McCain Lie Counter

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Bill Clinton Still Holds Grudge Against Bill Richardson; Guv. Stumping Hard for Obama

Richardson at Obama rally in Espanola NM last month

Gov. Bill Richardson has gotten a lot of flack from both Clintons for his endorsement of Barack Obama. And remember when longtime Clinton pal James Carville called Richardson a "Judas" for supporting Obama? Carville is now out and about on TV spinning on behalf of Obama, but at least one Clinton hasn't gotten over the perceived slight. According to a report on Politico, Hillary has managed to move on, but Bill is still fuming:

“It could be pretty much a permanent fissure. But that’s politics, that’s OK,” Richardson told National Public Radio’s Renee Montagne in an interview that aired Thursday morning on "Morning Edition." “I did what I thought was best for the country. I’m still very fond of the Clintons. I’ve reconciled with her. But with him — he wants to keep a grudge, that’s fine with me. I move on. I’m governor of New Mexico. I’m happy where I am."

... Bill Clinton, who had personally pleaded for Richardson to endorse his wife, was said to be especially incensed. Richardson told Montagne he’s spoken to Hillary Clinton and that a fundraiser he held two months ago raised nearly $250,000 to help her retire the debt she accrued during her presidential campaign.

“She appreciated it. You know, we talked,” Richardson said. “Have I heard from President Clinton? No.” But, he added “I’m very comfortable with what I did, endorsing Sen. Obama.”

Richardson on the Road for Obama
Richardson has been working very hard to promote Obama and fundraise on his behalf, traveling to swing states like Nevada, Colorado, Florida and Wisconsin to work the crowds and work the donors for Barack. He's also reaching out to voters in New Mexico to urge them to vote for Obama, especially in heavily Hispanic areas of the state.

This coming Saturday, Richardson will be canvassing in Albuquerque's South Valley along with NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich and DPNM Chair Brian Colón as part of the coordinated campaign on behalf of Dem candidates.

This past Saturday, Richardson was in Nevada for the Obama campaign, reports the Las Vegas Sun:

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson gathered with local Hispanic leaders for a discussion on the economy at the College of Southern Nevada before setting off to canvass, attend a Telemundo soccer tournament and deliver remarks at the Clark County Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson dinner.

... “John Kerry lost Ohio,” Richardson said in an interview. “If he had won Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado, he would be president today. I think the key to the election are these three Western states — and the margin of victory is in the Hispanic vote.”

(Richardson said he would be spending much of his time campaigning on behalf of Obama in those three battleground states, as well as Florida.)

Reaching out to Hispanics
Obama gets it. The campaign and the Democratic National Committee plan to spend $20 million on grassroots organizing and advertising efforts targeting Hispanic voters -- more than doubling what the Bush and Kerry campaigns spent together on Hispanic outreach in the last presidential cycle.

Obama, speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus last week, said turning those voters out in November will be critical.

“If you have any doubt about whether you can make a difference, just remember how, back in 2004, 40,000 registered Latino voters in New Mexico didn’t turn out on Election Day. Sen. Kerry lost that state by fewer than 6,000 votes,” he said. “Six thousand votes.”

The Surrogate Shuffle
Richardson has also been doing numerous TV interviews as an Obama surrogate. Here he is on a recent Rachel Maddow Show discussing McCain's nasty "kitchen sink" strategy:


When (okay, if) Obama wins, what job do you think Richardson will hold in an Obama administration? Interior Secretary? Ambassador? Secretary of State? Fed Chairman (not)? Special envoy to somewhere? Head of the World Bank? Only time will tell.

Photo by M.E. Broderick.

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October 9, 2008 at 04:17 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Local Politics, Minority Issues, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and UFW President to Campaign for Obama in Northern New Mexico

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The Obama campaign has announced that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – son of Bobby Kennedy – and Arturo Rodriguez – President of the United Farm Workers – will headline a series of Campaign for Change events in northern New Mexico tomorrow, Friday, October 10, 2008. They will travel to Las Vegas, Mora, Taos and Santa Fe to talk to New Mexicans about Obama's plan to rebuild the economy so that it works for working class Americans and his commitment to invest in our secure energy future. They will also talk to supporters about the importance of the this year’s election and encourage voters to participate in Early Vote.

Friday, October 10:

Las Vegas, NM
Economic Roundtable, 10:00–11:00 AM
Margaret J. Kennedy Alumni Hall
New Mexico Highlands Univeresity

Mora NM
Environmental Issues Roundtable, Noon–1:00 PM
VFW Post 1131, Main Street

Taos NM
Early Vote Rally, 2:15–3:00 PM
601 Lovato Place

Santa Fe NM
Canvass Kickoff, 5:30–7:00 PM
3494 Zafarano Drive, Suite B

Early Vote takes place October 18 through November 1st at county clerk offices and satellite locations throughout the state. Voters can request to Vote By Mail from now until October 30th. New Mexicans can register to vote, fill out a Vote By Mail application request or find their local Early Vote locations and hours by coming into any Campaign for Change office across the state, by visiting their county clerk’s office or by visiting:

Technorati Tags:

October 9, 2008 at 12:11 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Campaign for Change Needs Polling Place Volunteers

We all know how crucial it is to be proactive in ensuring election integrity this year. One way to do just that is to volunteer to keep a watch on the voting process and polling places. I'm passing along info from an email from a local Dem Party Ward officer about the pressing need for more volunteers. Pass it on:

It’s less than a month until the election. As many of you know, the Campaign for Change (affiliated with the NM Democratic Party) is working hard to ensure a safe and valid election by training and assigning challengers to various polling places throughout the state. We really need volunteers at the counties listed below, as well as additional Bernalillo County volunteers. Volunteers must be registered in the counties where they are assigned.

If you know any registered Democrats in the counties listed below who you think might be interested in working for the cause on November 4th, please contact them and ask them to go to the following website:

Each person will be well-trained before assigning them to a polling place. County volunteer goals:


Thank you for your enthusiasm and involvement. Go Obama!

October 9, 2008 at 11:30 AM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (2)

10/10 Reception: Help New Mexico be a Blue State in '08

From Brian Colón, DPNM Chair: WIth less than 30 days until the election, there is no time to hesitate. The time to act is now! Democrats have known for months what the media is just starting to figure out -- that New Mexico is not only going to play an important role in sending Barack Obama to the White House, but for the first time in a long time, we have the opportunity to send an all-Democrat delegation to Washington, D.C. But in order to send Barack Obama to the White House, Tom Udall to the Senate and Martin Heinrich, Harry Teague and Ben Ray Lujan to Congress, we need each and every New Mexico Democrat to get involved. We need your support to make sure we get every Democrat out to the polls for this historic election:

Blue State in '08
Governor Bill Richardson
Lt. Governor Diane Denish
Chairman Brian S. Colón
cordially invite you to a fundraiser
Featuring Senate and Congressional Candidates
Congressman Tom Udall
Martin Heinrich • Harry Teague • Ben Ray Lujan
Help us to fund our Get Out the Vote Efforts to ensure
VICTORY in ‘08
Los Poblanos Inn & Cultural Center
4803 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM
Friday, October 10, 2008
Reception • 7:00 PM • Host Photo Reception • 8:00 PM
Requested Contributions: Hosts $1000 • Guests $50
RSVP to Beth Adams @ 505-830-3650 or
Or Buy an e-Ticket

If you can't make it, please don't miss this opportunity to contribute to the party to help us turn New Mexico into a Blue State in '08. Click to donate online.

Technorati Tags:

October 9, 2008 at 09:14 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

PBS NewsHour Reports to Air from KNME Studios Next Week; This Sunday: Live Townhall with Ray Suarez in ABQ

PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer puts the national spotlight on Albuquerque and New Mexico, Monday thru Friday, October 13-17, 2008 at 5:30 PM. Albuquerque is only the second “Spotlight City” The NewsHour has chosen to highlight.

Senior Correspondents Ray Suarez and Judy Woodruff will bring the program to the studios of KNME, to examine the crucial role the city of Albuquerque and the state of New Mexico will play in the upcoming presidential election. The NewsHour will also profile the unique contributions Albuquerque is making in business, science healthcare, and the arts. Additional stories will include: economic disparity, voting machines, getting out the Native American vote, NM Politics, the economy, etc. KNME airs on channels 5 and 5.2 in New Mexico.

Live Town Hall Meeting with Ray Suarez
On Sunday, October 12, join KNME for a live Town Hall Meeting with Ray Suarez, Senior Correspondent of The NewsHour, at the UNM Continuing Education Auditorium in Albuquerque from 3:00-4:00 PM. Doors open at 2:30 PM, and admission is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. The topic will be, “What Role Will New Mexico And The Media Play In The Upcoming Presidential Election?"

QUESTIONS ASKED: KUNM will be running spots asking for listeners to send in their questions, in advance. KNME will give these questions to Ray Suarez to begin the discussion. There will also be microphones in the audience, for audience members to ask questions of the panelists.

BROADCAST: LIVE simulcast on KUNM 89.9 FM

STREAMING: LIVE on KNME’s website at

***Call (505) 277-2121 for more information***

Moderator: Ray Suarez, Senior Correspondent of The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer


Technorati Tags:

October 8, 2008 at 04:55 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Current Affairs, Events, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)

Obama Campaign Registers 35,500 Voters in Last Month in NM

Maybe this is one reason why

Today Barack Obama’s Campaign for Change (CFC) announced that it surpassed its goal of registering 30,000 new voters in 30 days. Statewide, CFC registered more than 35,500 new voters from September 7th to October 7th, the voter registration deadline.

I'm impressed. And the same thing is happening all over the country, including the big battleground states. In many states, new Dem registrations total in the hundreds of thousands and are outnumbering those by Repubs by a 4 and 5 to 1 ratio. Now all we have to do is get all these newly registered voters to cast their ballots. Get involved.

“We are incredibly pleased not only with the hard work and commitment of our volunteers and supporters, but also the excitement throughout New Mexico for Barack Obama’s message of change,” said New Mexico’s Campaign for Change State Director Adrian Saenz. “New Mexicans are hungry to get involved in the political process and reject another four year of the same failed Bush economic policies. From Las Vegas to Las Cruces, people are responding to Senator Obama’s commitment to making the economy work for middle class families and fundamentally changing how politics works.

The “30/30 Project” was part of Campaign for Change’s voter outreach efforts. This major voter registration effort comes to an end successfully less than one month before the presidential election. Voters can request to Vote By Mail from now through October 30th. Early Vote takes place October 18 through November 1st at county clerk offices and satellite locations throughout the state. New Mexicans can fill out a Vote By Mail application request or find their local Early Vote locations and hours by coming into any Campaign for Change office across the state, by visiting their county clerk’s office or by visiting

Technorati Tags:

October 8, 2008 at 03:27 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (1)

(Updated) Early Voting Info for 2008 Election

Update: Starting October 24, 2008, Early In-Person Voting hours in Bernalillo County were extended. See the new hours here (pdf).
The bad news: If you aren't registered to vote, I'm afraid it's now too late. Yesterday, October 7, 2008, was the deadline in New Mexico to register to vote in the 2008 general election (if you weren't already registered).

ImagesThe good news: Today marks the beginning of absentee voting by mail and in-person at County Clerk offices all over New Mexico. Starting October 18, 2008, you can vote early in-person at additional locations in many counties.

If you live outside Bernalillo County, please check with your County Clerk office.

If you live in Bernalillo County, here's what you need to know:

Where do I Vote? You can check your voter registration, find your November 4th polling place and get a sample ballot by entering your name and birthdate. Visit .

In Person Absentee Voting
Clerk’s Office Annex Downtown
Beginning Tuesday, October 7, 2008
620 Lomas NW, Albuquerque
*Note that this has changed from 1 Civic Plaza 6th Floor

Tuesday October 7 – Friday October 10: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Monday October 13 – Friday October 17: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Monday October 20 – Friday October 24: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Monday October 27 – Friday October 31: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday November 1: 10:00am – 6:00pm

Absentee Mail-In Ballot Applications may be requested from the County Clerk via:

Phone: (505) 468-1291 option 2
Fax: (505) 768-4631
In Person: 1 Civic Plaza NW, 6th Fl., Albuquerque
Mail: PO Box 542, Albuquerque, NM 87103-0542

You can also download an Absentee Mail-In Ballot Application at the NM Secretary of State website.

You must request your Absentee Mail-In Ballot from the County Clerk by October 31, 2008. You must return your completed Absentee Mail-In Ballot to the County Clerk's office by 5:00 PM on November 4, 2008. You can mail or hand-deliver it.

*New Feature* Absentee Ballot Tracker: Track the status of your absentee ballot online:

Early Voting at Satellite Locations
From October 18 through November 1, 2008, you can vote early at these additional locations in Bernalillo County:

– Beginning Saturday, October 18, 2008:


LWV Voters' Guide
To learn more about the candidates, check out the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of New Mexico Voters' Guide.

Technorati Tags:

October 8, 2008 at 02:06 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election | Permalink | Comments (2)

Prez Debate: "That One" Won

Obama on taxes at Nashville debate

You know who I mean. The guy cranky John McCain referred to dismissively as "that one" in last night's presidential "town hall meeting" in Nashville -- Barack Obama, the winner last night, and our next president. Already, an "I'm voting for That One" tshirt is available at Cafe Press. And we have a new take on Obama's logo:


As with the first debate, the focus groups and snap polls, along with many pundits, declared Obama the winner. Democracy Corps, which organized a focus group of undecided voters in Nevada to watch last night's debate, in part:

"Unlike the first debate, when Democracy Corps research showed half the voters remaining undecided and the two candidates splitting the other half, the vote following the second debate showed a decisive shift toward Senator Obama. This debate was a clear victory for Obama who made major gains not just in the vote but also on personal favorability and key attributes like 'has what it takes to be President,' which ultimately drove undecided voters into his column."

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb
One of my favorite exchanges, as reported by the :

...Obama seemed to get the better of him in a discussion of whether the United States should violate Pakistan's sovereignty if that's what it takes to kill al-Qaida terrorists such as Osama bin Laden. McCain quoted Theodore Roosevelt, who said, "Talk softly, but carry a big stick."

But Obama "likes to talk loudly," McCain said. "In fact, he said he wants to announce that he's going to attack Pakistan. Remarkable."

Obama shot back: "Nobody called for the invasion of Pakistan. ... If Pakistan is unable or unwilling to hunt down bin Laden and take him out, then we should."

He continued: "Now, Sen. McCain suggests that somehow, you know, I'm green behind the ears and, you know, I'm just spouting off, and he's somber and responsible."

McCain smiled and said, "Thank you very much." But the smile faded when Obama said: "This is the guy who sang, 'Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran,' who called for the annihilation of North Korea," Obama said. "That I don't think is an example of 'speaking softly.' This is the person who, after we had -- we hadn't even finished Afghanistan, where he said, 'Next up, Baghdad.'

Obama calls out McCain on bomb, bomb, bomb Iran

Echoes of Kennedy-Nixon, Clinton-Dole
I agree with the analysis Terrence McNally at Huffington Post:

We all know about the difference between the responses of those who listened to the first Kennedy-Nixon debate on the radio versus those who watched it on (a small, black & white) television. I did both last night and the same was true.

I recall Frank Luntz earlier this year saying that he would caution McCain to minimize being seen in the same camera shot with Obama. The contrast of age and "vigor" would be too stark. Watching the two of them out on the open floor last night in the faux "town hall" format brought his warning to life. The difference was visual and visceral. The tall, lanky, young Obama smooth and confident versus the shorter, tighter, older McCain.

... On MSNBC's Hardball, someone (perhaps Jonathan Alter) said this debate reminded him of a moment in '92, Dole v Clinton, when you knew it was over -- unless something huge were to happen.

Here's what had to say about the night's "bests" and "mosts."

Check out at NM FBIHOP about the well-attended debate watch party at One Up in downtown Albuquerque, my friend.

Did you notice how Barack and Michelle stayed in the hall for about 20 minutes talking to audience members? Did you notice how Johnny and Cindy fled the hall as fast as they could get out of there? Telling.

Bottom line by most accounts: McCain needed to inject a "game changer" into the proceedings last night in order to stop or slow Obama's momentum. He didn't succeed. Now I guess he and Palin will return to the campaign trail and their wise-ass negative attacks to once again try to convince voters that Obama is a nasty, dangerous, un-American guy. An increasingly dishonorable and dishonest campaign staggers on. Clearly, most undecided voters aren't buying what McCain and Palin are selling. No wonder. The more undecideds and others who haven't been paying much attention until now see Obama, the more they like him and see him as a strong, smart, calm and trustworthy presidential contender.

P.S. Turns out that "overhead projector" John McCain claimed Barack Obama tried to get a $3 million earmark for was actually money to rebuild Chicago's Adler Planetarium (photo below), America's . I should know. I often visited there as a child. Tons of Chicago area schools organize field trips to the Adler, and they always have wonderful exhibits and shows for adults, too. It's a stunning place on a narrow piece of land (once an artificial island) that extends out into Lake Michigan. I WANT more of my tax dollars going to things like that, don't you? (h/t TPM)


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October 8, 2008 at 11:01 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Today is LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE for 2008 Election

This is it, folks. You need to be registered to vote by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 --that's TODAY -- in order to vote in the 2008 general election.

Anyone with questions can call the local Obama campaign office or your County Clerk. Also see my previous post on voting that explains other ways to register, including downloading and completing a voter registration form that you can hand-deliver to the County Clerk by the deadline, or mail to your County Clerk postmarked before TODAY'S 5:00 PM deadline. The U.S. Postal Service normally doesn't postmark voter registration forms, but they will do so if you mail your form TODAY.

Technorati Tags:

October 7, 2008 at 12:46 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

PAC505 Hosts "Test Press Tuesday" Debate Watch & Screen Printing Party

Click on image for larger version

PAC505 and The Trillion Space are fired up to present the second installment of their debate-viewing series, this Tuesday, October 7. Join us at The Trillion Space (510 2nd Street, near Marquette) for "Test Press Tuesday," where the debate will be projected, heard, and properly contextualized by an army of DJ's and artists, including Adam5100 from the East Bay. During the event, which begins at 4 o'clock, local artists will create original Obama designs and screenprint them onto shirts that you can take home for five bucks. Events like TPT will be remembered for transforming the Obama campaign into what it has become: a movement. Be there!

October 7, 2008 at 08:44 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)


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