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Monday, November 03, 2008

(Updated) November 4, 2008: Where and When Do I Vote in New Mexico?

Update: According to Brian Colón, chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, if you requested an absentee ballot and did not receive it, you can still vote today until 7:00 PM at your designated polling place. If you received your absentee ballot today or previously, you can drop it off at your polling site or your County Clerk Office.

If you have questions, contact the Democratic Party at 877-NM-CHANGE or
The polls are open tomorrow, November 4, 2008, from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. If you are in line by 7:00 PM, you will be allowed to vote. Most people do NOT need to present an ID as long as the voter says or writes his or her name, registration address, and year of birth when they sign in. If you'd prefer not to do that, you can present an ID. The only folks who need to show ID are first-time voters who registered by mail. You can read the rules about that here.

The easiest way to find your polling place is probably to enter your info at the Obama campaign's Vote for Change tool. You can also request a ride to the polls there.

In Bernalillo County, you can visit to find the location of your polling place and see a sample ballot at the same time. In Albuquerque, you can also call the city's 311 number.

You can call your County Clerk's Office for your polling place or other election info.

You can check your registration and find your polling place at New Mexico's Voter View website.

You can see sample ballots for every county at the Secretary of State's website.

If you run into problems or have questions about voting, call the Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE. See my previous post for more info on that. You can get your polling place location from them or look it up .

You can also call any of the candidate campaign offices or the Democratic Party of New Mexico. Google to find their websites where you can get their contact info.

November 3, 2008 at 08:23 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink


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