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Monday, October 20, 2008

Viva Obama! Slideshow: Biden in Mesilla. Plus, Hillary Clinton to Visit Southern New Mexico on Saturday

Viva Obama! Obamanos!

The Obama campaign has announced that Senator Hillary Clinton will visit Southern New Mexico and host a Change We Need rally on Saturday, October 25th. More details when they're released. I'm guessing Las Cruces but I could be wrong.

The Obama campaign slideshow above displays photos from Joe Biden's packed Rally for Change on Mesilla Plaza near Las Cruces NM on Friday. By the way, the Las Cruces Sun-News endorsed Obama on Saturday.

There are only 15 days left before the election! Please VOTE EARLY if you haven't already done so. Then volunteer for Obama or another candidate on election day to help get out the vote. If we get a large turnout, we'll win. If we don't, we still can lose. Please do your part!

PS: There was an avalanche of Vote Early rallies and marches all over the state on Saturday, and Matt at New Mexico FBIHOP went to three of them. Wow! You can read about them and check out his excellent photos , and . There'll be more to come, so keep an eye out here at DFNM for more info.

October 20, 2008 at 02:18 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


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