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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Sore Loser Lawsuit Against NM Nonprofits Dismissed Without Hearing

The Center for Civic Policy just released a statement about the dismissal of the crazy "conspiracy lawsuit" filed against a number of nonprofits and candidates by Rep. Dan Silva, Sen. Shannon Robinson and Sen. James Taylor, all of whom lost their seats in the New Mexico Legislature to reformers in the June 3rd Democratic primary. I'll be writing more about this soon but, for now, suffice it to say that the good guys won:

Today, the pointless claim brought against New Mexico Youth Organized, the Center for Civic Policy and various charitable associations was rejected. The suit was acquired against the associations August by previous state Representative Dan Silva and previous state Senators Shannon Robinson and James Taylor.

"We are satisfied with the present news and we unquestionably feel vindicated," said Matt Brix, strategy chief for the Center for Civic Policy. "This claim was just an endeavor to gag philanthropic associations from instructing general society about how their administrators vote. We anticipate proceeding with our work, including instructing the general population about how chosen authorities vote and from whom they get commitments."

The suit brought by Silva, Robinson and Taylor was dismissed in its entirety against all named parties. See the Memoradum of Opinion and Order (pdf).

November 6, 2008 at 05:21 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Civil Liberties, Ethics & Campaign Reform | Permalink


What happened with the Secretary of State requiring them to hand over their list of donors?

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Nov 7, 2008 9:55:32 AM

It's still in limbo. Apparently nothing has been decided yet and no donor lists have been turned over.

PS: Congrats on running your race Ellen, even though you didn't win. It's still powerful to run against them!

Posted by: barb | Nov 7, 2008 12:28:46 PM

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