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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Message from State Auditor Hector Balderas

Hector and family with Caroline Kennedy
when she visited NM to campaign for Obama

This is a guest blog by New Mexico State Auditor Hector Balderas, who worked hard and long all over the state to help elect Barack Obama and Democrats up and down the ticket. If you were following my posting of campaign and GOTV events, then you saw Hector's name over and over again. I'm sure many of you got to meet Hector over the course of the campaign season. If you did, I'm sure you'll agree that he's a smart, dedicated and caring human being, as well as one of the Dem Party's rising stars in New Mexico.

This week, our nation witnessed a historic election. Record numbers of New Mexicans and Americans throughout the country exercised their right to vote and actively changed the course of this nation.

I had the privilege of traveling throughout New Mexico the last several months in support of President-elect Barack Obama. From Raton to Las Cruces, Albuquerque to Las Vegas, I witnessed first-hand the best of the American spirit -- a commitment to stand up when times are tough and fight for the future of our country.

I wanted to personally thank you for your hard work and dedication. Together, we must continue to work on the very important issues that face America and build a stronger state and nation. Through our commitment, we will create a lasting legacy that we can be proud of for future generations to come.

Hector and Santa Fe Obama volunteers
during surprise visit from Michelle Obama

November 8, 2008 at 04:44 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Guest Blogger, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


Thank you, Mr. Balderas! A lot of us worked hard for President-elect Obama, but I am certain you were especially effective. If Gov. Richardson takes a job in the Obama administration, I hope Lt. Gov Denish chooses you as her replacement. If not, I expect you to continue your excellent work as State Auditor. You're a rising star; your future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Nov 8, 2008 5:00:31 PM

Whilst not entirely related to the thread, let me tell you of the only place on the internets that will lie to you about English language, traditions, customs and stuffs.

Oh yes, we have many stuffs:

Come for the comedy, stay for the hilarity.

Posted by: EnglishForDirtyForeigners | Nov 9, 2008 6:45:26 AM

I hope that before Hector Balderas leaves his office as state auditor, he brings some closure to the apparent irregularities in the Albuquerque Public Schools Finance Division.

They spend over a billion tax dollars a year, and have been operating forever, with inadequate rules, inadequate accountability to rules, and without keeping records, accurate and complete enough to send anyone to prison.

In the absence of a miracle of biblical proportion, millions of tax dollars have gone missing to waste and corruption.

I would be deeply disappointed if Mr. Balderas turns his back on this mess without first offering a candid, forthright, and honest exposure of the scam and the scammers.

Posted by: | Nov 9, 2008 7:31:15 AM

I would love to see what book is in Hector Jr's hands??!!!

Posted by: mary ellen | Nov 9, 2008 9:35:18 AM

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