mexico and vote to bring the troops home – or continue to enable the President’s reckless policy of U.S. troops refereeing an endless civil war in Iraq.”

Americans Against Escalation in Iraq has launched a new national television ad (video above) called “Draft” to denounce the Bush administration’s policy of endless war. With , the ad highlights an Iraq policy that is appallingly out of touch with American public opinion.

“New Mexicans won’t stand for a draft that would send even more men and women into a religious civil war,” warned Richardson. “If Sen. Domenici and Rep. Wilson truly want to ‘support’ our over-extended troops – they should bring them home.”

AAEI's "Iraq Summer" is a nationwide, 10-week long campaign with nearly 100 organizers in 15 states and 40 congressional districts to turn up the heat on members of Congress who have opposed setting a timeline to bring a safe and responsible end to the war in Iraq. The effort will culminate with a national "Take a Stand" day on August 28th, when Members of Congress will have the opportunity to explain their stance on the war to their constituents in a town hall setting.

If you want to join millions of Americans and volunteer to bring a safe end to the war in New Mexico contact You can also order a yard sign by contacting We'll keep you up to date on all the events and activities happening in New Mexico.

CDA, AAEI, and Iraq Summer is a coalition including a wide range of political and nonprofit organizations that are working against our current policy in Iraq. Coalition organizations that are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRC have not endorsed or sponsored this statement or the advertisement referred to therein, and no funds provided were used in producing or distributing this statement or the advertisement.

August 14, 2007 at 01:30 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Iraq War, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Bush, Los Ranchos, Domenici, Wiviott

You probably already know about this but I thought I'd post on it anyway as I'm still catching up after 10 days in Chicago for Yearly Kos and a Chicagoland vacation.

Bush in Los Ranchos for Pete
The Decider will appear at a private, big-dollar fundraiser on Monday, August 27, to benefit Sen. Pete Domenici's campaign to retain his Senate seat. It'll cost a mere $1000 just to get in the door, and $5000 to have your picture taken with Bush. The gathering of Republican Bush-Domenici supporters will be hosted by Los Ranchos Mayor Larry Abraham, a registered Independent, at his home in the North Valley outside Albuquerque. Abraham is also the Vice-Chair of the board of directors of the Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG) and Chairs their Metropolitan Transportation Board (MTB).

Surely, Abraham's "independent" cover has been damaged beyond repair by his enthusiasm to host Bush and support the campaign of one of the administration's primary rubberstamps. According to an Albuquerque Tribune article, Mayor Abraham deemed the event "a historic moment for the entire village and our family." I guess so, if you consider a stealthy visit from one of the most unpopular, unethical and incompetent presidents to be a positive thing.

Mayor Abraham also stated that, "We're honored to help Pete. He's an asset to the whole state of New Mexico." Others might argue that an aging, increasingly out of touch Senator who's accused of injecting politics into prosecutions by our U.S. Attorney, and who consistently supports tax cuts for the elite, huge subsidies for oil, gas and nuke corporations, a failed foreign policy in Iraq and continued destruction of our civil liberties is hurting most constituents rather than helping them.

Ready for a change? Check out the campaign of , a Democrat who's running for a chance to challenge Domenici for his Senate seat. Wiviott, a green developer from Santa Fe who's making clean energy, the environment and getting out of Iraq his core issues, was one of the candidates featured at a packed netroots candidate celebration at the Yearly Kos convention in Chicago last week. It was great to see a New Mexico Democrat up there on the stage with other strong netroots favorites like Eric Massa of New York, Darcy Burner of Washington State and Steve Kagen of Wisconsin. Even Al Franken, who's campaigning to take on Repub incumbent Norm Coleman in Minnesota, appeared at the candidate event via a live video feed. The candidates honored at the event are featured on a special Act Blue page where you can learn more and donate to one or all of them.

Don Wiviott (left) speaks to crowd at Yearly Kos Netroots Candidate Celebration

Wiviott was much in evidence all over the convention and was clearly concentrating on listening, learning and networking with activists. We had a chance to share a dinner with Don and hang out with him at a couple events. We came away very impressed with his intelligence, honesty, passion for progressive change and practical approach to fiscally responsible problem-solving. He's sincerely reaching out to the grassroots-netroots for support and he got a bunch of it at the YK candidate event. We look forward to hearing more from him as his campaign swings into gear.

Wiviott (bottom left), YK Netroots Candidate Class of '08 (Click on photos for larger versions.)

August 13, 2007 at 12:17 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (15)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Mexicans to Rep. Heather Wilson: Don’t Endorse Toothless Legislation

Recent Iraq Summer Demonstration in Albuquerque

From Iraq Summer, Americans Against Escalation in Iraq: Congresswoman Refuses to Vote for Timeline to End Bush’s War

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Heather Wilson this weekend said she is considering endorsing legislation that would limit missions for U.S. troops in Iraq but leaves it up to President Bush to decide when troops should leave.

“New Mexicans are demanding a responsible end to the war but apparently Congresswoman Heather Wilson’s idea of taking action is to back a toothless bill that offers no deadlines. Well the people of New Mexico just aren’t going to buy it,” said Greg Richardson, spokesman for the New Mexico chapter of the “Iraq Summer” campaign. “The time for rhetoric is over. If Heather Wilson truly supports bringing our troops home safely, she must stop obstructing the will of the American people and vote for a responsible timeline to end the war in Iraq.”

Wilson’s remarks come in the wake of a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll that found a record 78 percent of Americans think the President is not showing enough flexibility to change course in Iraq [Washington Post , 7/24/07].

“Congresswoman Wilson is out of touch with her constituents and out of touch with the American public. New Mexicans can see right through her latest charade to try to have it both ways,” continued Richardson.  “The public trusts Congressional Democrats over the President to end the war and Wilson, who has voted against Democrats efforts, will be forced to face her outraged constituents over August recess.

“Through the Iraq Summer campaign AAEI will be cranking up the heat on Congresswoman Wilson. She is in for an unforgettable August Recess back home in New Mexico where citizens are demanding an end to the war.”

“Iraq Summer” is a nationwide, 10-week long campaign with nearly 100 organizers in 15 states and 40 congressional districts to turn up the heat on Republican members of Congress who have opposed setting a timeline to bring a safe and responsible end to the war in Iraq. The effort will culminate with a national “Take a Stand” day on August 28th, when members will have the opportunity to explain their stance on the war to their constituents in a town hall setting.

For more info: website ; email

July 31, 2007 at 01:00 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Iraq War, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (2)

Cheney in Albuquerque Monday 8.6.07

Cheney's high school yearbook photo

VP Dick Cheney will emerge from his cave in an undisclosed location and be in Albuquerque on Monday, August 6. He's set to address the joint opening session of the Marine Corps League's national convention at the Marriott Hotel located at 2101 Louisiana Boulevard NE. According to the meeting agenda, Cheney will be speaking to the convention from 10:30 to 11:00 AM. No word yet on any other events scheduled for Dick while he's in town.

I wonder if he'll try to raise some bucks for the faltering Repub team while here. Or maybe he'll just have a conversation or two with Pat Rogers or another of the NM Repub biggies about how to illegally keep Democratic voters off the rolls with voter caging techniques or trumped up claims of "voter fraud."

As we previously reported, Bush himself will be attending a fundraiser for Sen. Pete Domenici in New Mexico sometime in late August.

Karl Rove must be fretting about the GOP's chances in New Mexico in 2008. With the House Ethics Committee meeting behind closed doors to hear testimony about  Rep. Heather Wilson's pressuring phone call to fired U.S. Attorney David Iglesias, Sen. Pete Domenici entangled in a similar controversy on the Senate side and Rep. Steve Pearce voting against a recent House resolution to establish that permanent bases won't be built in Iraq (that passed by a 399-24 margin), Rove has his work cut out for him.

July 31, 2007 at 09:07 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Election Reform & Voting, Events, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (10)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Pete Domenici: Running Scared

Repubrun According to the scuttlebutt that's making the rounds, Commander Bush will be in Albuquerque on August 27th to squeeze wealthy Repubs to donate cash to Sen. Pete Domenici's campaign coffers. The usual Repub contribution requirements will apply: $1000 to eat lunch in the same room as King George. $5000 to have  your picture taken with The Decider. Everything's "private." No ordinary citizens allowed.

BushtiredVery telling that Domenici's campaign is willing to risk a visit by the incredibly unpopular president in order to drum up funds. Obviously, they're worried about Pete's drooping approval ratings, his ethics problems connected to the firing of former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias and his chances in the 2008 election. Why else would they bring in a failed president with an Iraq occupation strategy so misbegotten that even Domenici himself has been critical? After all, it's difficult and essentially hypocritical to be distancing yourself from Bush's dismal and damaging position on Iraq while welcoming an appearance by The Decider on your behalf.

Pundits and Repubs alike are poo-pooing the Dems' chances at winning Domenici's Senate seat come November 2008, but I think they're dead wrong. The throw-the-Repub-bums-out mood of New Mexicans matches the strong backlash against Bush rubberstamps that characterizes the mood nationally. This will be what's called a "change election" -- the kind of presidential contest year where the policies of a failed chief executive and his bootlickers are rejected wholesale, and the opposition party's favored presidential candidate can be expected to have long coat-tails indeed.

Domenici2Big sweeps are often the norm in such years -- and the anger and profound disapproval erupting against Bush, his party and his apologists are at record levels with no end in sight. Anything is possible, especially when an aging, long-time incumbent Senator like Domenici has clearly lost his edge and much of his clout on The Hill with a Dem takeover of Congress. Moreover, there's a growing anti-politics as usual movement that favors creative, common sense candidates ready to challenge the status quo over Beltway insider, conventional wisdom politicos.

If you want to help get Domenici out of the way of our forward progress, a good place to start is supporting one of the candidates for the Dem nomination who want to take him on in 2008. Sign on as a supporter and/or give a few bucks to the New Mexico Dem Senate campaign of your choosing:

See our previous post on Bush's trip to New Mexico on behalf of Domenici. For more on the 2008 race for the Senate in New Mexico, visit our archive of posts on the topic.

July 23, 2007 at 01:19 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (3)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Bush to Visit NM to Raise Funds for Domenici

BushpeteAccording to the Albuquerque Journal, The Commander George W. (The Decider) Bush will be taking precious time out of his delusional Iraq occupation disinformation campaign to attend a private, big dollar fundraiser for Sen. Pete Domenici in late August in Albuquerque:

... sources familiar with Domenici's quest for a seventh Senate term told the Journal this week that the campaign has already started making calls to solicit potential contributors regarding the late-August fundraiser and plans to mail out invitations soon.

I'm sure they'll keep the details secret so that New Mexico's citizens don't get anywhere near the increasingly unpopular president (or the increasingly muddled Domenici). As always, Bush's handlers are hell bent on making sure that inconvenient realities don't puncture the president's protective bubble of sunny, steely "resolve."

The visit by Bush is undoubtedly a payback for Pete's refusal to vote for anything meaningful to change course in Iraq, despite the Senator's recent posturing in the media about a change of heart on the occupation. Like Bush, Domenici is all hat, no cattle, on Iraq. Domenici's top priority these days, like that of most other powerful Repub Senators, is protecting the president and his cronies rather than doing what's right by our troops or our nation. Money talks. Domenici listens.

July 20, 2007 at 10:06 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (7)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

NM “Iraq Summer” Campaign Blasts Domenici for Obstructing Responsible End to the War in Iraq

From Americans Against Escalation in Iraq:
“Iraq Summer” Campaign Turns Up Heat Nationally on Out of Touch Senate Republicans like Pete Domenici for Betraying Constituents, Country

Albuquerque, NM – Today, U.S. Senator Pete Domenici put party politics before the clear will of the people of New Mexico and the country by obstructing an up-or-down vote on the Levin-Reed amendment to the Defense Authorization bill that would bring a safe and responsible end to the Iraq war. More than seven in 10 Americans favor removing nearly all U.S. troops from Iraq by next April. [USA Today 7/10/07] 

“Senator Domenici’s vote today for endless war in Iraq is a bitter affront to the people of New Mexico who overwhelmingly support bringing our troops home out of the crosshairs of a bloody civil war,” said Greg Richardson, Field Director for the New Mexico chapter of the “Iraq Summer” campaign.  “Over the clear will of his constituents, Senator Domenici chose to enable this President to continue prosecuting his costly, irresponsible and failed Iraq policy -- and we’re not going to take it lying down.”

Last night Moveon members and Iraq Summer organizers held events outside the home state office of each and every Senate Republican to demand they stop blocking an end to the war in Iraq. In total Moveon members held 155 events across the country.

“On Wednesday night, citizens across the country came out in force and showed that they are not going to stand for this cowardly obstructionism and political gamesmanship from Senate Republicans,” continued Richardson. “The outpouring of public anger and frustration last night is a clear indication of how Senate Republicans are grossly out of touch with their constituents. This is no longer just an anti-Iraq war movement, this is a nation united in demanding an end to the war. It's time Senator Domenici and his fellow Republicans stopped obstructing, stopped playing these petty political games and started representing their constituents by voting to bring this war to a safe and responsible end.  That’s real support for our troops.”

“Senator Domenici’s vote this morning is further demonstration that he has lost touch with the people of New Mexico.  Through the ‘Iraq Summer’ campaign, Americans Against Escalation in Iraq will turn up the heat on Senator Domenici even further. We’ll be knocking on more doors, holding more rallies outside his office, continuing our Call Congress campaigns, and placing more and more signs on lawns across this state demanding an end to this reckless war.  If Sen. Domenici thought he could escape public retribution and accountability for his obstructionism – he’s painfully mistaken.”

“Iraq Summer” has dispatched nearly 100 organizers to 15 states and 40 congressional districts to turn up the heat this summer on Republican members of Congress who have opposed setting a timeline to bring a responsible end to the war in Iraq.  The intense10-week program is modeled on the “Freedom Summer” civil rights project.

July 18, 2007 at 04:04 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)