McCain Lie Counter

Friday, August 22, 2008

Alex Flores Guest Blog: Obama/Biden 08!

(To see our Zannel channel with videos, photos and messages from Denver and the Dem Convention you must be on our main page at The widget is at the top of the page under our banner.)

N19400471_30795792_8768_2 This is a guest post by Alex Flores, who blogs at Alex on Politics. Alex is from Corrales, NM and will be working on a Master's at Princeton. He'll be serving as a Page at the Democratic Convention, assigned to Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairman Brian Colón.

Campaign back channels are confirming Senator Joe Biden will become Senator Barack Obama’s Vice-Presidential Nominee tomorrow.

It’s going to be an impressive duo to watch this election season! 10 weeks to go.

Tonight, confirmation that the United States Secret Service has dispatched a protective detail to assume the immediate protection of Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., a source tells ABC News, indicating in all likelihood that Biden has been officially notified that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, has selected him to be his running mate.

2007_01_31_biden_obamaInterviewing on “The Early Show” on CBS this past sunday, Obama made clear what his expectations are for his Vice-President:

“Obviously, the most important question is: Is this person ready to be president?” Second, he said, was: “Can this person help me govern? Are they going to be an effective partner in creating the kind of economic opportunity here at home and guiding us through some dangerous waters internationally?”

And, he added: “I want somebody who is going to be able to challenge my thinking and not simply be a ‘yes person’ when it comes to policymaking.”

ObamadebateBiden is a long time Senator who will absolutely challenge Senator Obama’s policies and hopefully pull the administration in a more progressive direction. From what we known, Jill Biden is impressive herself and will add to the already strong supporting cast in Michelle Obama and all of the campaign’s surrogates.

Biden is a senior statesman who will bring foreign policy experience to the table, a working class background, and even has a son who will be deployed to Iraq on October 3 (Joe “Beau” Biden is also Deleware’s Attorney General and a Captain in the State National Guard).

Steve Clemens wrote on the Huffington Post earlier today:

Compare this to Joe Biden who in 2005 was ranked 99th out of 100 senators in terms of personal wealth.

And amazingly in 2006, Open Secrets lists Biden as 108th out of all US Senators (i.e., negative 8! How did he do that?) with a near negative value on total income and assets.

Biden has not enriched himself through marriage, book deals, land swaps, or even betting on Intrade.

That’s an interesting contrast to Senator McCain….

I’m excited to see them together tomorrow in Springfield, Illinois and later this week in Denver at the Democratic National Convention. Afterwards - look forward to Biden dismantling his opponent in the Vice-Presidential Debates!

This is a guest blog by Alex Flores of Corrales.

Guest blogs provide our readers with an opportunity to express their opinions on pertinent political issues. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

Technorati Tags:

August 22, 2008 at 10:52 PM in 2008 Dem VP Candidates, 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, Guest Blogger | Permalink | Comments (7)

Convention Coverage: Here Comes DFNM on Politics Blue on Zannel and Beyond

The Pepsi Center podium unveiled

Democracy for New Mexico is one of twelve blogs (see below fold) from around the country chosen to help launch the group Politics Blue on Zannel, a new and exciting vlogging service you can access via your cell phone or computer. All the blogs on the Politics Blue channel at Zannel are members of the DNC State Blogger Corps and, like DFNM, have credentials to be seated with their state delegations on the floor of the Pepsi Center in Denver next Monday thru Wednesday, and on the field at Mile High Stadium on Saturday for Obama's acceptance speech.

Mary Ellen and I will be using Zannel to post video clips, photos and short text messages from the 2008 Democratic Convention. The DFNM blog has its own channel within Politics Blue, as do all the other blogs. We've installed a widget at the top of the main DFNM page where you can quickly access our latest uploads. (To see it you must be at, not one of our subpages.) There are arrows you can use to move from upload to upload. Our material will also be shared on the aggregated Politics Blue group channel on Zannel. Right now, we've just got test-type material uploaded to Zannel, but soon we'll be putting up the real deal. Check back often.

Of course we'll also be posting longer pieces right here, and you can also check out our stuff on Rootswire (widget on left sidebar). We also understand that C-SPAN's Convention Hub, the DNC's Convention website and other sites will be aggregating State Blogger Corps posts. Visit the links on the left sidebar for those sites, plus our Convention videos on YouTube and photos at Flickr and more.

Thanks to all of you who donated so generously to help cover the costs of our Convention trip. And gracias to our intrepid house sitters as well, who'll be holding down the fort at our place. Onward to Denver ....

Other Zannel Politics Blue participants:

  • Florida: Florida Progressive Coalition -
  • Georgia: Georgia Women Vote –
  • Kentucky: Blue Grass Roots -
  • Mississippi: The Natchez Blog -
  • New Hampshire: Blue Hampshire -
  • South Carolina: Crack the Bell -
  • Utah: The Utah Amicus -
  • Vermont: Green Mountain Daily -
  • Wisconsin: Uppity Wisconsin -
  • Democrats Living Abroad: Yanqui Mike -
  • Technorati Tags:

    August 22, 2008 at 11:56 AM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation, Democratic Party, Visuals, Web/Tech, Zannel | Permalink | Comments (0)

    Patricia Madrid Named to Obama's National Latino Advisory Council

    Patricia Madrid with husband Mike Messina
    at Obama event earlier this year

    The Obama Campaign yesterday announced the formation of its National Latino Advisory Council, highlighting the continued growth of support Senator Obama is receiving in the Latino community nationwide. According to the campaign, the advisory council is made up of key labor, faith, community leaders, and elected officials from across the country and will serve as an advisory council for the campaign on issues important to the Latino community as well as play an active role reaching out and organizing Latinos in their communities and across the country. (See list below fold.)

    Among those named to the Advisory Council is New Mexico's former Attorney General Patricia Madrid. Madrid is also one of three Democrats serving as co-chairs of the Democratic Platform Committee this year.

    "I am honored to have the support of these key Latino leaders from across the country that have dedicated their lives to improving and advocating for better education for our children, access to health care, civil and voting rights and advancing economic opportunities not only for Latinos, but for all Americans," said Senator Obama. "With their support and advice, we will continue building our movement for change in every community."

    A recent Pew Hispanic Center Poll had Senator Obama leading amongst Hispanic registered voters by 66 percent to McCain's 23 percent. The Obama campaign is focusing on winning the support of Latinos throughout the country and in particular in the key battleground states of New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado and Florida where Latinos comprise a large percentage of the voting population. 

    Recently, the Democratic National Committee and the Obama campaign committed an unprecedented $20 million to engage and mobilize Hispanic voters for the November election. This money will include voter registration, paid advertising, staffing and mail, in an effort to promote engagement and mobilization among Hispanic voters and build on already overwhelming support from this key group of voters for the Democratic Party and Senator Obama.

    "Latino voters will play a pivotal role in the November election," said Council Chair, Federico Peña. "The members of the advisory council bring a breadth of knowledge, experience and leadership and will provide important guidance to Senator Obama and our campaign about how to most effectively reach Latino voters. Senator Obama has earned a strong lead among Latino voters, but he isn't taking a single vote for granted. Latino voters are already seeing the contrast between Senator McCain's campaign of the past and exchanging principle for political expedience, and Senator Obama's campaign of change, hope, and opportunity." 

    "I am proud to be a part of this advisory council," said Geoconda Arguello-Kline. "Senator Obama represents the kind of leadership that will fight for America's working families and will help create opportunities to empower our communities across America."

    "As the Latino community continues to get to know Senator Obama, it is clear that he is the right candidate for our issues and is the best candidate to deliver the change that America desperately needs," said Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis. "Senator Obama not only understands the struggles and diversity of our community but because of his personal history and background he will stand with us and be a fighter for our issues. I look forward to continuing to work to elect Senator Obama as the next President of the United States."

    National Latino Advisory Council Members

    · Federico Peña, Chair, National Hispanic Advisory Council, Former Mayor of Denver and Former Secretary of Transportation, National Obama Campaign Co-Chair 

    · Geoconda Arguello-Kline, President, Nevada Culinary Workers Union

    · Congressman Xavier Becerra

· Adolfo Carrión, Bronx Borough President 

    · Henry Cisneros, Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 

    · Bishop Wilfredo De Jesús, Vice President of Social Justice, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference 

    · Congressman Charlie González 

    · Congressman Raúl Grijalva

    · Congressman Luis Gutiérrez 

    · Ambassador Luis Lauredo, Former Ambassador to the Organization of American States 

    · Patricia Madrid, Former Attorney General of New Mexico

    · Eliseo Medina, Executive Vice President, Service Employees International Union 

    · Congresswoman Linda T. Sánchez 

    · Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis 

    · Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez

    Technorati Tags:

    August 22, 2008 at 12:01 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (2)

    Wednesday, August 20, 2008

    McCain: All Black and White and Dishonest in Las Cruces

    I was offered press credentials for today's town hall meeting with McCain in Las Cruces but decided it wasn't worth the gas money to hear the gas bag insist, once again, that he's not who he really is. Awe shucks, McCain would like us to think he's just one of the people and moderate to boot. But let's face it, McCain is a pandering rich guy who's grown long in the tooth in the dark heart of Washington. He's surrounded by syncophants and lobbyists for corporations and foreign powers. He owns, what it is, six houses? He can't quite grasp that the surge hasn't "worked" because the stated goal of the surge has not been met -- political reconcilation in Iraq and its government.

    The vast majority of McCain's positions are to the extreme right -- not in line with the mainstream of the nation. He voted in favor of Bush policies more than 90% of the time. And yet he has the nerve to claim he's an independent, a moderate, a maverick. If by maverick you mean a stubborn old bull that runs wild trampling truth, then he's a maverick. Get this quote by Johnny about Obama rightly accusing him of questioning his patriotism:

    “Let me be very clear: I am not questioning his patriotism. I am questioning his judgment. Senator Obama has made it clear he values withdrawal from Iraq above victory in Iraq,” McCain said. “He has made these decisions not because he doesn’t love America but because he doesn’t think it matters whether America wins or loses.”

    Earth to McCain: America has lost and there is no "victory" to be had. There is only getting out in a manner that mitigates further damage, as much as possible, to all involved. I know complexities and ambiguities like that don't jibe with the game-day rah rah mentality of black and white thinkers like McCain, but the days of America winning anything by invading and occupying Iraq for years -- at a cost of $2-3 BILLION a week -- is long past, if it ever existed.

    This isn't a football game. The situation in the region isn't cut and dried or uni-dimensional, so the only reasonable way out seems beyond McCain's ability to comprehend. You either win or you lose in McCain's world. He sees foreign policy like a body-contact sport, where grunting willfulness can win the day. Except that this is at least a three dimensional chess game.

    McCain likes brute force, not nuanced strategies and diplomacy. He doesn't get the big picture -- only the scrimmage in front of him. It's one of his biggest weaknesses. An ability to focus only on what's directly in from of you can be a big help to a person in a prison cell -- but it certainly isn't what we need in a leader at a time like this. This is an era when swirling complexities mean that fine lines and artful analysis may well make all the difference. Those aren't McCain's strong suits, in any way, shape or form. He reads his note cards. He mouths the buzz words. He blusters and winks. He panders and smirks. But he doesn't really know jack about what's going on in the world today, what it means or how to fix it.

    August 20, 2008 at 07:08 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, John McCain, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

    (Updated) Reminder: Howard Dean & Register for Change Tour in NM Tomorrow


    As I posted previously, DNC Chair Howard Dean will be in New Mexico tomorrow, Thursday, August 21, with the Register for Change Tour bus. He'll be joined by Jill Cooper-Udall (Tom's wife), Derek Fisher of the LA Lakers and actor Kal Penn. Come on down to greet Howard and company, register to vote if you haven't yet done so and pick up some good vibes from an excited crowd of Dems:

    Dean & Register for Change, Thursday, August 21:

    • Santa Fe, NM: 10:15 AM, Casa Solano Shopping Center Parking Lot, Alameda Street & St Francis
    • Sandia Pueblo, NM: 1:00 PM,Sandia Library
    • Albuquerque, NM: 3:15 PM, Albuquerque Campaign for Change Office Parking Lot, 3523 Central Avenue

    Click for flyer (doc). Unfortunately, the stop originally scheduled for Santo Domingo Pueblo has been cancelled. The Tour will stop at Sandia Pueblo instead.

    Technorati Tags:

    August 20, 2008 at 03:08 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Democratic Party, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

    Personal Countdown to Denver

    Denver Auditorium, site of 1908 Dem Convention,
    the last time Denver hosted it

    I'm finding it difficult to keep up my posts on local politics when there's so much preparation and planning to complete before heading off to Denver this Friday for the Democratic National Convention. We're expecting chaos no matter how much we manage to nail things down, and we're way behind on nailing things down.

    I'm beginning to think that delegates have it easy. All they have to do is show up and allow themselves to be shepherded around, from the Albuquerque Sunport to DIA to the direct shuttle to their hotel, to the official events and parties. They're handed info packets and vouchers, maps and schedules, and they're all staying together at a hotel not far from the Pepsi Center, Convention Center and Mile High. They can focus on enjoying the events they attend. That's their job. Of course the downside is that they won't have anywhere near the freedom we'll have in Denver. We can go almost anywhere, anytime, following our curiosity wherever it leads. Or we can just sit still and watch the crowds passing by.

    Still, it can be daunting to consider the challenges to be faced by the blogger contingent. We'll have to solve a myriad of technical and logistical problems, find the events we want to cover among a confusing array of calendars and listings, shoot the video and photos, take the notes and come up with story ideas. We'll have to write the stories and take the time to get everything uploaded with a variety of tools, some of them fairly complicated and new to us. We'll be dependent on phone and net connections that might be overwhelmed because so many other people will be trying to do the same thing at the same time. We've even been warned that Denver may experience brownouts because of the massive increase in power usage, especially if the weather is hot.

    Quite a difference from the Pepsi Center,
    and no TV cameras or net access

    Blogger Logistics
    As members of the DNC State Blogger Corps, our status is rather ambiguous. We're not delegates, yet we'll be sitting with our New Mexico delegation on the floor of the Pepsi Center. We're not really press either -- we don't have the support of any media outfit -- but we'll have media credentials and we've been receiving numerous emails that pertain to things that have nothing to do with bloggers. I'm still not positive we can ride the shuttles that will carry delegates to and from their hotels and around town, because we aren't delegates.

    The NM delegation will be staying at the Crowne Plaza hotel in downtown Denver. We'll be staying where the DNC housing office assigned us -- about 35 minutes away (in normal traffic, which we won't have) in something called the Crosslands Economy Studios in Aurora out towards the airport. That means we really can't go back to our room during the day to rest, drop stuff off, change clothes, write, recharge batteries for our gear or upload files. We've been encouraged to attend and cover NM's delegate breakfasts -- which start at about 7:00 AM each day -- so we'll have to leave our room at some ungodly hour and we won't return until late at night. That means we'll have to lug everything with us all day and into the night.

    At a minimum, Mary Ellen and I will each have a laptop, digital camera, Flip Video, cables, battery charger, spare batteries, extension cord and cell phone. Probably a jacket or sweater, rain poncho, water and munchy food. Of course we can't take the water or munchy food into the Pepsi Center -- there's a page-long list of items that aren't allowed.


    We've seen schedules that claim the official events in the Pepsi Center will begin anywhere from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM each day. We still don't know which is right. To get in, we'll first have to work our way through several layers of security perimeters we've heard will begin a couple blocks out. We have to pick up a new credential each day downtown. The delegates get theirs each day at their hotel, where they also will receive various info and tickets for other events and parties. We're on our own in that regard. We hear the media will have access to a bunch of gatherings, but we don't know which ones yet. Almost no parking. Many major streets, and even I-25, will be closed at times. Cabs will be scarce.

    We're Anxious, But Really, Really Excited
    I know, it sounds like I'm whining, and I guess I am to some extent. We're leaving in a couple days so we're feeling just a bit nervous and overwhelmed. But make no mistake about it, we're also incredibly excited and feeling really lucky to be the recipients of blogger credentials that will give us unprecedented access to the action. We still have to pinch ourselves at times. And I guess that's part of the pressure we're feeling too -- we want to do a great job of providing coverage to you and people, literally, around the world. We've been given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and we want to perform at our very best -- but still leave time to have some fun.

    I wish we knew more about the conditions under which we'll be operating. I keep having this dream that all the power goes off in Denver and stays that way for a good long time, causing fumbling and confusion galore. We're keeping our fingers crossed.


    I'm glad we purchased passes to what's known as The Big Tent, created by bloggers for bloggers. It'll probably serve as our main sanctuary when we aren't at other events. It's a couple of blocks away from the Pepsi Center and will be filled with geeks and writers from all over the country who will certainly know more than we do if our equipment goes haywire. The Big Tent will offer daily food, drink, camaraderie, moral support, wi-fi, speakers, panels, entertainment, live feeds from the Convention and workspace all week -- for the measley sum of $100 per person. They even have yoga in the mornings.

    As part of the DNC's state blogger corps, we'll have more connection with our delegation, more deals and more access to official events than others who are going up there independently, either for blogging, protesting or side events. We should be counting our blessings instead of venting our anxieties, right? Well, there's a time for everything. The anxieties are coming out now; the awe and joy will come later. No doubt about it.

    Check in Often
    Keep coming back for video, photos, stories and anecdotes about the Convention from now until Obama is offically nominated before 75,000+ people at Mile High Stadium on Thursday night, rain or shine. If we can work out all the technical, geeky details as we go along!

    Support Us If You Can
    If you still haven't donated to help us cover our expenses, I hope you'll click on the orange "Donate" button on the upper left-hand side of the page. We have to cover more than a week of hotel bills, food and gas. We each paid $100 for Big Tent passes. We've purchased Flip Videos, a new digital camera, extra memory cards, a MacBook to replace my olden Dell PC, extra cell phone service, various wires, cables and gizmos and a few bags to carry it all in. Our time and energy is donated too.

    If you like reading our blog, please support us financially, either by donating or purchasing ads, and please do the same for New Mexico FBIHOP. Matt has been running up gas bills like crazy covering the campaigns, and he's also heading up to Denver this weekend. We need your help now. Big shout out of thanks to all of you who've already contributed -- or who'll click that button now.

    Click on photos for larger images. Click to see additional Convention photos at the DNCC website.

    Technorati Tags:

    August 20, 2008 at 02:26 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation, Democratic Party, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (4)

    Tuesday, August 19, 2008

    Dems to Protest Failed Bush-McCain Policies in Las Cruces Tomorrow

    Things you might not know about McCain's economic policies ... and his wealth

    John McCain will be holding a town hall meeting at the New Mexico State University Pan American Center Gym Annex in Las Cruces tomorrow starting at 10:00 AM. No doubt he'll be doing what he always does at such events -- launching underhanded personal attacks at Obama, pretending to be against the unpopular and damaging Bush policies he has long supported and generally trying to be something he's not. In other words, he'll be trying to convince people that he's offering fresh answers to new challenges when all he's really doing is serving up warmed-over remnants of what got us in this trouble in the first place. More of the same from the ultimate Washington insider.

    We should never let McCain's dishonest posturing go unanswered. So it's great that folks from the Democratic Party of New Mexico, County Commissioner Bill McCamley, City Councillor Nathan P. Small and DNC Committeewoman Mary Gail Gwaltney will be there to protest the Bush-McCain economic policies that promise to keep us on the road to ruin. If you live anywhere near the Las Cruces area, you can too.

    "Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike are looking for change this election year," said Josh Geise, Executive Director of the Democratic Party of New Mexico. "Maybe while he's here, John McCain can explain why his only plan for New Mexicans is to give them more of the same Bush Administration policies that have resulted in job losses, record foreclosure rates and sky high gas prices."

    WHAT: Demonstration and Press Conference

    WHO: County Commissioner Bill McCamley, City Councillor Nathan P. Small and DNC Committeewoman Mary Gail Gwaltney

    WHERE: Intersection of University and Treviz in Las Cruces, NM

    WHEN: Wednesday, August 20th at 11:00 AM

    Technorati Tags:

    August 19, 2008 at 07:51 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Economy, Populism, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (1)

    Photos: Obama Town Hall in Albuquerque

    One of our readers, Elliot Madriss, sent in these fabulous photos he shot at yesterday's town hall meeting at the Rio Grande High School gym in Albuquerque. Thanks for sharing, Elliot!



    Img_75381 Img_7563
    Martin Heinrich (L) Rep. Tom Udall, Sen Jeff Bingaman (R)

    Img_7584 Img_7599
    Gov. Bill Richardson (R)

    Img_7618 Img_7673

    Img_7629 Img_7610

    Img_7508 Obama_back_removed_4
    ABQ Mayor Martin Chavez (L)

    Click on photos for larger images. All photos by Elliot Madriss.

    Technorati Tags:

    August 19, 2008 at 02:33 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (0)

    Monday, August 18, 2008

    So What Did Obama Do in Albuquerque Today?

    Despite having a cold, Barack Obama reportedly was seen exercising at the downtown Health & Wellness gym early today. Later in the morning, Obama talked to a group of forty-some women invited to a roundtable discussion about pay equity and the economy at the Main Library in downtown Albuquerque. Click to read about the discussion and see a video clip. And here's some photos and more on the story.

    Obama also appeared at a jam-packed townhall meeting at the Rio Grande High School gym in Albuquerque's South Valley this afternoon, and then took questions from the crowd. With audience members urging Obama and pointing to a person in the audience, the very first question was from (the infamous) Dallas Timmons, an Albuquerque Dem Party Ward Chair that many of you know from Meetup and the activism scene. Great job, Dallas, putting in a plug for our hard-working Bernalillo County Party folks, and in confronting Obama about his perceived fades on Iraq and FISA. You can see the exchange in the video above. The clip seems to be all over the internet now. Dallas, can I have your autograph?

    As to Obama's answer, it's probably true that BushCo has messed up so badly that at least some of the troops coming out of Iraq will have to be sent to Afghanistan. I do take issue with his "exclusivity" argument about FISA. Many top legal scholars who have studied the bill that passed have determined that the so-called "exclusivity" of the bill in requiring oversight over the use of surveillence is not what it seems, or what Obama claims it is. You can read about the controversy here (if you can deal with some legalese). I think Obama handled the challenge well, however, seeming to take it in stride and complimenting Dallas on her "feistiness."

    During his speech, Obama made a point to reassure Dems that he won't take the attacks of the GOP and its third-party groups lying down:

    In this clip, Obama talks about the GOP's tradition of negative campaigning. "They don't know how to govern, but they know how to run a negative campaign." Consider the campaigns of McCain, Repub Senate candidate Steve Pearce and the GOP congressional candidate in NM-02, Ed "Cut Your Throats" Tinsley. Could they be categorized as anything but extremely negative, dishonest and full of personal attacks? As Obama says, "That's what they do. That's their politics."

    Technorati Tags:

    August 18, 2008 at 07:37 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (5)

    Hillary Stumps for Obama in Espanola; Sign Up for Camp Obama NM Hispanic Leadership Training


    Hillary Clinton appeared yesterday on the campaign stump for Barack Obama at the gym at Northern New Mexico College in Espanola before a crowd estimated at more than 800 enthusiastic partisans. Gov. Bill Richardson, who created a media maelstrom of sorts when he endorsed Obama despite his long-time ties with the Clintons, gave a brief speech and then introduced Hillary and gave her a bear hug to signal that the time is now for Democratic unity.


    Other Dem candidates in attendance included U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish and NM-03 Congressional candidate Ben Ray Lujan. Clinton won a number of heavily Hispanic Northern New Mexico counties in our presidential caucus, and Hillary's appearance was designed to convince her supporters up North to vote for Obama this November.

    According to the Santa Fe New Mexican

    "I know that many of you here today voted for me, you worked for me. And I will never forget what you did for me, ever," Clinton told the crowd at the Northern New Mexico College gym. "But I want you to know if you voted for me, you have far more in common with Sen. Obama than you do with Sen. McCain. ... I hope you all will join in this historic endeavor. Everyone who supported me, I hope you work as hard for Sen. Obama as you worked for me."

    The apparent trade-off for Hillary's appearance was Richardson arranging two private, big-dollar fundraisers to help her retire her still large presidential campaign debt, one in Albuquerque hosted by Paul Blanchard and another in Santa Fe hosted by Dave Contarino yesterday. Clinton also appeared at a reception at El Pinto in Albuquerque where she greeted her pledged delegates from New Mexico and had dinner with Lt. Gov. Diane Denish (and husband Herb), who had strongly supported Hillary during the primary season. Denish has since become an Obama campaign co-chair in New Mexico.

    Clinton is still reported carrying heavy debt from her presidential run. She's running a contest on her website that offers a chance for donors to win a trip to the Dem Cenvention with the Clintons. No word yet on how much money she raised in New Mexico over the weekend.

    Campobama1Obama Campaign Offers Hispanic Leadership Training
    Continuing a vigorous outreach to Hispanics in New Mexico, the Obama campaign has announced Camp Obama New Mexico, a Hispanic community leadership training, to be held on Friday, August 22nd from 5:00-9:00 PM and Saturday, August 23rd from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. The special training is designed to help "local Hispanic leaders empower themselves with the skills to mobilize voters in their New Mexico communities."

    The intensive two-day training will be held at Alamosa Community Center at 6900 Gonzales Rd, SW (Corner of Bridge and Coors) in Albuquerque and is aimed at supporters who want a more in-depth volunteer role in the campaign. Camp Obama New Mexico training will be led by Marshall Ganz, professor of community organizing at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and former United Farm Workers organizer, along with national and local campaign staff. All levels of experience will be accepted and all meals will be provided. Click to sign up.

    Click on photos for larger images. Photos from Obama New Mexico.

    Technorati Tags:

    August 18, 2008 at 05:03 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)


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