Monday, October 15, 2007

U.S. Senate Candidate Don Wiviott Raises $130,000 in 3Q

Wiviottsm_2It's not official yet, but the Don Wiviott for U.S. Senate campaign is saying they raised more than $130,000 in the third quarter of this year -- not bad for a political newcomer. Wiviott didn't seriously begin raising funds until just after Labor Day so that makes the figure even more impressive.

Overall, the campaign has raised $535,000 since the end of the second quarter when Wiviott announced his entry into the race. Of that, $400,000 was provided by Wiviott himself, to kick start the campaign. The campaign reportedly ended the third quarter with more than $371,000 in the bank, having spent about $160,000 to set up a campaign office, hire campaign staff and pay for other startup expenses. Wiviott is in DC today meeting with Dem politicos along with his campaign manager, Caroline Buerkle, who ran former Attorney General Patricia Madrid's NM-01 Congressional campaign in 2006.

Wiviott for Senate has raised a total of $61,414 to date via Act Blue, the online Dem fundraising tool, including about $844 via the Beat Back New Mexico Act Blue page organized by this blog and .

Don Wiviott has stated he's willing to commit up to $2.1 million on the Dem primary race, including campaign contributions and his own money. He's very determined to run a strong race and is very passionate about the need for real change in Washington -- and some fresh ideas from outside the business as usual crowd. I agree.

Also announced as running for the Senate seat currently held by retiring Sen. Pete Domenici on the Dem side are Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez, who entered the race last week, and Santa Feans Jim Hannan and Leland Lehrman. On the Repub side, there's current NM-01 Rep. Heather Wilson, who announced her candidacy the day after Domenici announced his retirement. NM-02 Rep. Steve Pearce has formed a committee to explore the possibility and State Land Commissioner Pat Lyons, who is said to be considering a run.

To see our previous posts on the U.S. Senate Race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

October 15, 2007 at 06:04 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

(Updated) Get Your Scorecard: U.S. Senate and House Races in New Mexico

FlashHave you ever felt such powerful, crackling, constantly changing political lightning flashing all over New Mexico? To say the situation has been fast-paced and fluid since Sen. Domenici announced his retirement would be a huge understatement. The phone companies must be making a bundle on the traffic being generated by all the speculating, negotiating, analyzing, strategizing, gossiping and bitching that been going on every political level in all parts of the state. So where do we stand right now? Here's a basic scorecard (UPDATED 10.12.07):



IN: Santa Fe sustainable developer Don Wiviott; Albuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez; Santa Fe Community Housing Trust Finance Director Jim Hannan; Santa Fe publisher Leland Lehrman

OUT: Gov. Bill Richardson; Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03)

STILL PONDERING: Lt. Gov. Diane Denish; former Attorney General Patricia Madrid


IN: Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01); Roswell oilman Spiro Vassilopoulos


STILL PONDERING: NM Land Commissioner Pat Lyons



IN: Albuquerque City Councilor Martin Heinrich; Attorney Jon Adams; former Secretary of NM Department of Public Health Michelle Lujan Grisham

OUT: State Rep. Al Park; State Treasurer James Lewis; former Attorney General Patricia Madrid



IN: Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White

STILL PONDERING: State Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones; State Sen. Mark Boitano; State Sen. John Ryan; State Senator Joe Carraro



IN: Dona Ana County Commissioner Bill McCamley; Minister Al Kissling

STILL PONDERING: State Rep. Joseph Cervantes


UNKNOWN: Current Rep. Steve Pearce (may run for U.S. Senate)

MAY BE PONDERING: K-Bob's Steakhouse owner Ed Tinsley; Roswell State Rep. Dan Foley



IN: Current Rep. Tom Udall (considered a shoe-in)


IN: No names being floated yet

Check our archives for previous posts on these races:

October 10, 2007 at 03:39 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (5)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Wiviott Committed to Winning Senate Race in New Mexico


In response to Mayor Martin Chavez's announcement this morning that he'll be entering the race for U.S. Senate in New Mexico, Don Wiviott had this to say:

“I welcome Marty Chavez to the campaign. I got in this race early because I believe there are serious issues facing this country, such as bringing our troops home from Iraq, creating jobs, and protecting our planet, that are more important than partisan or personal politics. I’m going to keep doing what I’ve been doing since I announced my candidacy in late June: introduce myself to the people of New Mexico and explain why we need a strong, progressive voice in Washington. I’m committed to winning this race."

Wiviott got into the race months before Pete Domenici announced his retirement and Marty Chavez decided to take the plunge. Clearly, he's in the race to stay.

October 9, 2007 at 04:12 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (1)

Video: Marty Chavez Announces U.S. Senate Run in New Mexico

Over at New Mexico's KOB News, unedited. From this morning at Eclipse Aviation in Albuquerque. He announced the presence a the event of former NM First Lady Clara Apodaca, District Attorney Kari Brandenburg, Santa Fe County Clerk Valerie Espinoza, former Ambassador to Spain Ed Romero, City Councilor Ken Sanchez and lobbyist Linda Siegel, among others. Here's his new campaign website.

See our previous posts on the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico.

October 9, 2007 at 12:18 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (4)

Monday, October 08, 2007

First SurveyUSA Polling on U.S. Senate Race in New Mexico

What I find interesting is that Steve Pearce is stronger than Heather Wilson across the board, and that Don Wiviott is registering decent numbers considering he's never run before and he just begun his primary race several months ago. Note the weakness of Marty Chavez despite being in his third term as Albuquerque mayor, and having run and lost for governor in 1998.

From new SurveyUSA polling:

10 Possible Head-to-Head U.S. Senate Pairings Tested for Domenici NM Seat: When 5 possible New Mexico Democrats are paired-off against 2 possible New Mexico Republicans, in the contest to replace U.S. Senator Pete Domenici, who announced 10/04/07 his decision to retire from the Senate, Republicans win 5 match-ups and hold the seat, Democrats win 4 match-ups and take-away the seat, and one pairing is a tie, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KOB-TV.

Starting with Republican candidate Steven Pearce, Congressman from New Mexico's 2nd District:

  • Pearce loses to Congressman Tom Udall by 18 points
  • loses to Governor Bill Richardson by 24 points
  • defeats Albuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez by 21 points
  • defeats former Attorney General Patricia Madrid by 16 points
  • and defeats businessman Don Wiviott by 35 points.

Now to Republican candidate Heather Wilson, Congresswoman from New Mexico's 1st Congressional District:

  • Wilson loses to Udall by 18 points (same as Pearce),
  • loses to Richardson by 27 points (Wilson runs 3 points weaker than Pearce),
  • defeats Chavez by 4 points (Wilson runs 17 points weaker than Pearce),
  • effectively ties Patricia Madrid (Wilson runs 15 points weaker than Pearce)
  • and defeats Wiviott by 17 points (Wilson runs 18 points weaker than Pearce).

Said the opposite way: Richardson and Udall defeat either Republican, and take-away the seat for Democrats. Wiviott is defeated by either Republican. Chavez and Madrid both are competitive against Wilson. All of the above is true today, 10/08/07, 56 weeks to the General Election on 11/04/08, but much can and will change as the contest begins to take shape.

Here are the cross tabs filling in the details on the polling.

Read our previous posts on this race.

October 8, 2007 at 08:26 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (3)

With Nowhere Else to Go, Marty Chavez to Seek U.S. Senate Seat in New Mexico

MarchavezMy own personal take on the latest development in the U.S. Senate race in New Mexico: Albuquerque's Mayor Martin Chavez will announce his run for Pete Domenici's Senate seat tomorrow at 11 AM at Eclipse Aviation. Maybe he should have Terri Cole, maven of the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, and his big donors from all sectors of the sprawl development industry standing on stage with him -- for these are the interests he's served most faithfully while mayor. At one time he could have had Repub Sally Mayer at his side, since she's been one of his strongest boosters on the City Council, but even she feels betrayed and bullied by Chavez of late. That's the kind of guy he is.

Recent Setbacks
Mayor Marty has been trumpeting his desire to be Governor for many moons now. Unfortunately for him, not many Democrats around the state have been enthusiastic about it. He's offered lavishly catered events at Dem gatherings, traveled the state looking for backers and tried to get his helpers elected to Party offices, even if a few didn't really live in the precincts they ran in. Still, in the only available public polling on Dem candidates for the 2010 governor's race, Dems chose Lt. Gov. Diane Denish over him by a margin of 50% to 30%. Chavez has little statewide cred with Dems despite being elected as Albuquerque's mayor three times. Maybe that's because he got so many votes from Repubs. And he didn't have to face a Dem primary because the mayor's race is officially "nonpartisan."

His only other foray into running statewide brought a sound defeat, when he lost to Repub Gary Johnson by a margin of 55% to 46% in the 1998 Governor's race. Of course, since then, Marty's reinvented himself as sprawl development's best friend. The money is so good you know.

Recently, of course, he got another thrashing when the candidates he put up to run in this month's municipal election in Albuquerque all got roundly beaten. Several used less than stellar campaign tactics to try and get the edge, only to be found out and chastised in public and ultimately by the voters. Yes, Marty must have been pretty glum until Pete Domenici announced his retirement. After all, Chavez had blocked off that alternative route to power by stating previously that he wouldn't ever run against Domenici. More than that, he proclaimed that he supported Domenici and would vote for him. Quite the Democrat, isn't he?

Moderate or Mugging for Monied Interests?
Now that the way to the governship seems rocky indeed and he's rapidly becoming a lame duck mayor, a run for Senate must seem like the perfect solution to his growing political impotence. At least to his cronies and donors. It sure doesn't seem like anything but tone deaf political stubborness to the rank and file Dems I know. You can hear the groans rising from many quarters. For Marty isn't really a "moderate" Dem as he likes to portray himself. In my book, he's a big-time sell out to the financial forces of profit at any cost here in the Duke City. Remember that he raised and spent more than for his last mayoral run. You don't get that level of donations in a city race for nothing.

There's a big difference between being moderate on economic issues and taking money to do the work of some of the nastiest players on the metro scene. What kind of Democrat would work with Terri Cole et al. to quash a raise in the minimum wage, fight the implementation of clean elections and stop the movement for Smart Growith in the city? What kind of Democrat would do everything in his power to make uncontrolled sprawl growth easier and then self-proclaim himself "green" and into "water conservation"? The kind that thinks he can fool at least most of the people enough to win a Democratic primary for Senate. Personally, I think he's got his work cut out for him.

I'm curious as to how Chavez intends to package himself for this run, especially during a Dem primary that's sure to be a test of his mettle as a Democrat. What mask will he don, what buzzwords will his dedicated PR team provide, which parts of his record will he reinvent to try and convince voters he's something he's not?

It will certainly be compelling in a dismal sort of way to watch him try to squeeze into Dem's clothing as he goes before the Party's central committee and primary voters. And I guess the political pundits finally have a "name" Democrat to satisfy their needs. The problem is that his name is mud in the minds of way too many Democrats who take the Party's core credos seriously. And I'm not just talking about progressives. I'm talking about ordinary Democrats you meet when you canvass door to door in the precincts. The Democrats who stuff the envelopes and make the phone calls. The Democrats who vote straight tickets. You know, real Democrats.

Thanks for the Memories: ABQPAC
For those who may have forgotten about one of Mayor Chavez's major ethics transgressions, below are some links to local press articles about his 2002-03 involvement with ABQPAC, which was created to raise money from city employees and contractors to pay for such things as the travel expenses of Marty's family on international goodwill trips, his cell phone bills, campaign debts, etc.

Even the city's Board of Ethics and Campaign Practices -- generally seen as toothless and compromised -- was forced to take some action against Chavez regarding ABQPAC. Although Common Cause and others were calling for his removal from office due to the ABQPAC scams, he was reprimanded and ended up returning $60,000 in "donations" he got via ABQPAC. The Ethics Board found him guilty of violating the City Charter by accepting money to pay for family travel and other expenses. The Board ruled that he violated a ban on accepting valuable gifts from those with an interest in city affairs and that he failed to report certain campaign contributions and abide by contribution limits.

  • 18 PAC Donors Tied to Contracts, Albuquerque Journal
  • The Chavez case: Panel will deliberate key points, Albuquerque Tribune
  • >Chavez Found Guilty of Violations in ABQPAC Inquiry, Albuquerque Journal
  • The Mayor’s Indispensable Woman, Duke City Fix (about Teri Baird, campaign fundraiser for Chavez and ABQPAC)
  • Ethics Hall of Shame, Democracy for New Mexico

For our previous posts about the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive. For our posts about the recently complete Albuquerque municipal election and Mayor Martin Chavez's role in it, click here.

October 8, 2007 at 12:17 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (12)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

(Updated) Heinrich Comments on Wilson's U.S. Senate Announcement; Click to Endorse Him

CLICK HERE to Endorse Martin Heinrich

UPDATE 10.08.07: Click to read some of the citizen endorsements that have been submitted at Martin Heinrich's revamped website and blog. Click above to submit yours.
Martin Heinrich, Democratic candidate for Congress in New Mexico's First Distrtict, issued the following statement on Friday regarding Heather Wilson's decision to run for the U.S. Senate:

"Today, Congresswoman Heather Wilson announced that she will not run for reelection to the House of Representatives, and will instead run for the United States Senate seat being vacated by Senator Domenici. Since I entered the race for Congress over five months ago, I've spoken with countless voters who share my vision and are just as eager to bring change to Washington as I am. I am running for Congress to bring a change in leadership for New Mexico's First District - to find a new direction in Iraq, to make New Mexico a leader in the drive toward energy independence, and to bring integrity to Congress.

"In Congress, I will focus on getting results - just as I have in my four years on the Albuquerque City Council, where I have led the effort to increase the minimum wage, worked to bring new jobs to our city, cracked down on crime and the methamphetamine epidemic, and always stood up for our environment and the wilderness areas that make New Mexico such a special place to call home.

"I have been honored by the many endorsements I have received from community leaders and elected officials, but nothing has honored me more than the many voters across this district who have told me they believe that I am the Democrat who can win this seat and bring about the change we all want to see in Washington. Together, we will continue to build on that momentum and unite New Mexicans around our campaign for change."

Editor's Note: How to Endorse Martin Heinrich
See Heinrich's revamped website and blog where you can read yesterday's message to voters and submit your official endorsement of his campaign. Heinrich has been working hard on this race for months, but now that Wilson has decided to run for Senate, other less progressive Dem candidates are coming out of the woodwork to test the waters.

Now's the time to join hundreds of other Heinrich endorsers to show that Martin has the strong support of Democrats across the First District. Now's the time to help Martin keep the momentum going on his campaign and convince others that Martin Heinrich is the best candidate for the job. Endorse Martin Heinrich right now and ask your friends, family and neighbors to do the same.

October 7, 2007 at 10:49 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Domenici's Hand-Picked Successor Announces Senate Run; What Will Pearce Do?


Yesterday afternoon Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01) stated that she'll be running for Pete Domenici's Senate seat during a hastily called news conference at the Nativo Lodge hotel in Albuquerque. Wilson attempted to head off perceptions that her jumping into the ring so quickly -- only a day after Domenici announced his retirement -- might be seen as insensitive. She claimed this wasn't an "official" announcement saying, "There will be an opportunity later for formal campaign kick-offs and celebrations. This just doesn’t seem the day for it." The political posters behind her and the presence of her husband and children on the stage seemed to indicate otherwise.

At any rate, everyone knows this is how it has long been planned. Domenici "discovered" Wilson and encouraged her to take up the political life in the Land of Enchantment. She's publicly acknowledged he's her "mentor" and Domenici has made no secret of grooming her to be his successor.

Starting in 1998, Wilson was a staff member on the National Security Council during the first Bush administration. She moved to New Mexico in 1991 and helped found Keystone International, where she did consulting with defense-related corps on business development. At Domenici's urging, she was appointed in 1995 by then-Governor Gary Johnson to the post of cabinet secretary of NM's Childen, Youth and Family Department. Early on Wilson ran into some trouble with the media about her removing a file on her husband from the agency's records, and then lying about it on camera. She ran for the NM-01 House seat in 1998, replacing fellow Republican Rep. Steve Schiff, who died of cancer. Wilson has been there ever since, waiting in the wings for Domenici to retire so she could follow in his footsteps as his designated heir.

The Iglesias Angle
Sure, it's a little awkward to have a retiring Senator who's entangled in the U.S. Attorney firing scandal trying to pass the torch to a Representative called on the carpet for the same thing -- but in the George II era anything goes. After all, Domenici and Wilson merely took advantage of an environment where even the U.S. Justice Department was being politicized by Karl Rove. Why not pressure U.S. Attorney David Iglesias to issue pending corruption indictments right before the 2006 election? Friends help friends. Wilson needed a boost in her faltering reelection race against Patricia Madrid and Domenici was all for making it happen by any means necessary. He's used to geting his way.

So both Domenici and Wilson ended up calling Iglesias to apply the pressure. But nothing happened. Iglesias refused to buckle. The cases weren't ready. So Domenici, with help from NM GOP operatives like Pat Rogers, used his clout to get Rove, Gonzales and Bush himself to agree to put Iglesias' name on the political firing list. The goal was to get rid of USA's who dared to refuse to play ball, those who put ethics before obedience. Soon Iglesias was sent packing and the rest is history. Ethics investigations are reportedly still ongoing in the Senate and House ethics committees regarding the roles played by Heather and Pete in firing of Iglesias. Heather and Pete don't care. They're following the original game plan and working on the finale, where Pete passes the baton to his protégé. At this point, only New Mexico's voters stand in the way of the handoff.

Rep. Steve Pearce: Will He or Won't He?
Spearce_2There may, however, be another potential obstacle in the form of Rep. Steve Pearce of New Mexico's Third Congressional District. Pearce, a conservative true believer with close ties to the Club for Growth and other extreme right-wing think tanks, is threatening to challenge Wilson for the Senate seat and force a Repulbican primary fight. The split in the state's Republican Party between hard right ideologues and those who at least pretend to be moderate on some issues has often been volatile and on public display.

Steven Moore, one of the founders of the Club for Growth, is president of the conservative publication National Review. It's interesting that a hit piece on Rep. Wilson written by Paul J. Gessing and entitled, "Heather Wilson, Tax-and-Spend Republican: Meet One of the Last People Who Should Replace Retiring Sen. Pete Domenici," was published on the National Review website yesterday. Paul J. Gessing is president of the Rio Grande Foundation, a New Mexico right-wing think tank. The infamous John Dendahl, who ran a disastrous campaign against Gov. Bill Richardson last time out, is the foundation's former president.

The question is whether Domenici still has enough clout within the local party to hold off a Pearce run and clear the field for Heather. I think we'll probably know over the next few days. Wilson's haste in making her "unofficial" announcement to run indicates she's staking her claim early to discourage Pearce from running. No doubt he'll decide quickly if he plans to get in the race so he can start denying the perceived inevitability of Wilson's nomination.

Oh, and there's also the possibility of current NM Land Commissioner Patrick Lyons entering the Republican primary race. He's been making some noises. More on that later.

To read previous posts about the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive. For past posts on David Iglesias and the U.S. Attorney firing scandal, click here. Photo at top borrowed from Down With Tyranny.

October 6, 2007 at 02:48 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Rep. Tom Udall Officially Announces He'll Stay in U.S. House

As I reported last night, Dem Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03) won't be running for Domenici's Senate seat. Udall issued the following statement today announcing his intentions to remain an appropriator in the majority of U.S. House of Representatives. Udall believes that is where he can best serve New Mexico and our nation:

“I know all New Mexicans and Americans join me in saluting the career and accomplishments of Senator Pete Domenici. His service to our nation has been remarkable, and we wish him and his family our best.

“The election to replace Sen. Domenici in 2008 will be a tough one but I have every reason to believe I could win it. I also believe, however, that as I continue to gain in seniority in the House, assume more of a leadership role, assert my authority on the Appropriations committee and pass significant legislation like my bill to promote renewable energy, I am in the right place to serve New Mexico and the country.

“As a member of the House I have consistently stood up against the war in Iraq, against infringements on our Constitutional rights, and against favors for the special interests. I believe the House of Representatives, the “people’s house,” can fix the mess the administration has gotten us into. I want to stay in the House and do just that.   

Udall was appointed at the start of the 110th Congress to the House Committee on Appropriations, which is responsible for setting all House expenditure levels for the federal government. His three subcommittee assignments include the Subcommittee on Interior and Environment Appropriations, the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and the Subcommittee on Legislative Branch.

October 5, 2007 at 12:37 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Udall Nixes Senate Run, Joe Wilson Supports Wiviott

I have it on very good authority that, after serious consideration, Rep. Tom Udall has decided NOT to run for Pete Domenici's Senate seat. I hear that he said it point blank.

Meanwhile, former Ambassador Joe Wilson publicly expressed his support for fellow Santa Fean Don Wiviott's Senate candidacy while being interviewed on the Ed Schultz show today. By the way, Wiviott was very impressive at our DFA-DFNM Meetup tonight and won many converts who were originally of the opinion that we need a "name" candidate in this race. Was Ned Lamont a "name" candidate when he almost demolished Lieberman? I see many similarities here. All about crashing the gate....

October 4, 2007 at 11:48 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (7)