McCain Lie Counter

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dr. Strangelove vs. The Man of Reason and Restraint


First take: I don't know what you saw tonight, but I saw a markedly unstable, angry, unreasonable, stubborn, condescending, sneery, pompous, vindictive and ultimately unlikeable McCain being met and overcome by an eminently reasonable, tough yet gentlemanly, clear thinking and highly intelligent Obama. He ran cool, calm circles around McCain's huffing and puffing buzzwordery and let McCain's prissy self-aggrandizement stand out in contrast, for all the world to see. McCain couldn't even bring himself to look at Obama. Amazing, in a very sick sort of way.

If anybody is still undecided about what four years of McCain would do to the nation, I suggest they watch a replay of tonight's debate with the sound off. Make sure to watch a version that includes the split screen element. I know MSNBC had it, but I don't know if others did.

McCain's truly awful facial expressions and body language while Obama was talking were scary, indeed. I've never seen another presidential candidate with such a twisted, demented look on his or her face during a TV debate. Not even Richard Nixon. And that's saying something. There is real danger lurking there in McCain, and a rash, reckless disregard for others that was very apparent in his demeanor. I can't say it any other way.

As for the content, let's just say that McCain kept laying into Obama with less than honest accusations and proclamations and Barack came back with the facts and undercut him nearly every single time. I thought he made McCain look like a very small, sniveling, wise-ass of a man, too het up to think straight and too poisonous inside to be gracious in any way.

It was presidential grace and dignity vs. snotty digs and underhanded hits. Who do you think we need at the helm in the coming storms?

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September 26, 2008 at 09:57 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (6)

Tonight's Debate: Daily Lobo Editor Will Be Online Panelist on The Caucus

The editor of the University of New Mexico's Daily Lobo will be a panelist online during the debate tonight on The Caucus - The NY Times Political blog. Damian Garde is a 21-year-old editor in chief of the Daily Lobo, Garde is a native New Mexican, born in Los Lunas. He is pursuing a major in political science with a minor in print journalism at UNM. The New York Times enlisted student newspaper editors from around the country to weigh in on the first presidential debate in real time. Look out for their remarks on The Caucus when the debate starts at 7 PM.

September 26, 2008 at 06:19 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday: Rep. Ken Martinez to Kick Off Campaign for Change "Votercade" on Enchanted Circle

The Obama campaign keeps coming up with creative ideas to connect with voters. I've never heard of this approach before, but I like it. What a great idea for a Saturday event up north when autumn is in the air -- and the Enchanted Circle is one of the most scenic routes in New Mexico.

HmartThis Saturday, September 27th, the Campaign for Change will host a “votercade” of cars and bikes with Obama-Biden decorations that will travel around the Enchanted Circle to encourage the community to register to vote. House Majority Floor Leader Ken Martinez will join the “votercade” and will drive one third of the circle, to stop at the Campaign for Change office in Taos to meet and talk with other participants.

Supporters will gather at three starting points--the Campaign for Change Taos Office, Brandenburg Park in Red River, and the Serenity Shop in Questa—at 10:30 AM to decorate their cars. At 11 AM, all of the cars will simultaneously start driving counter-clockwise, around the Enchanted Circle. Drivers are invited to stop at each location:

Campaign for Change Taos Office, 729 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur, Unit A, Taos, NM 87571, 575-751-3510

Brandenburg Park in Red River (Map)

Serenity Shop in Questa (Map)

You can also join a canvass for Obama in locales all over New Mexico this Saturday and Sunday. Get involved. Work for change. Now's the time.

The last day to register to vote in the 2008 election is OCTOBER 7, 2008. If you still need to register, click on the Rock the Vote graphic on the left-hand sidebar on this page, OR visit the Obama campaign's Do it now!

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September 26, 2008 at 05:57 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Stunt Over: McCain to Debate Tonight (After Saving the World As We Know It)

Details on . As Chris Cillizza of the WaPo puts it, McCain Blinks.

Now the campaign that never really "suspended" will be unsuspended. Or something. McCain, in a pompous and abrupt move, set himself up as the one necessary ingredient for a bailout deal, and then pushed his way into the White House meeting yesterday -- convincing Bush to "invite" Obama into the mix. Oddly, McCain's only reported contribution at the meeting took the form of a few vague statements at meeting's end. His melodramatic insertion of himself into the process was viewed by many in the Congress as a distraction and an impediment. Remember, this is a guy who admitted on camera that he doesn't know much about economics. It showed. McCain reportedly has revealed absolutely nothing specific about what he thinks should go into the bailout plan. He just wants it to be fair to the taxpayers. Well. Our hero!

I guess McCain's now convinced himself that he's righted the process enough to fly to Oxford, Mississippi today to participate in the 90-minute debate with Obama. Johnny's hubris over the past few days has been monumental, hasn't it? His financial and tactical smarts? Not so much.

Onward. I hope Obama creams him tonight with the facts and his special brand of cool, steely reason. Toss in a few well-aimed button-pushers, and McCain may well discombobulate into something resembling that green jellowy backdrop he's used so ineffectively in the past. That's 7:00 PM Mountain time tonight.

September 26, 2008 at 11:30 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Caroline Kennedy to Kick Off Obama Volunteer Event in Santa Fe


Caroline Kennedy will be in Santa Fe, Taos and Albuquerque on Friday and Saturday for private fundraisers for Barack Obama. The Campaign for Change has now announced that she'll also be speaking to volunteers at an event in Santa Fe on Friday. Caroline will kick off a debate watch party and volunteer training at PC's Restaurant, 4420 Airport Road in Santa Fe on Friday, September 26 from 4:30 to 5:45 PM.

As Obama prepares to debate McCain, volunteers from northern New Mexico will receive training from Campaign for Change staff, followed by a Debate Watch Party. Of course, nobody yet knows if McCain will participate in the debate scheduled for Friday at the University of Mississippi. Obama has said he'll show up regardless, and would be happy to do a town hall meeting or a one-on-one interview with debate moderator Jim Lehrer if McCain doesn't show.

There are dozens of other debate watch parties and Obama campaign events all over New Mexico during the next few days. Click for a listing, pick one out and get involved. If not now, when?

September 25, 2008 at 01:55 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign, Santa Fe Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Obama Refuses to Delay Debate, SUSA Says Americans Agree


I like The Nation's take: McCain Cuts and Runs. Excerpt:

After calling for debates all summer, John McCain is cutting and running from the first one.

In one of the weirder political ploys of a long campaign season, McCain says he will "suspend" his campaign on Thursday. He is also pushing for a postponement of the first presidential debate. McCain says he is taking these dramatic steps because he wants to focus on congressional negotiations over the bailout. It's not clear how a national presidential debate -- the ultimate bully pulpit in this political season -- would detract from any effort to build national consensus on solutions for the economic crisis.

I wonder why McCain didn't come to this conclusion last weekend, or Monday, or Tuesday. Today it finally hit him, I guess, when he realized just how far his polling numbers were falling and how persuasive the hearings in Washington are in convincing people that Bush-McCain-style deregulation is the main culprit in this tragedy. Sure seems like a panic move to me.

Obama Isn't Biting
Here's what he said at a previously scheduled press conference this afternoon in Florida, where he's preparing for the debate:

"I believe that we should continue to have the debate," Obama said. "It's my belief that this is exact time when the American people need to hear form the person who in approximately 40 days will be responsibly for dealing with this mess and I think that it is going to be part of the president’s job to deal with more than one thing at once."
Obama said that unlike McCain, he will not suspend ads, or campaign events scheduled between now and Friday's debate.

"I think it's very important that the American people see the people who potentially could be in charge of this problem within the next couple of months and so my attitude is that we need to be focused on solving the problems, as I have been," Obama said. "It's also important that we communicate where we need to go in getting us out of the situation."

Obama said he will stay in Florida for the time being and will not return to Washington unless asked by Congressional leadership.

"I've told the leadership in Congress is that if I can be helpful then I am prepared to be anywhere at anytime," he said.

New Poll Shows Americans Agree with Obama
SurveyUSA just released a new poll that shows that most people agree with Obama:

SurveyUSA. 9/24. Adults. MoE 3.2%

The first debate between John McCain and Barack Obama is scheduled to take place in two days. Should the debate be held as scheduled? Should the debate be held, but the format changed to focus on the economy? Or, should the debate be postponed?

Hold as scheduled 50
Hold with focus on economy 36
Postpone 10

Is the right response to the turmoil on Wall Street to suspend the campaigns for president? To continue the campaigns as though there is no crisis? Or, to re-focus the campaigns with a unique emphasis on the turmoil on Wall Street?

Suspend 14
Continue 31
Refocus the campaign 48

If Friday's presidential debate does not take place, would that be good for America? Bad for America? Or would it make no difference?

Good for America 14
Bad for America 46
No difference 35

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September 24, 2008 at 04:02 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Economy, Populism, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tonight: Obama Youth Vote Kickoff Party at Kelly's Brew Pub, ABQ

Click on image for larger version

Come join us kick off our youth vote outreach in Albuquerque! We will have a DJ, special guests and speakers, and food!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 6:30-9:30 PM
Kelly's Brew Pub, 3222 Central Ave., ABQ


Meet and mingle with other Obama supporters and learn about how you can get more involved! All are welcome--young people, students, young professionals and the young at heart! The event is free!

Learn about how you can join the OBAMA STREET TEAM to help register young people to vote and engage them with the campaign on campuses, at concerts, clubs and other events. With just two weeks left before the voter registration deadline and six weeks before election day, WE NEED YOUR HELP to make sure that all young people have a voice in this election! Come party with us! Invite your friends!!

Co-Hosts: Mario Benavidez, Javier Benavidez, Ann Marie Padilla, Diana Montoya-Boyer, Bineshi Albert, Monica Cordova, Mimi Aledo, Lissa Knudsen, Danny Hernandez, Andrea Serrano, Rep. Antonio "Moe" Maestas, Antonio Sandoval, Adrian Pedroza, Ana Delgado Mascarenas, Carter Bundy, Laurie Weahkee, Chris Catechis, Chris Salas, Mikie Pruitt, Monica Trujillo, Timo Alvidrez, Delilah Denorio, Celestina Garcia, Damian Otero, Nathan Waites

More info: 505-553-6860 or See Albuquerque for Obama on Facebook.

September 24, 2008 at 10:50 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign, Youth | Permalink | Comments (0)

Northern Navajo Agency Council Endorses Obama

Obama meeting with Native American leaders at Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque last Thursday

From the Obama Campaign for Change: On the heels of three major endorsements from the Native American community last week, the Northern Navajo Agency Council yesterday announced their support of Senator Obama’s candidacy for president.

“Our endorsement of Sen. Obama is very significant. People on the reservations are suffering the same economic and healthcare pains faced by the rest of the country, and they want change,” said Chairman Donald Benally.

The endorsement became official at a meeting held over the weekend where Chapter presidents and vice presidents along with 80 council delegates from the Shiprock Agency voted unanimously to endorse Senator Obama. The Shiprock agency is located in northwestern New Mexico, northeastern Arizona, and southeastern Utah and represents the following 20 chapters: Cudeii, Hogback, Littlewater, Mexican Water, Nenahnezad, Newcomb, Sanostee, Sheep Springs, Shiprock, Sweet Water, Teec Nos Pos, Two Grew Hills, Red Mesa, and Upper Fruitland.

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center meeting

“Native America needs leadership that will regard tribal sovereignty as important and Barack Obama is that leadership. His record shows his commitment to education, health, and advancing the wage earning power of families who struggle,” said Navajo Nation Vice President Ben Shelly. “We need Barack Obama in the White House, to work with Congress, and make improvements that will put us closer to self-sufficiency while strengthening our tribal sovereignty.”

Obama takes questions

Last week, during his to Española and Albuquerque, Senator Obama met with more than 100 leaders of the Native American community at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and was endorsed by the All Indian Pueblo Council, the Mescalero Apache Tribe and Navajo Nation President Joe Shirley.

Photos from Obama campaign Flickr set.

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September 24, 2008 at 09:11 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Native Americans, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Smackdown in D-Town! Watch the Prez Debate Outdoors

ObamamccainAnother great idea from PAC 505. Yeah, you do remember all their black balloons around town when Bush came to Burque for a fundraiser for Heather Wilson way back in the days of yore (2006). Now they're organizing Smackdown in D-Town! and say -- Come watch the presidential debate this Friday evening at 7:00 PM at Mary Fox Park (13th Street and Roma, downtown). We will have lots of televisions and sound. If you have kids, you can set them loose on the playground. Please feel free to forward this info to anyone who you think might be interested. You do not have to sign up using the link posted above, but if you do, we will feel validated.

September 23, 2008 at 06:17 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

You're Invited: Musicians and Artists to Support Obama at Orpheum Art Space


Now this sounds like a spectacular way to spend an evening, and at the same time support Obama's campaign. Also, if you're an artist or musician, there's still time to offer your work at this event. See below.

On Friday, October 3rd at 8 PM at the Orpheum Art Space - SE corner of 2nd and Coal in Albuquerque - regional artists and musicians will gather to offer their work in support of Barack Obama for President. Don't miss out on this fun opportunity to purchase some locally produced art work with all money raised going towards Barack Obama's Campaign for Change.

All kinds of cool, locally and regionally produced crafts will be available for purchase. Short films, photography, paintings, clothing, cartoons, . . . everything. Tractor Brewing Co. will be serving up their great beer and local musicians will be entertaining all night.

Any artist or musician that would like to offer their work in the sale can still contribute their pieces. It will be greatly appreciated if attendees could contribute $10 to the Campaign for Change and the event is open to everyone. Voter registrars will also be on hand to register new voters or update voters' registrations.

Simply put:

What: Art sale, social gathering, concert with Of God and Science, fundraiser for Obama, voter registration drive

When: Friday, October 3rd, 8 PM ~ 10:30 PM

Where: Orpheum Art Space - 500 2nd St. SW, Albuquerque - southeast corner of 2nd & Coal

How much: Suggested donation of $10. Art work and beer will also be available for purchase with the revenue going to Obama's Campaign for Change.

Matt (Dinger) Hemmendinger, 505-507-7989,
Hannah Macpherson, 310-386-5112,
Rebekah Wiggins, 575-914-0024,

September 23, 2008 at 08:19 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Music, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)


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