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Friday, December 05, 2008

NM Youth Organized to Screen Community Film Project at Warehouse 508

From New Mexico Youth Organized: After months of anticipation, the wait is finally over! New Mexico Youth Organized (NMYO) is proud to present a film compilation at Albuquerque's up and coming community hangout, Warehouse 508 (see MySpace page). The film and reception will take place on December 17 from 6:00-8:00 PM at 508 1st Street NE in Albuquerque. The film is a collection of video footage from participants in the recent "NM Powered" convening.

NM Powered was a youth (17-28 yrs) retreat hosted by NMYO for the bright and connected youth of New Mexico. The purpose of the retreat was "to get to know one another, share ideas, visions, and dreams about how to make New Mexico a better place for ourselves and generations to follow."

After a fun, relaxing and productive weekend NM Powered participants were sent on their way with disposable video cameras and the instructions to have fun getting footage of what they do best. After the cameras were filled up, they were sent back to NMYO for editing and production.

"New Mexico Youth Organized believes that super connected, active, and creative people have a vital role in determining the future of our state," Stated Cyrus Gould, Organizer for NMYO, and mastermind behind NM Powered. "The intent of this event is to provide a comfortable space for NM Powered participants to reconnect with one another and view the end result of the collaborative video project. This will also serve as an outreach project for Warehouse 508, with a goal of building awareness and excitement for the March 2009 grand opening."

Join New Mexico Youth Organized on December 17, 6:00-8:00 PM, at Warehouse 508!

December 5, 2008 at 11:31 AM in Events, Film, Youth | Permalink


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