Monday, March 31, 2008

Udall Senate Campaign Accepting Job Applications: Field, Volunteer & Internship Positions Now Available

Tom Udall's campaign for United States Senate is seeking applicants to fill the positions of Regional Field Director, Volunteer Coordinator and Field Organizer through the 2008 election cycle. Accredited internships are also available.

As one of the nation's hottest contests, the Udall for Senate Campaign is looking for highly motivated, creative individuals with the ability to adapt to the various needs of a competitive race. All three paid positions of Regional Field Director, Volunteer Coordinator and Field Organizer include an array of duties such as volunteer recruitment, constituency group outreach, event planning and execution, phone banking, canvassing, and managing phone banks and canvasses. Applicants for these positions must be highly organized, outgoing, flexible, and eager to be team players.

Interns will have an exciting opportunity to learn first-hand what it takes to be part of an energetic, competitive race. They will assist in a wide variety of projects and may be assigned to a specific department based on relevant skills and interests. The Udall for Senate Campaign is working with various educational institutions to ensure students receive proper credit for their commitment.

For more information, or to apply, email All applicants must include a cover letter and resume. Please specify the position of interest in the subject line.

March 31, 2008 at 09:57 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, March 28, 2008

NM-Sen: Gov. Richardson Urges Dems to Join Tom Udall's Team

New video from Tom Udall on the Iraq war.

Gov. Bill Richardson sent out an email today urging our support NOW for Rep. Tom Udall's campaign for the U.S. Senate:

I've known Tom Udall for more than 25 years. But more than just being my good friend, he has shown himself time and again to be a voice for reason and solid Democratic values.

In fact, he was one of the very few Members of Congress to have the courage to vote against the War in Iraq, even when George W. Bush was stampeding the entire country into an invasion that we now know was completely unjustified and ultimately deeply damaging to America. You can hear Tom talk very eloquently about his plan to end the war in the video above.

You, I and all of America need his wisdom now in the U.S. Senate--particularly when we've seen how 49 Republicans can block the entire progress of the country through political maneuvering and threats of filibuster.

Today I'm asking you to join all of us who support Tom by becoming part of his New Mexico Progressive Action Network. All New Mexicans--and all Americans--must be united in our resolve to take back our country after eight years of the Bush-Cheney Administration.

Without Tom in the Senate, along with a veto-proof Democratic majority, we cannot begin to undo the terrible damage George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the Republicans have done to our economy, our environment and our future.

Millions of Americans now face home foreclosure while trillions of dollars in personal wealth have been wiped out because of Republican aversion to financial regulation. 37 million Americans face every day without health insurance because of Republican devotion to insurance company profits. And America is hobbled by its dependence on foreign oil while the Republicans have blocked a meaningful renewable energy policy for the future.

Tom Udall is exactly what New Mexico and America needs right now. And with your help, he can represent us all in the U.S. Senate. Click here to join the effort.

I know that right now the media and many voters are focused on the presidential election. And there is no question that it is critically important. But it is every bit as important that we elect as many Democrats to the Senate as possible.

A Democratic president will need a Senate that will fully support the change America needs now. And if, despite our best efforts, the Republicans hold onto the White House, it will be like a third term for George W. Bush and Dick Cheney unless we have a veto-proof majority in the Senate.

Even though my own presidential bid is over, I remain keenly engaged in this election at every level of government. We have an opportunity to take our country back now that we simply must not miss. My fondest hope for you and every other activist is that you remain engaged in this election as well. And that you support my friend Tom Udall's campaign for the U.S. Senate.

Thank you for being the kind of American who is willing to stand up for what you believe.

All the best,
Bill Richardson

March 28, 2008 at 11:06 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

3/25 Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund Event Postponed

From Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund:

RESCHEDULING the Tuesday, March 25th Announcement of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund's New TV Ad and Senate Campaign

Dear New Mexico Progressive Activists,
I regret to inform you that the lunch-hour press conference scheduled for Tuesday, March 25th at 12:00 PM to unveil the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund's new TV ad and website targeting the U.S. Senate race is being postponed to a later date in the very near future to strengthen their quality of effectiveness. I will be sure to let you know once the rescheduled date and time is confirmed. I apologize for any inconvenience, and please feel free to contact me for any questions.

Ed Yoon, New Mexico Campaign Manager
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
(505) 248-0118, Ext. 3

March 22, 2008 at 11:30 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Rep. Tom Udall Responds to Endorsements of LCV and Conservation Voters New Mexico


Santa Fe, NM – At a Roundhouse press conference today, Congressman Tom Udall proudly accepted endorsements for his U.S. Senate campaign from two leading conservation groups, while outlining a number of common-sense proposals for energy independence. Udall was joined at the press conference by League of Conservation Voters national President Gene Karpinski and Conservation Voters of New Mexico Director Sandy Buffett.

"I am honored to accept these endorsements today," Udall said. "Fighting to protect our natural resources is not just a political issue for me –- it has been a lifelong commitment of mine, and I look forward to continuing the fight for conservation and energy independence in the United States Senate."

Rep. Udall (right) greeting Dems at NM Preprimary Convention

Udall, who has long been as a champion of policies to protect New Mexico's treasured landscapes like the Valle Vidal, spur national policies to promote renewable energy and reduce our nation's dependence on foreign oil, continued, and spoke of the initiatives he has championed in the House and also looks forward to taking-on in the Senate.

"As a United States Senator, I will continue the fight to end our fossil fuel addiction, develop alternative sources of energy, secure our energy independence and reduce green house gas emissions in the Senate. For me, and so many New Mexicans, these are more than buzzwords, they are the economic future of New Mexico and the moral imperative of this country."

Touching on what he called three common-sense proposals, Udall said he said will not only help redefine the way we look at energy, but do so in a way that creates jobs:

The first is his plan to establish a federal Renewable Electricity Standard (RES), under which big electric utilities would be required to chip in by providing 15 percent of their electricity from wind, solar and other renewable energy sources by 2020.

"Not only will this help us meet our growing demand for electricity –- it will create thousands of jobs, lower energy prices, a nation less dependent on foreign oil and significant reductions of greenhouse gas emissions," Udall said. "This plan would also revitalize rural America by helping farmers and rural land owners by creating a new revenue stream for their future."

Udall fought for the inclusion of an RES, which passed the House twice despite long odds last year, in the Energy bill last year. But as he said, "It died at the hands of a slim minority in the Senate."

The congressman also spoke of a plan to keep extending renewable energy and efficiency tax credits to promote stable growth in the industry.

"Not only would these tax credits translate into a reduction in residential and commercial energy costs, but they generate new domestic green collar jobs, and boost the economy," said Udall. "Renewable energy sources are proven economic engines for our country."

Finally, Udall also promised to continue his work to ensure the government does its share to reduce its carbon footprint by encouraging "Green Building," on the federal and commercial level.

"The plan I have successfully championed requires improved Federal and commercial building energy efficiency, with green building standards for new federal buildings and a zero net energy initiative to develop technologies, practices and policies to reach the goal of having all commercial buildings use no net energy by 2050. We've accomplished much in this area, but we can and must do more.

He said that the government should extend and expand tax credits for individuals, builders and businesses that use energy-saving technologies and applauded the efforts already underway in New Mexico.

Udall's father Stewart was Interior Secretary under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, and his uncle Morris spent three decades in the Congress working on these issues. Udall currently serves on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and the Environment.

Click to visit Rep. Udall's Senate campaign website.

To see our previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

March 20, 2008 at 03:08 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Environment | Permalink | Comments (0)

LCV and Conservation Voters New Mexico Endorse Tom Udall for U.S. Senate

From the League of Conservation Voters:
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The League of Conservation Voters and Conservation Voters New Mexico announced today their joint endorsement of Congressman Tom Udall for the U.S. Senate, citing Udall's unparalleled leadership in defending New Mexico's public lands and creating a clean, renewable energy future. 

"Tom Udall understands the need to develop clean, renewable energy, not just to defend against global warming, but to create jobs and increase the security of our country," LCV National President Gene Karpinski said. "And when it comes to protecting our lands, our water, our air, our health and our economy, Tom Udall ranks among the country's best legislators. We need real champions like Tom in the Senate, which is why this race is a national priority."

"The health and beauty of the Land of Enchantment have no greater champion than Congressman Udall," said Sandy Buffett of Conservation Voters New Mexico. "In Congress, his work has already helped protect the Valle Vidal from drilling and his support for renewable energy has created new green collar jobs here in the state."

"I am thrilled to accept this endorsement today from President Karpinski, Director Buffett and all the members of LCV and CVNM," said Udall. "I am even more thrilled at the chance to fight for these issues in the United States Senate. During my five terms of service in the House, I have been a leading voice in calling for our nation's efforts to end our fossil fuel addiction, develop alternative sources of energy, secure our energy independence and reduce green house gas emissions. For me, and so many New Mexicans, these are more than buzzwords, they are the economic future of New Mexico and the moral imperative of this country. As New Mexico's next Senator, I will fight to make them a reality."

Udall's lifetime League of Conservation Voters score of 96%  stands in stark contrast to his potential opponents Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce, whose lifetime scores are a disappointing 14% and 1% respectively. Pearce and Wilson have been on the wrong side of the debate on issue after issue, choosing to give tax-breaks to polluting industries instead of supporting a clean energy future.  For more information on LCV scores, visit

Beyond his voting record, Congressman Udall shows true leadership in Washington on key conservation issues:

·   He founded the Peak Oil Caucus, a group of legislators dedicated to finding new solutions to our energy needs and investing in the solar and win technologies that will create thousands of green jobs here in New Mexico.

·   In 2004, he stood up to the Bush administration's efforts to gut the National Forest Management Act, defending unspoiled public lands here in New Mexico and across the country.

·   Most recently, in 2007 he led the charge to create a meaningful national renewable electricity standard, by first introducing a bipartisan and widely supported bill requiring utility companies to produce 20% of their electricity using clean, renewable sources by the year 2020, and then offering a 15% by 2020 amendment that passed the House twice, but was stripped from the final energy package by a small minority in the Senate. 

LCV, the nation's independent voice for the environment, engages in public education, lobbying and accountability to turn environmental values into public policy.  LCV has made global warming and America's energy future a central focus of its activities in Congress and in the 2008 election cycle.

March 20, 2008 at 02:54 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Environment | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Vote for Rep. Tom Udall in Sen. Feingold's Progressive Patriot Contest


Click here. Pass it on.

March 19, 2008 at 10:31 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

UPDATED-POSTPONED: You're Invited: Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund Launch of Campaign to Support Tom Udall for U.S. Senate

UPDATE: These events have been postponed and will be rescheduled soon. See my later post.
From Ed Yoon, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund:

Dear New Mexico Progressive Activists,

I invite you to join me and other progressive activists on Tuesday, March 25th in Albuquerque for a meaningful and fun press conference to formally launch Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund’s statewide campaign to defeat anti-conservation Republicans Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson and elect pro-conservation champion Democrat Tom Udall to the U.S. Senate.

At this press conference, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund will unveil our new TV ad, campaign website and literature, and also announce our state campaign headquarters. We will also have a fun camera-worthy visual activity to highlight our message. The media is expected to be present and your volunteer time will be well-spent and appreciated.

Training and message preparation will be provided for those who are interested in speaking to the media as volunteer participants for the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund. And we will provide free lunch since the event occurs during lunch break for many of you.

Please click here to RSVP or e-mail me at you are with an organization, please be sure to indicate which so that we can try to connect further about collaborating in 2008, and to discuss how Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund can also be helpful to your efforts in the future.

Press conference to formally kick-off Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund’s statewide campaign to elect Tom Udall to U.S. Senate, including the unveiling of its new TV ad, campaign website and literature, and campaign headquarters

Tuesday, March 25th, 12:00 PM

Conference Room
1202 Pennsylvania Street NE, Albuquerque

Free lunch provided.

Thank you. Please click here to RSVP or e-mail me at

Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson are two of the most extreme, out-of-touch, party-line right-wing Republicans in Congress that continue to serve the whims of wealthy corporate special interests before ordinary New Mexicans. Their tenure in Congress is marked by erosion of our economy, billions of tax payer dollars continuously being drained in the costly Iraqi civil war, pillaging of our natural resources for special interest profit, and putting shame on public services through their dishonorably unethical behaviors. Together, let’s send them packing in 2008 so that we can elect a true champion for New Mexican families and all-around good guy, Democrat Tom Udall, who will work tirelessly in the Senate to rebuild our economy, exit responsibly from Iraq, represent New Mexico’s western values, and protect our conservation heritage.

I greatly look forward to welcoming and meeting you in person on March 25th to start the exciting journey to win together in November. Even if you can not attend the event, I encourage you stay in touch with me.

Ed Yoon
New Mexico Campaign Manager
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
(505) 248-0118 Ext. 3

The Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund provides a powerful voice in Washington to Americans who value our conservation heritage. Through grassroots lobbying, issue advocacy and political campaigns, the Action Fund champions those laws and lawmakers that protect wildlife and wild places while working against those that do them harm.

March 18, 2008 at 05:00 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Environment, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hey Heather Wilson: Return the Vitter Cash

From Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington:
Washington, DC – In light of the National Republican Congressional Committee’s call for candidates and members of Congress to return soon-to-be former Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s (D) donations, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) wonders why members and the National Republican Senatorial Committee have not returned Sen. David Vitter’s (R-LA) contributions. As widely reported, Sen. Vitter has solicited prostitutes in the past. Rather than being condemned and ostracized, Sen. Vitter received a standing ovation at a Republican Caucus luncheon after his transgressions became public.

Government officials must obey all laws, not just those with which they agree. We do not, however, advocate returning legal campaign donations made by officials who broke the law when the contributions are in no way tied to the illegal activity. Nevertheless, we note that what is good for the goose should be good for the gander and, therefore, point out the following contributions made by Sen. Vitter:

2006 Cycle:
National Republican Senatorial Committee – $25,000
House members:
Charles Boustany, Jr. (R-LA) – $1,000
Steve Chabot (R-OH) – $2,500
Jim Gerlach (R–PA) – $2,000
Deborah Pryce (R-OH) – $2,000
Mark Souder (R-IN) – $2,000
Heather Wilson (R-NM) – $2,000

Senate members:
Bob Corker (R-TN) – $10,000
John Ensign (R-NV) – $5,000
Orrin Hatch (R-UT) – $5,000
Jon Kyl (R-AZ) – $6,000

2008 Cycle:

Senate member:
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) – $1,000
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is a non-profit legal watchdog group dedicated to holding public officials accountable for their actions.

For more information, please visit or contact Naomi Seligman Steiner at 202.408.5565/

March 17, 2008 at 07:34 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (2)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

2008 NM Dem Preprimary Convention: More Photos, Video

Rep. Tom Udall, Dem candidate for U.S. Senate in New Mexico, speaks out against torture at DPNM Preprimary Convention Saturday

First off, watch the video above and then head over to to add your name to the list of Americans who won't stand for torture.

Next, go check out some additional photos I added at Flickr from yesterday's Democratic Preprimary Convention held at Santa Ana Star Center in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Also see my previous post on the Convention (and a later one here on the Congressional race results).

Warning: I learned that Flickr has been having a problem for two weeks with visitors who use Internet Explorer 6 as their browser. Usually the photos show up fine but the slideshow feature doesn't load and/or work properly. They're still trying to come up with a fix.

March 16, 2008 at 04:03 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

NM Repub Senate Pre-Primary: Pearce 55%, Wilson 45%

This AP story has the details. Rep. Steve Pearce (NM-02) had predicted a "huge victory" over Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01) in the Repub Pre-Primary for U.S. Senate, so his win by a little less than 10 points was a definite let down at the NM GOP's Pre-Primary Convention at the Albuquerque Marriott Hotel. Expect the battle between Peace and Wilson to escalate in the weeks between now and the June 3rd primary while Dem rival Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03), who has no competition in the Dem primary builds his campaign and bolsters his already strong support statewide. Kate Nash has the complete results

March 15, 2008 at 06:55 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (1)