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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bravo Jane Hamsher of firedoglake and Hillary Rosen

There's a difference between being inclusive in political dialogue and honoring a dishonest bigot as a spiritual leader on an historic day when the whole world is watching. As Jane says, this is an incredibly cynical move on Obama's part. If you think this kind of political gamesmanship to piss off progressive Dems so he can proclaim his "openness" to the right will be limited to GLBT issues, dream on. Your issue is gonna be next. Don't say we didn't warn you. By the way, firedoglake has been giving this issue heavy coverage, as befits a liberal blog.

Hillary Rosen is spot on here. This isn't about whether someone supports gay marriage or not. It's about having someone pray for the nation at the inauguration who uses homosexual bigotry to create fear and hatred, and destroy the humanity of GLBT Americans. It's not a policy dispute -- it's about human dignity.

I wonder what Roland Martin (or Obama) would feel if an incoming president invited someone to pray who was known for referring to African-Americans as niggers whose relationships were equivalent to child molesters and incest perpetrators. Sorry to use the N word, but I think in this case it's appropriate for use in an example.

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December 18, 2008 at 02:37 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, Justice, Minority Issues, Obama Transition, Progressivism | Permalink


Right ON!

Unfortunately, it is awfull that you have to be right...I have been so sad all day, it is really feeling personal and I thought we were way over this shit (at least on our own side...)

It is a personal attack on each of us and our families :(

Posted by: Robert A. | Dec 18, 2008 4:00:03 PM

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