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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Help for Citizen Advocates at the New Mexico Legislature

From New Mexico Voices for Children: We're pleased to announce our newest publication: Citizen's Guide to Legislative Advocacy in New Mexico. It's an easy-to-follow blueprint for both the novice and experienced advocate. You can download it from our website at www.nmvoices.org/.

A New Engagement: After you've studied your Citizen's Guide to Legislative Advocacy, you might want to go a step further and attend an Engaging the Community in Civil Liberties During the 2009 New Mexico Legislative Session training.

At these town hall-style meetings, you'll hear from Diane Wood, director of the Northern Office of the ACLU of New Mexico, Heather Brewer, from NARAL Pro Choice New Mexico, and Viki Elkey, with the New Mexico Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty. They will give you the tools you need to speak with your legislators about the issues that are important to you, learn how to 'take action' when it matters most, and meet other like-minded civil libertarians in your area.

Dates are:

For more information, email dwood@aclu-nm.org, call 505-982-8181, or visit the ACLU NM website.

November 8, 2008 at 01:06 PM in Civil Liberties, Events, Government, Local Politics | Permalink




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