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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Voting in Ward 24A, Precinct 462, Albuquerque

Hillary was sandwiched by two Palins at Kelly's last Friday

Mission accomplished! We voted at about 11:30 AM today at Sombra del Monte elementary as part of Precinct 462 in Ward 24A in the Northeast Heights in Albuquerque. Our ballots were numbered the 59th and 60th in our Precinct. No lines. No fuss. No muss. The optical scanner took each of our ballots on the first try. The scene was typical for our polling place on Election Day as so many in our area vote absentee and, this year, I'm sure many voted early. Sheesh, it felt good to finally fill in those circles on the paper ballot!

We drove past a few other polling places in the far and near Heights and it was a similar scene. A fair number of parked cars, but no lines. We also scanned the Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall and the office of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, both on San Pedro near Zuni. Lots of cars in the parking lots; apparent that many were out doing GOTV in the neighborhoods. Same thing at the Obama campaign office in Nob Hill, where there were tables set up outside for canvassers to check in and out.

Clark Kent was out and about Friday too. Watch out for him at the DPNM party at the Convention Center tonight

In cruising around various neighborhoods, we saw WAY more Obama signs than McCain ones. There were also signifcantly more Tom Udall and Jason Marks signs than their opponents. There were fewer Heinrich signs, especially near polling places, where there were often lots of White signs packed together. 

We rode around Tim Eichenberg's district and saw his distinctive red signs all over the place, in a variety of sizes. We didn't see one single Diane Snyder sign. All rather surprising (and satisfying), considering how Republican much of the NE Heights has been in recent years. We even saw one car with a Republicans for Obama bumpersticker and traded horn beeps with the driver.

Mary Ellen's car is packed with stickers, but the only negative attention we got was from a toothless guy who put his head out his car window  and yelled at us to "stick it."

Tick, tock. Returns from Eastern states will start rolling in a bit after 5:00 PM Mountain time. Then the nervewracking count will begin. Check out the Daily Kos Election Guide or the Swing State Projecmap to see which states will be reporting early on.

Photos by M.E. Broderick. Do you recognize the costumed Democrats? Click to see more from the Obama Halloween gathering at Kelly's last Friday.

November 4, 2008 at 02:29 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


How festive! It reminds me of cruising neighborhoods to look at holiday lights and luminarias...
Happy Election Day to all of us!

Posted by: Maxie | Nov 4, 2008 3:03:46 PM

Maxie is funny sez M.E.B. and B.W. It WAS kinda like that -- all the colorful signs ...

Posted by: barb | Nov 4, 2008 3:21:19 PM

Clark Kent rules!

Posted by: bopper | Nov 5, 2008 12:13:45 PM

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