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Sunday, November 23, 2008

AP Reports It's Official: Gov. Bill Richardson Picked as Commerce Secretary

Even more change is on the way. After days of speculation and rumors, the is now reporting that Gov. Bill Richardson will be Barack Obama's choice for Commerce Secretary, and that the formal announcement will happen after Thanksgiving. Earlier, Politico reported that Richardson had passed the vetting process for the post so, unless unforeseen snags occur, it definitely seems like a done deal.

Some see the Commerce job as a consolation prize for Richardson given his pursuit of the Secretary of State slot that will almost certainly go to Hillary Clinton. However, this piece at Huffington Post argues that Richardson's penchant for innovation and management style are an excellent match for the Commerce post.

Richardson will be moving to DC in early 2009, and turning over the gubernatorial reins in New Mexico to Lt. Gov. Diane Denish. In turn, Denish will select someone to step into her old job as Lt. Governor. The strong frontrunner for that post is current State Auditor Hector Balderas, who was all over the state stumping for Obama and has often appeared at Denish's side in recent months. Denish and whoever she picks for LG will need to face the voters in November of 2010 in order to secure new four-year terms.

November 23, 2008 at 12:14 PM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Local Politics, Obama Transition | Permalink


After eight years of BushCo., it's hard to remember the actual job description of these cabinet posts, as each has been used to destroy the subject of the posts.

E.g...."The Education Secretary will do everything is her/his power to destroy public school education."

It will be a little weird to think of them any other way. Give me a second or two to adjust.

Posted by: scot | Nov 24, 2008 6:23:00 AM


Maybe we'll get a national spaceport and a full federal bailout of Eclipse aviation and Gerald Peters can have a no-bid contract on the new Commerce building complex in DC! What fun for the whole country to see who this guy really is...

Posted by: david | Nov 24, 2008 9:21:55 AM

If a spaceport and keeping Eclipse afloat provides jobs and a speedier economic recovery, it sounds good to me. Or maybe we should just give the top 2% another big tax cut and wish something trickles down.

Posted by: VP | Nov 24, 2008 9:28:47 AM

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