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Friday, November 21, 2008

Gov. Richardson Rumored 'Serious Contender' for Commerce Secretary

RichardsonAccording to Chris Cillizza in today's Washington Post:

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has emerged as a "serious contender" to head the Commerce Department under President-elect Barack Obama, according to a Democratic official close to the proceedings.

Richardson was originally in the mix to be the secretary of State but Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) is now expected be announced for that post after the Thanksgiving holiday.

Commerce was originally rumored to be going to Penny Pritzker, the finance chairwoman of Obama's campaign and a close friend of the Illinois senator, but she removed herself from consideration on Thursday due to an inability to extricate herself from a series of complex business ties.

By the way, Josh Marshall at TPM says it should be a condition that Richardson can only become Commerce Secretary if he grows back his beard. I have a tendency to agree. How about you?

Meanwhile, concerns are being expressed about the lack of Hispanic representation among the names currently being floated by the Obama administration as possible appointees:

...anxiety is high among Latino leaders that Obama has not yet named a Latino to a top White House or Cabinet position.

... Senior transition officials -- including Obama's designated chief of staff Rahm Emanuel -- are said to be aware of such concerns and considering Latino candidates for several other Cabinet posts.

"The Obama transition team and the chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, understand the role that the Latino vote played in this election, and I think we will see representation in the Obama Cabinet and at the White House," said Janet Murguia, president of the National Council of La Raza.

November 21, 2008 at 10:49 AM in Local Politics, Obama Transition | Permalink


NOT a good fit, IMHO!

Posted by: | Nov 21, 2008 11:06:44 AM

I am glad that Governor Richardson is being considered for a cabinet post. I think that the best position for him would have been Secretary of State. I believe that the best person for Secretary of State is Governor Richardson.

I am concerned that Richardson's allegance to the corporations in his health care "reform" here in New Mexico is an indication that he is a really bad choice for the Commerce Secretary.

Terry Riley

Posted by: Terry Riley | Nov 21, 2008 11:51:29 AM

Cabinet secretaries will carry out Obama's policies not their own. That helps.

Posted by: JJ | Nov 21, 2008 12:22:38 PM

Obama's political director to be was the political director for SEIU 1199, health care workers in NY, according to WaPo.

Maybe that will be helpful for health care, as Richardson seems certain to head Commerce it seems.

Posted by: bg | Nov 21, 2008 2:06:07 PM

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