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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Typepad Problems

In case you're wondering, there are definite problems with Typepad of late. This blog uses the Typepad application so things have been a bit weird here. For a week or more the comment function has been screwed up. Typepad claims it should be fixed by the end of this week. However, if you type in a comment and hit the post button, know that it WILL show up in the comment thread even though you get the strange error messages. Today, Typepad is also having problems with loading blog pages and performing actions within the application itself. They say they're working on it, so I'm hopeful things will speed up to normal soon. In the meantime, bear with us. I have some posts ready to go up but can't get the application to complete the action on longer pieces.

December 18, 2008 at 12:45 PM in Web/Tech | Permalink


I couldn't log in last night, and I posted a message on Twitter about it. Then this morning I had a message from someone at TypePad suggesting some help, all because she'd read my message on Twitter! They must troll Twitter for TypePad problems and try to fix them.

Amazing customer service.

Posted by: KathyF | Dec 18, 2008 1:33:40 PM

I use Typepad for my blog and I used to love them, but my "stats" haven't worked for almost a month and they haven't fixed it and haven't responded to my last 2 help ticket messages. I need to be able to track my stats! Anyone else had this issue? No hits or referals have shown up in the Stats since Dec. 2nd! I don't have the most popular blog, but I know I've been doing better than 0 hits!

Posted by: Dr. Tony Shore | Dec 29, 2008 2:31:15 PM

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