McCain Lie Counter

Monday, October 13, 2008

Just Announced: Biden to Visit Southern NM on Friday

Shiprockparade1 Shiprockparade2
Northern Navajo Nation Shiprock Parade (see more)

The Obama campaign today announced that Senator Joe Biden will visit New Mexico this week. Biden will host a Change We Need rally in Southern New Mexico on Friday, October 17th. More details will be announced as soon as they are available.

October 13, 2008 at 10:51 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

10/15: PAC505 to Host Prez Debate Watch at UNM Sub


PAC505, the TRILLION Space, and SOY DE BURQUE invite you to Albuquerque's progressive epicenter, UNM Main Campus, this Wednesday to watch the third and final debate in this historic election. The debate will be shown at the SUB, Ballroom A, via in-house LCD projection and audio.

DJ Chach will set the tone before the main event and PaperChasePress will provide its screenprinting services before and during the show: bring an article of clothing and five bucks and PaperChasePress will brand it with your choice of Obama or other design. The image of the debate will be framed by projections of liveblogs from opposite sides of the political spectrum, so you can watch the spin as it happens. We will place a television and chairs in the SUB lobby for parents with children who might not want to be restrianed by the theater-like setting of the ballroom.

PAC505 tries to help motivate and galvanize Albuquerque's liberal community. Especially in light of the role that the youth vote is likely to play in this year's election, we are really excited to have the opportunity to engage and be engaged by the UNM student body this Wednesday, and we hope that you will join us.

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October 12, 2008 at 03:28 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros to Campaign for Obama in Southern NM Today, Monday

HcisnerosToday and Monday, Henry Cisneros, former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and former Mayor of San Antonio, will headline a series of Campaign for Change events in southern New Mexico. He'll travel to Tortugas, Silver City and Anthony to talk to New Mexicans about Obama's plan to rebuild the economy so that it works for working class Americans. He'll also talk to supporters about the importance of the this year’s election and encourage voters to participate in Early Vote.

Sunday October 12:

Tortugas, NM
4:00 PM: Change We Need Rally
Guadalupe Park, SW Corner of Tile St and Juan Diego

Monday, October 13:

Silver City, NM
8:00 AM: Economic Roundtable
Red Barn, 708 Silver Heights Blvd

Anthony, NM
12:15 PM: Economic Roundtable
Campaign for Change Field Office, 880 Anthony Drive

Early Vote takes place October 18 through November 1st at county clerk offices and satellite locations throughout the state. Voters can request to Vote By Mail from now until October 30th. New Mexicans can register to vote, fill out a Vote By Mail application request or find their local Early Vote locations and hours by coming into any Campaign for Change office across the state, by visiting their county clerk’s office or by visiting

October 12, 2008 at 10:03 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (2)

Friday, October 10, 2008

(Updated) Saturday: Richardson, Heinrich, Colón to Speak at South Valley Canvass Kickoff

Martin Heinrich on the power of grassroots campaigning

Update: Gov. Bill Richardson and Martin Heinrich will also welcome back volunteers from an afternoon of canvassing at 4:45 PM on Saturday at the Campaign for Change Bernalillo office located at 240 South Camino del Pueblo.
Join Governor Bill Richardson, NM-01 Congressional Candidate Martin Heinrich and Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, Brian S. Colón, at the kickoff of South Valley canvassing on Saturday, October 11, on behalf of Democratic candidates. The event starts at 9:30 AM at the Campaign for Change office at 3211 Coors Blvd. SW, Suite A 3-4L in Albuquerque. Click for MAP.

Directions: At the Rio Bravo - Coors intersection across the street from Walmart in the Goodwill shopping center. In the parking lot, facing the building, the Obama office is all the way to the left with a banner over the entry way.

You can sign up for one of three South Valley canvassing shifts here and be part of the solution to what America and New Mexicans are facing after eight years of Republican failures. Check out the Obama New Mexico events page for more opportunities around the state to bring about the change we need. Tick, tock.

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October 10, 2008 at 11:29 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, October 09, 2008

McCain: No Honor, No Ethics, No Conscience, No Courage

Hannity & Van Susteren interview McCain-Palin

Okay, we can admire the way McCain endured his time as a POW. Many people do brave and honorable things in their youthful years, only to fall victim to their darker natures later in life. McCain is obviously one of those people. The campaign he and Palin are now running is not only dishonest and designed to appeal to the very worst inclinations of the GOP base, it's entirely disingenuous.

McCain knows very well that there's nothing at all sinister about Obama serving on two philanthropic boards -- funded by the foundation of Reagan friend and loyal conservative Walter Annenberg -- with Bill Ayers. Why isn't he calling the Annenberg family "terrorists"? Why isn't he worried about the many Republicans who also served on those boards with Ayers? Does he believe that the current Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago is also a "terrorist"? After all, he has occasionally worked with Ayers. How about all the prominent, long-time and highly respected supporters of Obama? Don't they get how dangerous he has been, out there teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago, serving in the Illinois State Senate and making his mark on the U.S. Senate?

Midwest Voices has a piece by George Harris that uses satire to point out the absurdity of the claims being slimed around by Grouchy and the Wicked Witch of the North. It's funny as hell. Unfortunately, the kind of hatred and mob mentality that's being deliberately stirred by the GOP isn't funny in the least. Especially at a time when our financial system is collapsing and people are fearful, suffering and flabbergasted at what's happening and what's about to befall them -- courtesy of the GOP Deregulators Inc.

This is politics at its very worst and I think it's high time that John McCain ceases to be introduced and praised as a hero to admire. He's nothing more than an unprincipled, desperate scumbag now, fermenting in his frustrated ambition and lashing out with angry, demented accusations against his rival. The undynamic duo were interviewed by both Hannity and Van Susteren about the horrors of Obama on Fox (see video above). I think they're some of the most despicable displays of pompous, phony outrage and outright lies I ever seen by national political figures, and I've witnessed many of them in my years of following politics from Nixon on.

Whatever he was before, McCain is no longer a hero. He's a man so possessed by venality, ego and arrogance that he's prepared to do or say anything -- anything -- to try and slither his way into the White House. If people don't see this man for what he is now, their senses must be bewitched. He and Palin have become nothing more than hatemongers. Even worse, they're purposeful hatemongers, peddling obvious distortions and lies to manipulate the worst in human nature. Both of them should be publicly shamed, not admired, or even tolerated. They've both crossed the line and are, to use Palin's word, unrepentent.

I'd love to see McCain muster up the nerve to make these accusations and insinuations to Obama's face. I fear, however, that he lacks even a shred of the courage he once displayed. He's spent.

October 9, 2008 at 06:12 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (1)

(Updated) Obama Campaign Buys Half Hour on CBS, NBC for 'Primetime Special'

Obama's new ad on health care

Update: It now looks like the Obama half-hour talk with the nation will be aired from 7:00-7:30 PM in the Mountain Time Zone on NBC and CBS. Fox will air it after the World Series Game 6 (if necessary) in the Mountain and Pacific Time Zones and at 8:00 PM in the Eastern and Central Time Zones. Obama's campaign is still negotiating with ABC. I'll update this info again when firmer times are announced closer to the event.
TV industry blogger James Hibberd reports that the Obama campaign has purchased a half-hour of national TV time for a "primetime special" on both CBS and NBC to air Wednesday, October 29, at 8:00 PM. It's also rumored the campaign is negotiating for a similar deal with Fox, but that might not be possible because Fox will be airing Game 6 of the World Series in that slot if one is necessary.

Wow. Imagine what that costs. When a campaign has attracted millions of enthusiastic small donors who aren't yet tapped out -- and keeps attracting newbies -- this kind of creative and costly messaging becomes affordable.

The special is a smart move for the Obama campaign, said Larry Sabato, a political analyst and director of the Center of Politics at the University of Virginia.

"Obama's theme is not just change but unity, so he's appealing to the whole nation rather than a handful of tossup states," Sabato said. "He wants to win the popular vote by a good margin, which will enable him to govern."

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October 9, 2008 at 05:05 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Media | Permalink | Comments (3)

Bill Clinton Still Holds Grudge Against Bill Richardson; Guv. Stumping Hard for Obama

Richardson at Obama rally in Espanola NM last month

Gov. Bill Richardson has gotten a lot of flack from both Clintons for his endorsement of Barack Obama. And remember when longtime Clinton pal James Carville called Richardson a "Judas" for supporting Obama? Carville is now out and about on TV spinning on behalf of Obama, but at least one Clinton hasn't gotten over the perceived slight. According to a report on Politico, Hillary has managed to move on, but Bill is still fuming:

“It could be pretty much a permanent fissure. But that’s politics, that’s OK,” Richardson told National Public Radio’s Renee Montagne in an interview that aired Thursday morning on "Morning Edition." “I did what I thought was best for the country. I’m still very fond of the Clintons. I’ve reconciled with her. But with him — he wants to keep a grudge, that’s fine with me. I move on. I’m governor of New Mexico. I’m happy where I am."

... Bill Clinton, who had personally pleaded for Richardson to endorse his wife, was said to be especially incensed. Richardson told Montagne he’s spoken to Hillary Clinton and that a fundraiser he held two months ago raised nearly $250,000 to help her retire the debt she accrued during her presidential campaign.

“She appreciated it. You know, we talked,” Richardson said. “Have I heard from President Clinton? No.” But, he added “I’m very comfortable with what I did, endorsing Sen. Obama.”

Richardson on the Road for Obama
Richardson has been working very hard to promote Obama and fundraise on his behalf, traveling to swing states like Nevada, Colorado, Florida and Wisconsin to work the crowds and work the donors for Barack. He's also reaching out to voters in New Mexico to urge them to vote for Obama, especially in heavily Hispanic areas of the state.

This coming Saturday, Richardson will be canvassing in Albuquerque's South Valley along with NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich and DPNM Chair Brian Colón as part of the coordinated campaign on behalf of Dem candidates.

This past Saturday, Richardson was in Nevada for the Obama campaign, reports the Las Vegas Sun:

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson gathered with local Hispanic leaders for a discussion on the economy at the College of Southern Nevada before setting off to canvass, attend a Telemundo soccer tournament and deliver remarks at the Clark County Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson dinner.

... “John Kerry lost Ohio,” Richardson said in an interview. “If he had won Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado, he would be president today. I think the key to the election are these three Western states — and the margin of victory is in the Hispanic vote.”

(Richardson said he would be spending much of his time campaigning on behalf of Obama in those three battleground states, as well as Florida.)

Reaching out to Hispanics
Obama gets it. The campaign and the Democratic National Committee plan to spend $20 million on grassroots organizing and advertising efforts targeting Hispanic voters -- more than doubling what the Bush and Kerry campaigns spent together on Hispanic outreach in the last presidential cycle.

Obama, speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus last week, said turning those voters out in November will be critical.

“If you have any doubt about whether you can make a difference, just remember how, back in 2004, 40,000 registered Latino voters in New Mexico didn’t turn out on Election Day. Sen. Kerry lost that state by fewer than 6,000 votes,” he said. “Six thousand votes.”

The Surrogate Shuffle
Richardson has also been doing numerous TV interviews as an Obama surrogate. Here he is on a recent Rachel Maddow Show discussing McCain's nasty "kitchen sink" strategy:


When (okay, if) Obama wins, what job do you think Richardson will hold in an Obama administration? Interior Secretary? Ambassador? Secretary of State? Fed Chairman (not)? Special envoy to somewhere? Head of the World Bank? Only time will tell.

Photo by M.E. Broderick.

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October 9, 2008 at 04:17 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Local Politics, Minority Issues, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and UFW President to Campaign for Obama in Northern New Mexico

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The Obama campaign has announced that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – son of Bobby Kennedy – and Arturo Rodriguez – President of the United Farm Workers – will headline a series of Campaign for Change events in northern New Mexico tomorrow, Friday, October 10, 2008. They will travel to Las Vegas, Mora, Taos and Santa Fe to talk to New Mexicans about Obama's plan to rebuild the economy so that it works for working class Americans and his commitment to invest in our secure energy future. They will also talk to supporters about the importance of the this year’s election and encourage voters to participate in Early Vote.

Friday, October 10:

Las Vegas, NM
Economic Roundtable, 10:00–11:00 AM
Margaret J. Kennedy Alumni Hall
New Mexico Highlands Univeresity

Mora NM
Environmental Issues Roundtable, Noon–1:00 PM
VFW Post 1131, Main Street

Taos NM
Early Vote Rally, 2:15–3:00 PM
601 Lovato Place

Santa Fe NM
Canvass Kickoff, 5:30–7:00 PM
3494 Zafarano Drive, Suite B

Early Vote takes place October 18 through November 1st at county clerk offices and satellite locations throughout the state. Voters can request to Vote By Mail from now until October 30th. New Mexicans can register to vote, fill out a Vote By Mail application request or find their local Early Vote locations and hours by coming into any Campaign for Change office across the state, by visiting their county clerk’s office or by visiting:

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October 9, 2008 at 12:11 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Campaign for Change Needs Polling Place Volunteers

We all know how crucial it is to be proactive in ensuring election integrity this year. One way to do just that is to volunteer to keep a watch on the voting process and polling places. I'm passing along info from an email from a local Dem Party Ward officer about the pressing need for more volunteers. Pass it on:

It’s less than a month until the election. As many of you know, the Campaign for Change (affiliated with the NM Democratic Party) is working hard to ensure a safe and valid election by training and assigning challengers to various polling places throughout the state. We really need volunteers at the counties listed below, as well as additional Bernalillo County volunteers. Volunteers must be registered in the counties where they are assigned.

If you know any registered Democrats in the counties listed below who you think might be interested in working for the cause on November 4th, please contact them and ask them to go to the following website:

Each person will be well-trained before assigning them to a polling place. County volunteer goals:


Thank you for your enthusiasm and involvement. Go Obama!

October 9, 2008 at 11:30 AM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (2)

10/10 Reception: Help New Mexico be a Blue State in '08

From Brian Colón, DPNM Chair: WIth less than 30 days until the election, there is no time to hesitate. The time to act is now! Democrats have known for months what the media is just starting to figure out -- that New Mexico is not only going to play an important role in sending Barack Obama to the White House, but for the first time in a long time, we have the opportunity to send an all-Democrat delegation to Washington, D.C. But in order to send Barack Obama to the White House, Tom Udall to the Senate and Martin Heinrich, Harry Teague and Ben Ray Lujan to Congress, we need each and every New Mexico Democrat to get involved. We need your support to make sure we get every Democrat out to the polls for this historic election:

Blue State in '08
Governor Bill Richardson
Lt. Governor Diane Denish
Chairman Brian S. Colón
cordially invite you to a fundraiser
Featuring Senate and Congressional Candidates
Congressman Tom Udall
Martin Heinrich • Harry Teague • Ben Ray Lujan
Help us to fund our Get Out the Vote Efforts to ensure
VICTORY in ‘08
Los Poblanos Inn & Cultural Center
4803 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM
Friday, October 10, 2008
Reception • 7:00 PM • Host Photo Reception • 8:00 PM
Requested Contributions: Hosts $1000 • Guests $50
RSVP to Beth Adams @ 505-830-3650 or
Or Buy an e-Ticket

If you can't make it, please don't miss this opportunity to contribute to the party to help us turn New Mexico into a Blue State in '08. Click to donate online.

Technorati Tags:

October 9, 2008 at 09:14 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)


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