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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Obama Ground Game in Action in Hoffmantown

Mary Ellen and I didn't vote early, even though we've encouraged folks to do just that. We like to go to our polling place in Hoffmantown in Albuquerque on election day, and we'll do so soon and let you know how it went.

We just had two very enthusiastic women at our door urging us to vote Obama. They were sporting big grins and were covered in buttons from all the candidates. They said the energy at the local Campaign for Change office on Menaul was ramped up to the max. We have Obama window and lawn signs, plus signs for Martin Heinrich, Tom Udall and Jason Marks out front, so the volunteers were pumped about that. We're easy marks, but they warned they'd be back if we didn't vote by this afternoon. The Obama ground game is rolling in the Northeast Heights!

We also had some Obama vols at the door this weekend, and a guy at our door yesterday at about 6:00 PM. We received another robocall from Obama this morning. Yesterday we had recorded messages from Barack (2), Michelle, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Tom Udall (2), Jason Marks and, I think, Gov. Richardson and/or Lt. Gov. Diane Denish. It all starts to be a blur.

Voting today? What's your experience?

November 4, 2008 at 10:08 AM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


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