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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Guest Blog: All Over But the Waiting

Rachel talks about Obama and what his election will mean

This is another guest blog by our friend Rachel N. Rodriguez of Albuquerque, who has been volunteering at the Albuquerque Nob Hill office of the Obama campaign for months. Also check out her previous guest blogs on her experiences with the Obama campaign here and here.

Well, I’m done. There’s nothing more to be done but HOPE that all the work we’ve done will MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Now, I am just sitting and watching a lot of tv and monitoring far too many websites.

This most historic election morning began with a countdown to the opening of the polls. A little anxious, excited cheer was let out at 7 AM. So much resting on the outcome of this day, so I went back to that beautiful “Yes We Can” video to help calm and center me.

By 9 AM, I had the kiddos in the car, heading out to my first shift of “poll checking” for the Obama campaign. I won’t explain that all here, but it was a piece of the GOTV that I was happy and proud to be a part of. And keeping busy today was key for me!

Most striking today, as the kids and I traveled back and forth between the Nob Hill Obama office and the polling place nearby and around the UNM/Nob Hill area – so much honking and excitement, signs and banners – for Obama. It was so moving. People connected with the campaign and people standing on street corners by themselves, encouraging their fellow citizens to vote.

What an amazing time we live in.

Rachel N. Rodriguez, rachelnrodriguez AT yahoo DOT COM

November 4, 2008 at 06:07 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Guest Blogger | Permalink


I returned home from the DPNM Victory party to find crowds up and down Central honking and dancing in the streets. The impromptu party drew 10 cop cars, and it went on well past midnight. Woohoo!

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Nov 5, 2008 4:06:13 PM

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