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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gov. Richardson Announces Support for Election Day Voter Registration

Excellent news from Governor Bill Richardson, who yesterday announced his support for Election Day voter registration in New Mexico. Voters' rights groups made a presentation on the issue yesterday to lawmakers on the Courts, Corrections & Justice interim committee. Regina M. Eaton, Deputy Director, Democracy Project, Demos, and Stephen Fettig, United Voters of New Mexico, spoke to the committee.

"We need to make sure that everyone who is eligible to vote, has the best opportunity to vote," Governor Richardson said. "New Mexico has seen great success -- in both increased voter confidence and participation -- with those election reforms we've already enacted, particularly paper ballots. Election Day registration will further strengthen voting in New Mexico by making it easier and more accessible to our citizens."

Nine states already allow some form of Election Day registration: Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Eligible citizens who are not found on the voting lists are asked to show a valid ID to a poll worker, who checks their ID, consults the registration list, and, if they are not registered, registers them on the spot. Studies, and actual results from those states, show that it increases turnout, particularly among younger voters, newer residents and working citizens. Same-day voter registration also decreases the use of third-party registrars to register voters, and cuts way down on the need for provisional ballots.

November 20, 2008 at 04:10 PM in Election Reform & Voting, NM Legislature 2009 | Permalink


How much is this going to cost? We may not be able to afford such a program at this time.

Posted by: comments?__mode=red&user_id=26336&id=139973120">TnT | Nov 21, 2008 9:40:02 AM

The county clerks and election workers would handle the registrations. Many states allow the same day registrations during early voting too so that spreads out the workload.

Same day registration also greatly reduces the horrible task (and expense) of issuing, checking, verifying (or denying) and counting provisional ballots.

This site has useful information on EDR:


Posted by: | Nov 21, 2008 11:07:13 AM

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