Friday, October 03, 2008
Last Day to Register to Vote is TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2008: Are You Ready to Vote for Change?
Remember what's at stake, and what we've been working for
If you're not registered to vote in New Mexico, you must register by October 7, 2008 if you want to vote in the 2008 presidential election. Click on the image below to fill out a form you can print out and mail or hand-deliver to your County Clerk's office.
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To check and see if you are registered, visit New Mexico's Voter View and enter your info.
You can also use the Obama campaign's Vote for Change tool to register or get info on voting early. Same thing with the Vote Udall tool or Martin Heinrich's voting page.
Vote Early, Then Work for Change: It's strongly recommended that we all vote early either by mail-in ballot or in-person when early voting sites open, so we can work at the polls or for a campaign on election day, November 4, 2008. Mail-in voting and early voting at your County Clerk's office begins on October 7. Early voting at additional satellite locations begins on October 17. Check with your County Clerk for more info. If you live in Bernalillo County, click for (pdf).
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October 3, 2008 at 12:58 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (0)
Post-Debate Polls Show Biden Debate Win
Palin supports civil unions! (?)
If "exceeding expectations" means ignoring the questions being asked and plugging in rote recitations of off-topic talking points, then Palin exceeded expectations. She was like a robot tearing through the programmed language at warp speed, while peppering her recitations with phony "folksy" flourishes and spiteful little attacks at Biden, meant to bait him into attacking her. He didn't bite. In fact, I thought Biden was incredibly disciplined and controlled, staying on message and focusing his attacks on McCain and his Bushian record. Mission accomplished.
The snap polls post-debate, as well as those focus group dial-polls conducted during the debate had Biden winning, although some of the pundits said it was a virtual tie because Palin didn't crash and burn. I guess they don't believe it's important to answer the questions being asked in terms of scoring a debate performance.
A total of 22 new "fact checks" were added to Count the Lies at the, documenting Palin's disinformation answers she no doubt was coached to regurgitate. Here's the complete transcript of the debate.
One of my favorite exchanges was on gay marriage-equal rights for GLBT folks. The video at top shows it. I love how Palin got so flummoxed she agreed that she shared the Obama-Biden position that civil unions should be allowed, and should duplicate all the rights afforded straight couples in their marriages. Right on, Sarah! Who knew? I also enjoyed her assertion that she's "tolerant" and that some of her best friends ....
Bottom line: This debate won't change anything very much. The nation's attention is riveted on economic issues. The McCain-Palin "maverick team" (as Sarah calls it) has exactly zero ideas on how to deal with it -- other than keeping the Bush tax cuts for the rich intact and ridding Washington of corruption somehow, some way, some time. They are going to continue to get smashed on this issue. Obama's numbers are going to keep rising on this issue.
The key battleground states of Michigan (where McCain has tossed in the towel), Ohio and Pennsylvania are all about economic horror stories, while McCain-Palin don't have a leg to stand on in terms of proposals to help real people suffering real setbacks. After all, conservatives, whether "mavericks" or not, believe that the government is the problem, not the solution -- at least when it comes to helping the poor and middle class. What kind of proactive steps can they possibly prescribe to provide support for working people and get things back on track?
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October 3, 2008 at 11:51 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Economy, Populism | Permalink | Comments (1)
Thursday, October 02, 2008
VP Debate Tonight; McCain Gives Up On Michigan
Palin's Greatest Hits by TPM
The McCain campaign is leaking that Sarah Palin will go after Joe Biden on foreign policy tonight at the Veep debate. That I wanna see. On the other hand, the Obama campaign is leaking that Joe will go after Johnny, not Sarah. He'll just let Sarah run on and trip herself up with her special brand of stop and start syntax and vague generalizations. Tuning into this debate is more than a little like watching NASCAR. Everyone will be waiting for a crash and burn, or at least some serious spinouts. Given the scary, surreal feel to the week's events, I'm in the mood for mayhem and a bit of hysterical laughter, aren't you? Let's hope it's at Sarah's expense, and McCain's.
Palin can't be pleased that she'll be entering the debate fray with bad news and fading poll numbers trailing the campaign. Palin has been pummeled for the past several weeks for her horrible performances in on-camera interviews. And now it's official -- McCain-Palin is giving up on Michigan -- pulling its ads, its direct mail and most of its staff. This was one state won by Kerry that the GOP felt they had a real chance at winning, but recent polling has Obama's lead moving into the double digits.
Job-deprived Michigan is all about the economy, and that's McCain's weak spot of weak spots. With dwindling resources, McCain has to decide where he'll take a stand and where he's too far behind to matter. Good places for McCain to make a stand are dwindling too. For instance, the latest Quinnipiac polls show:
- Florida: Obama up 49-43% pre-debate and 51-43% post-debate
- Ohio: Obama up 49-42% pre-debate and 50-42% post-debate
- Pennsylvania: Obama ahead 49-43% pre-debate and 54-39% post-debate
No presidential candidate elected since 1960 has won without taking two out of three of the largest swing states in the Electoral College.
Here in New Mexico, the new SurveyUSA poll has Obama holding steady with a 52-44% lead, the same as two weeks ago.
The Vice Presidential debate, moderated by Gwen Ifill of PBS, will be aired at 7:00 PM Mountain time from Washington University in St. Louis.
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October 2, 2008 at 03:26 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election | Permalink | Comments (8)
SEIU Prez Andy Stern Expresses Disappointment on Senate Bailout Bill
SEIU President Andy Stern released the following statement yesterday about the version of the bailout bill that passed the Senate last night by a margin of 74-25, with only 10 Dems voting against it. (Bingaman voted for it, as did Domenici.) Stern also references the work we have ahead of us to get Obama elected and keep the pressure on when he takes office. The struggle for a better deal for ordinary Americans never ends.
With the U.S. Senate poised to approve a bailout plan for Wall Street tonight, Andy Stern, president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), expressed disappointment that Congress appeared ready to pass up an opportunity to address the economic concerns facing millions of American families:
“It’s very disappointing that Congress is passing on this opportunity to invest in a new economic model that puts government on the side of the people.
“The reality is that this bill isn’t going to solve the problems facing our economy. If we really want to revive the economy over the long-term, we must address the underlying financial issues facing American families, the consumers who are the backbone of our nation’s economic health. Rising unemployment, stagnant wages, the healthcare crisis, a tax system that favors the wealthy over the workers – these inequities are at the root of our nation’s financial crisis. If Congress can put $750 billion aside to save Wall Street, we expect at a minimum that they make the same commitment to invest in addressing these issues.
“The bad news is that these problems aren’t going to go away on their own. Things aren’t going to change unless we fundamentally change the way we do business in Washington. The good news is that a little over a month from now, we have an opportunity to make that change a reality.
“On November 4th, we won’t have to put our economic fate in the hands of a Republican administration. We the people will have the power to make our own choice: between the old politics of corporate cronyism and worship of the market – or the promise of change. The promise of quality healthcare that every person in this country can afford, and the ability to retire secure in the knowledge that your savings won’t be lost in a turbulent stock market. The promise of a sustainable energy policy that provides new jobs and long-term energy independence. The promise of a new American dream.
“Barack Obama has a plan to fulfill that promise for change. And when he is elected President, SEIU’s 2 million members are going to make sure that he implements that plan, so we can create a new American economic model that works for Main Street, not just Wall Street.
“Washington is missing a huge opportunity to provide real solutions to the financial crisis facing American families. Now, it’s up to American families to change Washington.”
On Thursday, SEIU and the other unions of Change to Win proposed an economic package that would invest in programs to improve the lives of tens of millions of Americans, including:
- Relief for struggling homeowners. Estimated cost: $0.
- A national health care plan. Estimated cost: $130 billion over two years.
- A plan for energy independence and green job creation. Estimated cost: $20 billion over two years.
- Retirement security. Estimated cost: Negligible
- Improved infrastructure. Estimated cost: $22 billion over two years.
- Tax reforms to correct a system that currently favors CEOs and business while contributing to a growing income divide. Estimated cost: $80 billion.
- Reforms that ensure workers have real freedom to choose a voice at work. Estimated cost: $0.
- Affordable education. Estimated cost: $100 billion over two years.
Cheap compared with the funds that are being tossed to Wall Street this month, isn't it?
October 2, 2008 at 08:58 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, Government, Labor | Permalink | Comments (2)
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Tom Daschle in NM Discussing Economy, Rural Issues
Too bad the notices came out so late yesterday afternoon about Tom Daschle's visit to New Mexico this morning to stump for Obama and discuss rural issues at the El Commodore Restaurant in Moriarty and economic issues at the Transportation Center in Los Lunas. If they gave more notice, it would have been rewarding to witness a huge crowd of people disgusted about the bailout bill circus descend on the events and ask real questions about what's going on. As it stands, I'm sure Daschle mostly interacted with people who didn't raise much of a ruckus, if past events of this type are any indication.
I hope I'm wrong. I hope he got a taste of the palpable anger that's afoot among people who are paying attention to the "negotiations" in Washington and how they're so regally skewed to help the haves and to hell with the have nots. Yes, we need to do something, but most of what is being "seriously" considered in the Congress seems like a whitewash of epic proportions to me and many others. When will those on the side of the people get a meaningful say on this stuff?
October 1, 2008 at 01:45 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, Government, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (5)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
LWV to Launch Voters' Guide at Candidate Reception in ABQ
On Tuesday, October 7, from 5 to 6:30 PM the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico will launch its 2008 General Election Voters' Guide at a free reception for the public, members of the press and candidates running for office in Bernalillo, Sandoval and Valencia counties. The event will be held in the Foyer of the Simms Center for the Performing Arts on the Albuquerque Academy campus. More than 120 candidates have been invited. A large mock-up of the front of the Guide will be unveiled during the ceremony. Call 884-8441 for more information.
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September 30, 2008 at 12:02 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Election Reform & Voting, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
McCain: For Deregulation Before He Was Against It
The "Straight Talk Express" hits another roadblock. It should be clear by now that the "honorable" Mr. McCain will say almost anything to try and get elected -- even if it completely contradicts what he's said before. Does McCain have a shred of credibility left after his careening performance during this financial crisis? Oddly, after the faux-suspension of his campaign and the bragging about his success in gaining support for the bailout bill -- only to have it fail -- McCain is again making noises about "suspending his campaign" to insert himself into the process. What's more, he and Palin are rapidly becoming cartoon caricatures in the popular culture -- a phenomenon that can be hard to defuse once it gains momentum.
This truly is a campaign grasping at straws and lurching from misstep to misstep without any apparent overriding strategy. One wonders what he will attempt next to try and convince people what he's saying is truthful or relevant -- or to distract voters from the record he's built up over the years on the issues.
Meanwhile, Obama continues to surge. According to an early look at the Diageo/Hotline tracking poll by Political Wire:
Among registered voters surveyed in Colorado, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin and Nevada, Obama tops McCain 50 to 40%. Just a week ago, Obama led 45% to 42%. Nationwide, Obama leads 47% to 41%.
Research 2000 has Obama 51, McCain 41; Rasmussen has Obama ahead 51-45%. Here's the Real Clear Politics poll summary and FiveThirtyEight's projections. All looking very good indeed.
As the McCain campaign continues to flounder, and the polls keep trending towards Obama, it will be fascinating to see what kinds of desperate measures he'll employ. This could get even more surreal as we head into the last month before the election and McCain pulls out all the stops. I'm especially interested in seeing whether we get another Theater of the Absurd performance by Palin in Thursday's VP debate.
September 30, 2008 at 10:58 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Business, Corporatism, Economy, Populism, John McCain, Polling | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Concerned About Fair Elections? Become a Poll Worker for Democracy
From NM PIRG: Of course you'd expect NM PIRG to encourage you to get out and vote on Election Day. Casting your ballot is a big part of making your voice heard on issues that matter to you. But this year, we're encouraging you to take it one step further, and to make sure that everyone else gets to make their voice heard, too.
NM PIRG is partnering with TrueMajority and CREDO Action on the Pollworkers for Democracy project -- a nonpartisan effort to get more people involved in protecting our elections. We're asking you to help the effort by signing up to be a pollworker on November 4. We'll provide you with information to supplement your pollworker training, and also a system to report and track any problems on Election Day.
Your county still needs pollworkers for the November 4 general election. Signing up as a pollworker is easy. Plus, you support our democratic system ... and get paid. Click here to learn more and sign up. The fairness of this year's election is in your hands, and the best place to protect the election is at the polling location.
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September 28, 2008 at 02:37 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (0)
Uh Oh.
Don't want to have to go through that kind of misery again? Get registered if you're not and request a vote by mail ballot using one of these tools:
Why vote by mail? It's easy. It's fast. It will allow you to work on GOTV for candidates or at a polling place on election day on November 4th. It will also stop those phone calls from candidates urging you to do it!
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September 28, 2008 at 01:44 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (0)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Obama's New Ad: Zero
Why didn't McCain mention the middle class a single time in last night's debate? Why was his main suggestion for the bailout plan that we should cut the capital gains tax? Why won't he admit that we got into this financial mess because of the damaging and deluded economic philosophy he and his party have been pushing for decades?
One of the best debate analyses I've read comes from the almost always on-target Nate Silver at You really should read the whole thing, so I won't provide any excerpts here. Trust me. Unlike many of the "pundits," Nate looks at how Obama did on matters that are most important to the voters, as demonstrated by some post-debate polls. Hey Nate, stop making sense!
September 27, 2008 at 10:12 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Economy, Populism, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (2)