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Thursday, October 02, 2008

VP Debate Tonight; McCain Gives Up On Michigan

Palin's Greatest Hits by TPM

The McCain campaign is leaking that Sarah Palin will go after Joe Biden on foreign policy tonight at the Veep debate. That I wanna see. On the other hand, the Obama campaign is leaking that Joe will go after Johnny, not Sarah. He'll just let Sarah run on and trip herself up with her special brand of stop and start syntax and vague generalizations. Tuning into this debate is more than a little like watching NASCAR. Everyone will be waiting for a crash and burn, or at least some serious spinouts. Given the scary, surreal feel to the week's events, I'm in the mood for mayhem and a bit of hysterical laughter, aren't you? Let's hope it's at Sarah's expense, and McCain's.

Palin can't be pleased that she'll be entering the debate fray with bad news and fading poll numbers trailing the campaign. Palin has been pummeled for the past several weeks for her horrible performances in on-camera interviews. And now it's official -- McCain-Palin is giving up on Michigan -- pulling its ads, its direct mail and most of its staff. This was one state won by Kerry that the GOP felt they had a real chance at winning, but recent polling has Obama's lead moving into the double digits.

Job-deprived Michigan is all about the economy, and that's McCain's weak spot of weak spots. With dwindling resources, McCain has to decide where he'll take a stand and where he's too far behind to matter. Good places for McCain to make a stand are dwindling too. For instance, the latest Quinnipiac polls show:

No presidential candidate elected since 1960 has won without taking two out of three of the largest swing states in the Electoral College.

Here in New Mexico, the new SurveyUSA poll has Obama holding steady with a 52-44% lead, the same as two weeks ago.

The Vice Presidential debate, moderated by Gwen Ifill of PBS, will be aired at 7:00 PM Mountain time from Washington University in St. Louis.

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October 2, 2008 at 03:26 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election | Permalink


i am gonna have popcorn and peanuts

Posted by: mary ellen | Oct 2, 2008 4:17:41 PM

I can hear the bounce that McCain/Palin will get from this debate.

Biden was a bad pick, let me say that again, Biden was a bad pick.

Kansas Governor would have sealed the deal. Leave it up to us Dems just to breathe life into the competition!

Posted by: | Oct 2, 2008 8:32:38 PM

How many times are Obama/Biden going to let Palin/McCain call themselves "mavericks" without calling them out on it and simply saying " if you have to remind everyone you're a maverick . . .you ain't one."

Posted by: >Gary Cascio | Oct 2, 2008 9:03:07 PM

Biden ruled. Palin was like a robot reciting canned paragraphs at warp speed. All the polls after the debate show a Biden win. Palin refused to answer many of the questions so she could return to her memorized paragraphs. Remember those talking dolls?

Posted by: JJ | Oct 3, 2008 8:28:45 AM

Palin's lack of empathy in response to Joe's tragedy turned the debate away from her so-called just folks persona. She acted like a spoiled and petty cheerleader.

Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 3, 2008 9:55:14 AM

Palin was a cheerleader, wasn't she? I know she was a beauty pageant runner up. Great experience. Her early employment was as a local news anchor so she is good at reciting soundbites. Thinking, not so much.

Posted by: Grant Co. | Oct 3, 2008 11:02:49 AM

Her employment is no worse than all these "kids" around here with expensive lawyer & engineering degrees that "work" for so called "nonprofits" only to be elected to office and do and say all the things they said they would NOT do & say!

Posted by: | Oct 3, 2008 8:29:39 PM

Anonymous above - who the heck are you talking about? Who is getting elected and doing and saying all the things they said they would not? You make no sense.

Palin's experience as a news anchor means she learned to recite a script and that is what she did during the debate. That does not show any knowledge-it is memorizing and reciting.

McCain did not put country first by picking her. She is a novelty to try and get attention to his sinking campaign. The novelty has worn off.

Posted by: Ed in Edgewood | Oct 4, 2008 1:08:12 PM

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