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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Eric Griego Responds to Dismissal of Lawsuit by Taylor, Robinson, Silva

EgriegoEric Griego, State Senator-Elect in Senate District 14, released the statement below in response to the dismissal of the lawsuit filed by Sen. James C. Taylor, Sen. Shannon Robinson and Rep. Dan Silva against certain nonprofits and the Dem candidates who defeated them in the June 2008 Democratic primary. It's satisfying that the lawsuit was seen for what it is by the court -- a silly and misguided attempt at revenge without any genuine legal basis. The progressive community is certainly looking forward to the day when Eric takes his oath of office and becomes another effective voice for change in the Legislature.

Statement by Eric Griego:
"I thank the District Court and Judge Linda Vanzi for a prudent decision to dismiss this frivolous lawsuit. The Court's decision to not intervene in the outcome of this election shows not only solid legal judgment on the merits of the case, but protects the important separation of powers fundamental to our democracy. It would have been a dangerous precedent for a Court to overturn an election based on unsubstantiated allegations.

"The crucial role non-profit groups play in educating the public about the voting records and campaign contributions of elected officials was also upheld in this important decision. As elected officials we all have to stand by the decisions we make and should not be afraid of those decisions being shared with the public before, during or after a campaign.

"I thank voters once again for electing me to the State Senate in District 14. I look forward to working hard on their behalf to strengthen our economy, bring ethics reform to our political system, provide universal healthcare for our families and improve public education for our children."

Also see our previous posts on the dismissal here and here. And you can check our a couple of my posts when the frivolous lawsuit was filed here and here.

November 8, 2008 at 02:57 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Justice | Permalink




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